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Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания.


1. hemisphere полушарие
2. custom обычай
3. plant растение; завод, фабрика
4. species вид, разновидность
5. mammal млекопитающее
6. commander-in-chief главнокомандующий
7. judge судья
8. approval одобрение; рассмотрение
9. amendment поправка (к резолюции, законопроекту)
10. commodity предмет потребления, товар
11. vehicle транспортное средство
12. level уровень
13. wheat пшеница
14. grain зерно
15. cuisine кухня, стол (питание; кулинарное искусство)
16. turkey индейка
17. corn зерно, кукуруза
18. squash напиток "сквош" (сок цитрусовых с газированной водой)
19. settler колонист, поселенец
20. slave невольник, раб
21. outlet выход, проход
22. to stretch тянуться, растягиваться
23. to discover обнаруживать, раскрывать, находить
24. to reach достигать
25. to retain сохранять; удерживать
26. to enforce принуждать, вынуждать, заставлять
27. to deem полагать, считать
28. to constitute составлять; основывать; учреждать
29. to be similar to быть похожим, сходным
30. to derive происходить, получать
31. to prefer предпочитать
32. to fold сгибать, складывать
33. to get used to привыкать
34. to remove перемещать; удалять, устранять
35. temperate умеренный
36. diverse иной, отличный от чего-л
37. opposite противоположный
38. abundant обильный, богатый
39. responsible ответственный


1.2. Прочитайте следующие географические названия:

The United States, Hawaii, Mexico, North America, South America, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, Washington, the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera, the Sierra Nevada, the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande, the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River, the Potomac River, the Anacostia River, Chicago, Los Angeles.


Найдите в колонке В слова схожие по значению со словами из колонки А.


1. custom 2. plant 3. branch 3. vehicle 4. to discover 5. to reach 6. to prefer 7. opposite 8. to remove 9. abundant 10. responsible a. car b. to move c. to find d. factory e. contrary f. to like g. rich h. tradition i. section j. answerable k. to get


Найдите перевод для слова или словосочетания, данного в начале строки.


1. hemisphere: a) полушарие; b) шар; с) цилиндр

2. plant: a) дерево; b) растение; с) план

3. mammal: a) мамонт; b) млекопитающее; c) животное

4. commodity: a) товар; b) мебель; с) договор

5. resource: a) ресурсы; b) курс; с) среда

6. level: a) средство; b) напиток; с) уровень

7. wheat: a) пшеница; b) ячмень; с) зерно

8. slave: a) крестьянин; b) раб; с) хозяин

9. to retain: a) сохранять; b) граничить; с) основывать

10. to approve: a) отклонять; b) отстаивать; с) одобрять

11. similar: a) удобный; b) единственный; с) похожий

12. temperate: a) сухой; b) резкий; с) умеренный


Образуйте словосочетания, соединив слова из разных столбиков. Составьте с ними предложения.

western total long new wide geographic temperate high federal political well-developed trading foreign growing scientific feature mountain hemisphere language economy continent climate area range time government infrastructure research party partners


Вставьте вместо пропусков слова, данные в рамке.


mixture, in size, chose, reached, stretches, is composed, attractions, similar, temperate, increasing.


1. It occupies the southern part of North America and … from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. 2. The people of the United States are a … of many different nationalities. 3. The climate is … in most areas. 4. The federal government … of three branches. 5. Mainstream American culinary arts are … to those in other Western countries. 6. After sailing 4000 miles (6400 kilometers) Christopher Columbus … some land. 7. The Grand Canyon is one of America’s main tourist …. 8. Washington is smaller … than the largest cities of the United States. 9. Washington, D.C. has a growing, diversified economy with an … percentage of professional and business service jobs. 10. George Washington … the place where the city now stands to build the capital.


1. 7. Проанализируйте модели образования слов, прочтите и переведите слова, созданные на их основе.



основа глагола + -ing = существительное


to open – открывать to break – ломать to repair – чинить to measure – измерять to build – строить opening – открытие breaking ____________________ repairing ____________________ measuring ___________________ building _____________________



re- + основа глагола = глагол, означающий повторное действие


to read – читать   to form – формировать to cover – покрывать to do – делать to elect – избирать to establish – устанавливать to reread - перечитывать, прочитать заново to reform ____________________ to recover ___________________ to redo ______________________ to reelect ____________________ to reestablish _________________


Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.


To reconstruct the old house, to reconsider the problem, to reinstall the program, to retrace financial system, to reuse the substance, to recalculate the program, to reunite the country, to retell the text, to rewrite the history, to renew discussion, to rename the street, to remake a film, light reading, figure skating, forward looking, heavy fighting, secret meeting, gold wedding, public building, long travelling, the singing of a traditional hymn, folk dancing.


Определите, от каких глаголов образованы следующие существительные.


Reading, writing, looking, absorbing, carrying, kidnapping, camping, leading, fighting, skating, meeting, wedding.



►►► Passive voice

  Indefinite to be + Participle II Continuous to be + being + Participle II Perfect to have + been + Participle II
Present The work is done. Is the work done? The work isn't done. The work is being done. Is the work being done? The work isn't being done. The work has been done. Has the work been done? Thework hasn't been done
Past The work was done. Was the work done? The work wasn't done The work was being done. Was the work being done? The work wasn't being done. The work had been done. Had the work been done? The work hadn't been done
Future The work will be done Will the work be done? The work won't be done.   He употребляется. The work will have been done. Will the work have been done? The work won't have been done.


Укажите, какие из предложений употреблены в действительном, а какие в страдательном залоге.


1. My watch is made of steel. 2. Knives are generally made of steel. 3. These books are sold everywhere. 4. These books are sold out. 5. As my watch was broken, I had to buy a new one. 6. He cut bread with a sharp knife. 7. When I came home, I saw that my son's finger was cut to the bone. 8. I paint the roof of my house every year. 9. The roof of my house is painted green. 10. When I arrived at the port all the cases were packed. 11. Skilled workers packed the cases. 12. The letter is written in ink. 13. The library is usually closed at 6 o'clock.


Раскроите скобки, употребляя глаголы сначала в Present, затем в Past и Future Indefinite Passive.

1. The postbox (to empty) every day. 2. The stamps (to postmark) at the post office. 3. The letters (to sort) into the different towns. 4. The mail (to load) into the train. 5. The mailbags (to unload) after their journey. 6. The bags (to take) to the post office. 7. The letters (to sort) into the different streets. 8. The letters (to deliver).


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