Неполные придаточные предложения
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 19 из 19 Группа слов, состоящая из союзов when, while, if, until, unless и т.д. и причастия, прилагательного и (редко) существительного, рассматриваются как неполные придаточные предложения. Например: When carried out last year, the experiment showed good results. Здесь опущено подлежащее (то же, что и в главном предложении – the experiment и вспомогательный глагол was). При переводе на русский язык подлежащее восстанавливается: «Когда эксперимент проводился в прошлом году, он показал хорошие результаты».
Тренировочное упражнение
Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. 1. Where cleared, the deciduous forest tends to be replaced by rich green grassy meadows. 2. Most geological processes are very slow and geologic time is exceedingly long especially when measured by the scale of human history. 3. When freezing water expands by about one tenth its volume. 4. Limestone when mixed with clay may provide good soils. Условные предложения Условные предложения в английском языке вводятся союзами if – если, provided – если, при условии, что, unless – если не. После этих союзов будущее время глаголов заменяется настоящим. Например: If a given mass of air is heated to a higher temperature than the surrounding air, it expands and becomes less dense. Если данная масса воздуха нагревается до более высокой температуры, чем окружающий воздух, она расширяется и становится менее плотной. Если же в главном предложении употребляются глаголы should или would, а в условном предложении сказуемое употреблено в простом прошедшем времени, то на русский язык и главное и придаточное предложения переводятся с частицей бы. Такие предложения относятся к настоящему или будущему времени. Например: If there were no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the Earth would be a cold and lifeless planet with an average atmospheric temperature of –18 °C. Если бы в атмосфере не было парниковых газов, Земля была бы холодной и безжизненной планетой со средней температурой –18 С.
Если в состав сказуемого условного придаточного предложения входят глагольные формы were, had, could, should, они могут занимать место перед подлежащим, и союзы в таких предложениях не употребляются: Had the continents at one time been united, this should be indicated in the rocks that were formed prior to the breakup. Если бы материки когда-то составляли одно целое, это нашло бы отражение в горных породах, которые сформировались до их распада. Should the salinity within the cells of an organism be less than that of the external medium, water from the cells would pass through the cell membranes into the external medium. Если бы соленость в клетках организма была меньше, чем соленость внешней среды, вода из клеток проходила бы через клеточные мембраны во внешнюю среду. Когда сложное предложение с условным придаточным предложением относится к прошлому, то в главном предложении после глаголов should, would или could стоит перфектный инфинитив, If the earth's primitive atmosphere had resulted from volcanic gases, it couldn't have contained free oxygen because free oxygen is not emitted during this process. Если бы первичная атмосфера Земли произошла от вулканических газов, она не могла бы содержать свободный кислород, т.к. во время этого процесса свободный кислород не выделяется.
Тренировочные упражнения
Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. 1. If present day glaciers were to melt and release their storage of water, sea level would rise by several tens of meters and submerge many heavily populated coastal areas. 2. If it were not for beach drift and long shore currents, many beaches would be nearly sandless. 3. Without carbon dioxide and methane current temperatures in northern parts of North America and Europe would be cooler by 3 or 4 degrees Celsius and incipient ice age would have begun several thousand years ago. 4. If we could provide seasonal or longer climate outlooks with 100% reliability, there would be little need for the use of past weather and climate data. 5. Were the Earth a colder object like Pluto, it would not matter how much water there was on the planet, it would all be frozen. On the other hand, were we on a very hot planet, all of the water would be in a gaseous state. Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. In many places, if you looked at a vertical cross-section of the earth you would see that rock is laid down in layers, especially in areas of sedimentary rocks.
2. If you stopped adding water, the top sponge would dry up and, as the water dripped out of the bottom sponge, it would dry up too. 3. If all bedrock consisted of a dense material like solid granite, then even gravity would have a hard time pulling water downward. 4. If only man could suddenly stop contaminating rivers, then with time water could return to its natural purity. 5. If the aquifer that underlies the High Plains of Texas and New Mexico – an area of slight precipitation – was emptied, it would take centuries to refill the aquifer at the present small rate of replenishment. 6. Even if we take the total energy from the solar constant spread over the full surface area of Earth, the emission must be in the infrared.
