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[1009] Natasha Spender. Telephone interview, August 1997.

[1010] Stuart Hampshire. Interview, Oxford, December 1997.

[1011] John Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1012] Manes Sperber. Цитата из John Hunt. Там же.

[1013] John Hunt. Там же.

[1014] Diana Josselson. Interview, Geneva, March 1997.

[1015] General Assembly of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, Press Release, 13 May 1967 (CCF/CHI).

[1016] John Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1017] Там же.          

[1018] Lawrence de Neujville. Telephone interview, February 1997.

[1019] John Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1020] James McAuley. Цитата из Peter Coleman. The Liberal Conspiracy.

[1021] Chantal Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1022] Diana Josselson. Interview, Geneva, May 1996.

[1023] Nicolas Nabokov. July 1966, unidentifiable clipping (CCF/CHI).

[1024] Stuart Hampshire. Interview, Oxford, December 1997.

[1025] Nicolas Nabokov. Bagazh.

[1026] Там же.

[1027] Nicolas Nabokov to J. E. Slater. 11 August 1971 (MJ/HRC).

[1028] Diana Josselson to the Spenders. 18 May 1967 (MJ/HRC).

[1029] Diana Josselson to Stephen Spender. 26 May 1967 (MJ/HRC).

[1030] Natasha Spender to Michael Josselson. Undated (MJ/HRC).

[1031] Tom Braden. I'm Glad the CIA is «Immoral», Saturday Evening Post, 20 May 1967.

[1032] Там же.

[1033] Там же.

[1034] Тоm Braden. Interview, Virginia, August 1996.

[1035] Tom Braden. Telephone interview, October 1997.

[1036] Lawrence de Neujville. Telephone interview, April 1997.

[1037] John Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1038] John Thompson. Telephone interview, August 1996.

[1039] Charlton Heston. Цитата из /an Hamilton. Robert Lowell: A Biography.

[1040] Carol Brightman. Writing Dangerously.

[1041] Eric Goldman. Цитата из /an Hamilton. Цит. произв.

[1042] Там же.

[1043] Lyndon В. Johnson. Цитата из Stephen Whitfield. The Culture of the Cold War.

[1044] James Burnham. Notes on the CIA Shambles, National Review, 21 March 1967.

[1045] Walt Rostow. Telephone interview, July 1997.

[1046] Там же.

[1047] Там же.

[1048] Тоm Braden. Telephone interview, October 1997.

[1049] Joseph Alsop. Цитата из Carl Bernstein. The CIA and the Media, Rolling Stone, 20 October 1977.

[1050] Tom Braden. I'm Glad the CIA is «Immoral», Saturday Evening Post, 20 May 1967.

[1051] Irving Kristol. Interview, Washington, June 1994.

[1052] Stephen Spender. Interview, London, July 1994.

[1053] Melvin Lasky. Interview, London, July 1994.

[1054] Там же.

[1055] Diana Josselson to Tom Braden. 5 May 1967 (MJ/HRC).

[1056] Lee Williams. Interview, Washington, June 1994.

[1057] John Thompson to Michael Josselson. 7 July 1968 (MJ/HRC).

[1058] Diana Josselson. Interview, Geneva, March 1997.

[1059] John Thompson to Michael Josselson. 28 October 1967 (MJ/HRC).

[1060] Final Report of the Katzenbach Committee. Цитата из White House press release, 29 March 1967(NSF/LBJ).

[1061] Desmond FitzGerald. Цитата из Final Report of the Church Committee, 1976.

[1062] Editorial, The Nation, 10 April 1967.

[1063] Final Report of the Church Committee, 1976.

[1064] Jayaprakash Narayan to Raymond Aron. 22 June 1967 (CCF/CHI).

[1065] К. K. Sinha to John Hunt. 1 June 1967 (CCF/CHI).

[1066] Diana Josselson. Interview, Geneva, March 1997.

[1067] John Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1068] Michael Polanyi. Цитата из Peter Coleman. The Liberal Conspiracy.

[1069] Yehudi Menuhin to Nicolas Nabokov. 14 May 1966 (CCF/CHI).

[1070] George Kennan to Shepard Stone. 9 November 1967 (CCF/CHI).

[1071] Andrew Kopkind. CIA: The Great Corrupter, New Statesman, 24 February 1967.

[1072] Jason Epstein. The CIA and the Intellectuals, New York Review of Books, 20 April 1967. Утверждение Джейсона Эпштейна о пассажирах второго класса, путешествующих первым классом, ранее было высказано Конором Крузом О'Брайеном, который утверждал, что успех таких операций, как Encounter, заключается в привлечении писателей высоких принципов для обеспечения своеобразного прикрытия для «писателей со скромными талантами и адекватными амбициями», которые, в сущности, играли роль «троянского коня», участвуя в «постоянной и значимой политической деятельности в интересах... властных структур в Вашингтоне». Conor Cruise O'Brien. Politics and the Writer, 19 May 1966, in Donald H. Akenson (ed. ), Conor: A Biography of Conor Cruise O'Brien.

[1073] Dwight Macdonald to Michael Josselson. 30 March 1967 (CCF/CHI).

[1074] Richard Elman. Interview, New York, June 1994.