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. 1. If no attempt is made to measure the velocity in the low-velocity layer directly, depth calculations should be made by the critical distance method. 2. If the problem is complex, it is wise to analyze the data by several different methods as one method may complement another and bring out points that would not be noticed in a single approach. 3. If a given mass of water could be pulled away from a given mass of soil, a certain amount of work would be required. 4. If frost is present at a high moisture content, it will reduce infiltration and increase surface runoff. 5. If the stream rises rapidly its surface may temporarily be above the adjacent water table. 6. If the weather turns cold there is no surface storage of snow. 7. If there were no intake or recharge the ground-water systems would gradually run down. 8. If the river storage had fallen below the intake, a secondary intake could have been used, but the city would have only a 24-hr supply unless emergency actions were taken. 9. Spring pools that do not have enough head to discharge water at the surface, are, strictly, not springs at all. If they are associated with pools that discharge they are commonly regarded as springs; if they are not near true springs, are deep and deep-sided, they may be called natural wells, if their sides are less precipitous and they have relatively large water surfaces they are regarded merely as ponds or lakes. Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. If we know the rate at which oxygen is used up in the water it would be possible to estimate the flow speed. 2. At first sight it might seem appropriate to liken these two gyres. 3. It should be noted that the ranges of salinity and temperature found are much less. 4. Its position has not been well determined in the eastern South Pacific. 5. As the waves move inshore and slow down, not only does the wavelength decrease but also the wave height changes. 6. If all this energy were converted to heat and distributed without loss in the oceans it would take about 90.000 years to raise their temperature by 1 C. 25. Значения слов would/should Would используется в английском языке: 1) В предложениях будущего времени косвенной речи, когда слова автора стоят в прошедшем времени (по правилу согласования времен): We decided that this question would have to await further research. Мы решили, что этому вопросу необходимо дальнейшее исследование. 2) В сослагательном наклонении (бы): The disappearance of Earth's ice cover would significantly alter the global climates. Исчезновение ледяного покрова Земли привело бы к значительному изменению мирового климата.
В этих двух значениях наряду с would может использоваться should, в частности, если подлежащее выражено местоимением 1 лица (I, we). 3) Для передачи вежливых просьб, предложений, приглашений: Would you mind putting it in writing? Напишите это, пожалуйста. I'd like (would like) an orange, please. Можно мне апельсин? 4) для передачи повторяемости действия в прошлом, которое уже не имеет место сейчас (при этом would переводится раньше, бывало): About 8,000 years ago the greenhouse gases stopped following the pattern that would be predicted from their long-term behavior. Около 8000 лет назад парниковые газы перестали следовать той модели, которая раньше предсказывалась по их долговременному поведению. Should является также одним из модальных глаголов и употребляется в значении следует, должен: Carbon dioxide is an important heat-absorbing gas, and an increase of its content should lead to higher atmospheric temperatures. Углекислый газ является важным газом, поглощающим тепло, и увеличение его содержания должно привести к более высоким температурам.
Тренировочные упражнения
Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. 1. At some time in the future the hydrogen supply of the sun will begin to run low, then a new ice age would be another catastrophe of slow kind. 2. The temperature equilibrium established between surface seawater and the air above it should mean that changes in the climate should be reflected in the changes in organisms living near the surface of the deep sea. 3. An extensive glaciation of the planet would cause considerable lowering of the sea level which in turn would uncover millions of square miles of new land in nonglaciated areas. 4. Milder winters in the middle of high latitudes means greater snowfall while cooler summers would bring a reduction in snowmelt. 5. And it was clear long ago that the part of carbon dioxide that went into the ocean would fundamentally alter the chemistry of the seawater.
Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, учитывая различные значения глаголов should, would. 1. If the same meteorological event happened this winter, the smog would contain "only” 210 tons of smoke. 2. Suppose we have a roomful of very bad London fog as a specimen, this room would contain the combustion products: carbon monoxide, smoke, sulphur dioxide, hydrochloric acid and fluorine. 3. To pump in fresh air would require a pumping rate of 200.000 tons per minute. 4. To raise the air temperature in London by 1°C an hour would require 3 million megawatts. 5. It should be noted that wind speed is usually recorded in knots or as a Beaufort force. 6. Had a wave cloud been supercooled and become frozen the ice crystals would not have evaporated. 7. It should be borne in mind that condensation occurs with utmost difficulty in clean air.
8. It was originally thought that atmospheric turbulence by making cloud particles collide would cause a significant proportion to coalesce. 9. Had the air been cooled at constant pressure without addition or removal of vapour saturation would occur. 10. It was also suggested that large drops would grow at the expense of small ones. 11. In the absence of an atmosphere, the longwave radiation emitted to space would be exactly equal to the shortwave absorbed, and the surface temperature would be a chilly 255 K. 12. In the absence of an atmosphere, Earth would look a lot like a black body radiator; that is to say, the sun would shine on Earth, which would warm to an equilibrium temperature, and then a balance would be struck. 13. We cannot possible represent every atom in the climate system, it would essentially take the same number of electrons in the computer.
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление глаголов should, would, might. 1. In many instances it would be desirable to determine the most important characteristics of an aquifer. 2. Aquifer analysis should be based on as many methods available, that are applicable to the test data. 3. This procedure should be routine in the western Canadian plains because there is generally some dip. 4. The period required to eliminate the holdover effect of extremely wet and extremely dry years should also be studied. 5. It might be thought that the regional snow line would coincide with the highest level to which the snow cover retreats at the end of the melting season.
Упражнение 4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на использование would. 1. But 300 million years ago the land-masses that would later turn into North and South America, Africa and Eurasia first came together to form the supercontinent and then broke up. 2. It was obvious to us that even through a single leaf or plant made only tiny amounts of methane, these small bits would add up quickly because plants cover a substantial part of the globe. 3. If the temperature were the sole factor to determine whether or not a rock melts, the earth would be a molten ball covered with only a thin solid outer shell. 4. Without carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere current temperatures in the Northern parts of North America ad Europe would be cooler by 3 or 4 degrees Celsius. 5. A buildup of one or several gases in the atmosphere would slow down in the escape of heat into space and lead to an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. 6. A doubling of the preindustrial CO2 level of around 273 ppm to 550 ppm would raise the average atmospheric temperature by about 4 degrees Celsius. 7. The annual cost of electricity could increase by at least 1 billion dollars if the accuracy of weather forecasts improved by one degree. 8. On one hand, the presence of thick clouds should inhibit diabatic cooling and mitigate against downward motion. On the other hand, precipitation from decaying tropospheric anvils would cause diabatic cooling due to evaporation below the clouds.
Упражнение 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сослагательное наклонение. 1. It’s likely that fewer stars would have formed and a higher fraction of our universe’s mass would still be in a gaseous state. 2. In 2001 no scientist would have factored in direct emissions of methane by plants because no one suspected that biological production of methane was possible. 3. The methane emissions by the plants have contributed to the natural greenhouse effect without which life wouldn’t be possible. 4. As we can expect methane emissions from vegetations to increase with temperature, this would lead to even more warming. 5. We would expect that in an area of the ocean/atmosphere interface the average temperature of the surface water of the ocean would approximate that of the contiguous atmosphere. 6. The importance of CO2 lies in the fact that it traps the portion of the radiation emitted by the earth and thereby keeps the air near the earth’s surface warmer than it would be without CO2. 7. It wouldn’t be amiss if we mention another version of the Caspian birth. 8. The advancing Indian plate, acting as what physicists would call a rigid indentor, has continually forced part of the Eurasian lithosphere out of its way.
Тест 1 Задание 1. Найдите в тексте из задания 2 примеры этих частей речи.
Задание 2. Переведите текст. (Контрольное время – 15 минут) Snow melt is exactly analogous to rainfall with respect to supply of water for infiltration and runoff, except for the relatively small storage and lag of the melted snow in the snow cover. During periods of no precipitation, successive differences in a series of daily measurements of water equivalent of a melting snow cover are practically analogous to daily increments of rainfall. Ordinary measurements of incremental changes in water equivalent of the snow cover are not satisfactory measurements of snowmelt, largely because of the inherent observational and sampling errors. Taking cores from successive locations at a site confounds variation in time with variation in space. Two additional and compelling reasons exist for estimating, instead of observing, snowmelt. One is in forecasting streamflow, where it is advantageous to forecast the causes of melt instead of merely waiting for the resulting melt. The other reason, particularly for design and planning, is the need to extrapolate extreme melting rates on the basis of physical process.
Задание 3. Найдите все подлежащие и сказуемые в следующих предложениях: a) In many heavily populated coastal areas human activities are increasingly threatening the abundance of plant and animal life in estuaries and coastal wetlands and destroying some of the important services these ecosystems provide. b) Generally these correlations are made between snowmelt and aspects of air temperature, although it is clear from the preceding discussion that due to the variation in the various heat transfer processes no single index or method of estimating snowmelt will be applicable to all areas and for all weather conditions. a) подлежащее сказуемое b) подлежащее сказуемое
Задание 4. Найдите в тексте и выпишите все прилагательные. Напишите все 3 степени сравнения встретившихся вам прилагательных. Все ли прилагательные имеют сравнительную и превосходную степень?
Задание 5. Выпишите из текста все наречия с окончанием -ly. Образуйте прилагательные от данных наречий.
Задание 6. Переведите следующие словосочетания: Temperature profile changes, sound speed minimum, water storage capacity, world precipitation maps, fossil fuel combustion, total sediment weight per unit time, water vapour density, excess nutrients, pollution control equipment, water resource assessment problems, sediment particle size, narrow beam infrared sensor.