[1075] Stuart Hampshire. Interview, Oxford, December 1997.

[1076] Lawrence de Neujville. Telephone interview, February 1997.

[1077] Tom Braden. Interview, Virginia, July 1996.

[1078] Statement on the CIA, Partisan Review, vol. 34/3, Summer 1967.

[1079] Tom Braden. Interview, Virginia, July 1996.

[1080] James T. Farrell to Meyer Schapiro. 27 July 1942 (MS/COL).

[1081] John Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1082] Stephen Spender. Interview, London, July 1994.

[1083] Diana Josselson. Interview, Geneva, March 1997.

[1084] John Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1085] Edward Shils to Michael Josselson. 11 November 1975 (MJ/HRC).

[1086] Sidney Hook to Michael Josselson. 23 September 1973 and 2 November 1972 (MJ/HRC).

[1087] Edward Shils to Michael Josselson. 10 February 1976 (MJ/HRC).

[1088] George Kennan to Nicolas Nabokov. 19 June 1959. Цитата из Peter Coleman. The Liberal Conspiracy.

[1089] George Kennan. Around the Cragged Hill: A Personal and Political Philosophy (New York: Norton, 1993).

[1090] Harold Rosenberg. The Cold War, in Discovering the Present: Three Decades in Art, Culture and Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973).

[1091] Richard Elman. The Aesthetics of the CIA (unpublished manuscript).

[1092] Там же.

[1093] Primo Levi. The Drowned and the Saved (London: Michael Joseph, 1988).

[1094] Aldous Huxley. Eyeless in Gaza (London: Chatto & Windus, 1936).

[1095] Stephen Spender to Nicolas Nabokov. 26 August 1970 (NN/HRC).

[1096] Isaiah Berlin to Nicolas Nabokov. 18 December 1972, 21 December 1976 (NN/HRC).

[1097] Stephen Spender. Journals.

[1098] Andrew Porter. The New Yorker, 17 February 1973.

[1099] David Chavchavadze. Crowns and Trenchcoats: A Russian Prince in the CIA (New York: Atlantic International, 1990).

[1100] John Hunt. Interview, Uzes, July 1997.

[1101] John Hunt to Michael Josselson. Undated, 1969 (MJ/HRC).

[1102] Arthur Koestler. A Guide to Political Neuroses, Encounter, November 1953.

[1103] Irving Kristol. Цитата из Hugh Wilford. The New York Intellectuals.

[1104] Irving Kristol. Neo-Conservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea, Selected Essays 1949-1995 (New York: The Free Press, 1995).

[1105] Irving Kristol. Interview, Washington, June 1994.

[1106] Neil Berry. Encounter, London Magazine, February-March 1995.

[1107] Ferdinand Mount. Там же.

[1108] Frank Piatt to Michael Josselson. 13 October 1976 (MJ/HRC).

[1109] Melvin Lasky. Interview, London, July 1994.

[1110] Bernard Levin. The Times, 15 October 1992.

[1111] Там же.

[1112] George Urban. Radio Free Europe.

[1113] Там же.

[1114] Melvin Lasky. Interview, London, August 1997.

[1115] Natasha Spender. Interview, Maussane, July 1997.

[1116] Frank Piatt to Michael Josselson. 11 November 1976 (MJ/HRC).

[1117] Frank Piatt to Michael Josselson. 15 December 1977 (MJ/HRC).

[1118] Godfrey Hodgson. Superspook, Sunday Times Magazine, 15 June 1975.

[1119] Unidentifiable clipping, 23 February 1983 (MJ/HRC).

[1120] Michael Hofmann. Guardian, 23 January 1998.

[1121] William Buckley. Цитата из Gore Vidal. Palimpsest.

[1122] Tom Braden. What's Wrong with the CIA? Saturday Review, 5 April 1975.

[1123] Там же.

[1124] Lawrence de Neufville. Telephone interview, April 1997.

[1125] Мэри Маккарти пришла к тем же выводам о Николе Кьяромонте. 22 мая 1969 г. она писала: «Возможно, он, несчастный человек, был серьёзно ранен или покалечен опытом работы с ЦРУ, и что бы ни писал или ни думал, всё является в каком-то смысле подтверждением этого, снова и снова». Кьяромонте умер в лифте после радиоэфира в Италии 18 января 1972 г.

[1126] Mary McCarthy to Hannah Arendt. 18 June 1968, in Carol Brightman (ed. ), Between Friends.

[1127] Stephen Spender. Interview, London, July 1994.

[1128] Natasha Spender. Telephone interview, Maussane, August 1997.

[1129] Melvin Lasky to Sidney Hook. Цитата из Peter Coleman. The Liberal Conspiracy.

[1130] Diana Josselson. Interview, Geneva, May 1996.

[1131] Там же.

[1132] Diana Josselson. Interview, Geneva, March 1997.

[1133] Edgar Applewhite. Цитата из Richard Elman. Interview, New York, June 1994.

[1134] Jason Epstein. Interview, New York, June 1994.

[1135] Joseph Alsop to Isaiah Berlin. Цитата из Robert Merry. Taking on the World.

[1136] Doug Henwood. Spooks in Blue, Grand Street, vol. 7/3, Spring 1998.


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