Задание 7. Используйте подходящую видовременную форму глагола. a) Flood measurements on large rivers (make) best from bridges, cableways or boats. b) Beginning in 1700, societal changes brought by the Industrial Revolution (increase) the amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere. c) This year some indications (find) of the southward flow to about lat. 23 N, but no clear evidence for a boundary current flow (be) available between there and the equator. d) The final result of this process (depend) on the conditions under which it (take) place. e) The quality of surface water and air partially (improve) after the independence of the country, but the quality of some ground waters (continue) to deteriorate. f) Since early times seamen (watch) the changes in sea and sky. g) Density (affect) by the temperature and with most substances we observe that a decreased temperature (produce) an increase in the density of the substance.
Задание 8. От глаголов в скобках образуйте причастие 1 или 2 рода. a) The amount of heat energy (add) to the atmosphere by the greenhouse effect is (control) by the concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. b) It is no wonder that a flood can have such a far (reach) impact with the enormous power of water (run) wild in nature. с) Recent events must be (view) in the context of long-term, natural processes as well as the relatively short-term body of data (collect) since the Industrial Revolution. d) Total fresh water (consume) increased to 100 billion gallons per day, with irrigation in the western states (account) for about 80% of the total (consume). e) This simple general pattern is modified by a number of other factors (include) (unexplain) or random variations in the global atmospheric circulation.
Задание 9. Переведите следующие предложения. f) Given the increasing usage and pollution of water sources by рuman activities, it may be argued that the problems of water quality are now often more difficult and demanding than those of water quality. g) Whatever the reason for the transposition, there is no indication of this boundary current on transatlantic sections at and north of this latitude. h) There are many pathways the water may take in its continuous cycle of falling as rainfall or snowfall and returning to the atmosphere. i) One should know the difference between these two systems. j) Ocean currents are the result of thermohaline motions as well as wind-driven ones. k) Note that the resultant direction of motion in the open sea is not the same as that of the wind. Задание 10. Определите, в каких предложениях: a) НПО в начале предложения; b) НПО не в начале предложения; с) НПО отсутствует. 1. Convection refers to the transformation of air in a vertical direction, the warm air rising and the cold air falling. 2. Isobars crossing fronts should be drawn with sharp bends, with kinks pointing to higher pressures. 3. The fog having vanished for some moments, it proved possible to determine the position of the ship. 4. Ice was sighted floating at sea having been formed either upon the salt water itself or upon the land. 5. The velocity of the tidal current decreases from the surface to the bottom, the velocity-near the bottom being about two thirds that at the surface.
Задание 11. Переведите следующие слова Annual, tiny, hence, aid, supply, to regard, frequently, obtain, occur, several, expect, to fill, nevertheless, glacier, exist, although, duration, either...or, exchange, result from, since, assist, temporary, less, to estimate, approach, spread, vary, mean (adj.), to reach, according to, waste, prevail, offer, to cause, main, to include, by means of, benefit, even, to refer to, the same, few, to be available, for instance, to carry out, relationship, quantity, to distribute, to evaporate, therefore, to lead, lead, in turn. Тест 2 Задание 1. Найдите в тексте из задания 2 примеры этих частей речи.
Задание 2. Переведите текст. (Контрольное время – 15 минут)
Most of water's usefulness results from its unique physical properties compared to those of other molecules of similar weight. Liquid water has a high boiling point of 100°C (212°F) and solid water has a high melting point ofO°C (32°F). Otherwise, water at normal temperatures would be a gas rather than a liquid and the earth would have no oceans, lakes, rivers, plants, and animals. Liquid water has a very high heat of vaporization. This means that water molecules absorb large quantities of heat when they are evaporated by solar energy from bodies of water and release large amounts of heat when atmospheric water vapor condenses and falls back to the earth as precipitation. This ability to store and release large amounts of heat during physical changes is a major factor in distributing heat throughout the world. This property also means that evaporation of water is an effective cooling process for plants and animals—explaining why you feel cooler when perspiration evaporates from your skin.
Задание 3. Найдите все подлежащие и сказуемые в следующих предложениях: a) This property also means that evaporation of water is an effective cooling process for plants and animals – explaining why you feel cooler when perspiration evaporates from your skin. b) These properties along with water's solvent ability allow plants to receive nutrients from the soil, thus supporting the growth of plants and the animals that feed on them. a) подлежащее сказуемое b) подлежащее сказуемое Задание 4. Укажите предложения, не содержащие условия. 1. Had the altimeter been accurate, it would have measured the pressure correctly. 2. Were the wind stronger, the instruments would be destroyed. 3. Wind velocity would increase rapidly under these conditions. 4. It is necessary that the new equipment should be tested thoroughly 5. Should temperature drop, condensation would result.
Задание 5. Укажите предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено глаголом в форме сослагательного наклонения. 1. It is important to find the exact mechanism of the heat balance. 2. To ensure uniform water temperature the liquid should be stirred. 3. But for the turbulent diffusion, the air near the ground would become saturated and evaporation would stop. 4. If the earth were a uniform land surface without an atmosphere, the temperature of the surface at any given place would be governed directly by the amount of insulation received there.
Задание 6. Укажите правильный перевод предложения. 1. Should the raindrops pass through zones of temperature below freezing, hail would result: а) Если дождевые капли пройдут через зоны с температурой ниже нуля, может образоваться град б) Если бы дождевые капли прошли через зоны с температурой ниже нуля, то образовался бы град. в) Дождевые капли должны пройти через зоны с температурой ниже нуля. В этом случае образуется град. г) В случае, если дождевые капли прошли через зоны с температурой ниже нуля, образовался град. 2. Were there no particles of this kind in the air, there would be no natural condensation: а) Если в воздухе будут находиться частицы подобного вида, произойдёт естественная конденсация. б) Если бы в воздухе не было частиц подобного вида, естественной конденсации не произошло бы. в) Если в воздухе не будет частиц подобного вида, естественная конденсация не произойдет. г) Если бы в воздухе были частицы подобного вида, произошла бы естественная конденсация. 3. But for the combination of warm weather and rain there would be no severe floods on this stream: а) Если бы не сочетание тёплой погоды с дождём, на этой реке не было бы сильных наводнений. б) Несмотря на сочетание теплой погоды с дождем на этой реке не будет сильных наводнений. в) Если бы теплая погода сочеталась с дождём, на этой реке не было бы сильных наводнений. г) Если бы теплая погода не сочеталась с дождем, на этой реке не было бы сильных наводнений
Задание 7. Укажите предложение, в котором условие реальное. 1. If the earth were all uniform the isotherms would be similar to the parallels or latitude 2. If the wind were favorable, the ship would reach the port of destination early in the morning. 3. If several rainspassed a serious flood would result. 4. If several rains had passed, a serious flood would result. 5. If several rains pass, a serious flood will result.
Задание 8. Укажите предложение, в котором сказуемое выражено глаголом вформе изъявительного наклонения. 1. Were it not for the protective ozone layer life upon the earth might have been impossible. 2. Nine bergs were sighted; several more would have been seen if the greater part of this run had not been made at night. 3. If the ground were saturated with water, there could be no further infiltration. 4. The explorers were terrified lest the ice-floe should break. 5. It is advisable that rainfall observations should be received from several stations. Задание 9. Определите, каким членом предложения или его частью является инфинитив: а) обстоятельством; б) именной частью сказуемого; в) определением; г) частью сложного глагольного сказуемого; д) подлежащим. 1. То prevent the overflow of the river is an urgent task. 2. One way of obtaining hydrogen is to pass electric current through water. 3. To ensure uniform water temperature, the liquid should be stirred. 4. To give a true picture of the surrounding matter is the task of natural science. 5. The methods to be described are used in our laboratory. 6. Water is to be purified to meet our needs. 7. We'll employ this computer to get reliable data.
Задание 10. Укажите английское предложение, соответствующее данному русскому. 1. Казалось, что циклон двигался с запада на восток. a) The cyclone seems to move from west to east. b) The cyclone was moving from west to east. c) The cyclone seemed to be moving from west to east. 2. Учёные полагают, что солнечные пятна влияют на погоду a) Scientists believed that sunspots affected weather b) Scientists believe weather to affect sunspots, c) Scientists believe weather to be affected by sunspots, 3. Было видно, что течение изменило своё направление. a) The current has changed its direction. b) The current was seen to have changed its direction. c) He saw the current to have changed its direction.
Задание 11. Укажите предложения, содержащие: а) объектный оборот; б) субъектный оборот. 1. The information is used to study the distribution of rainfall over the country. 2. In this case the wind is said to have hurricane force. 3. The professor wanted the students to repeat the experiment under field conditions. 4. The hydrologic cycle is known to include several phases. 5. The diagram shows the current to have changed its direction.
Задание 12. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова for 1. A datum for the level of the present and future floodings was fixed. 2. We had watched our berometer falling gradually for several days, but we did not expect rain to reach us, imagining that we were too far north. 3. Icebergs often move in the opposite direction to the pack ice, for they are carried by currents and are less influenced by the wind.
Приложение А Таблица неправильных глаголов
Приложение Б
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