Прочитайте следующие географические названия, обращайте внимание на произношение.
Great Britain; European Community; United Kingdom; Northern Ireland; British Isles; England; Wales; Scotland; London; Cardiff; Edinburgh; Belfast; North Sea; English Channel; Atlantic Ocean; Irish Sea; Highlands; Lowlands; Severn; Thames; Gulf Stream.
Найдите слово, выпадающее из ряда. 1. ocean, river, channel, industry; 2. to consist of, to be composed of, to be made up of, to divide into; 3. the Queen, law, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet; 4. to prepare, to export, to import, to produce; 5. tobacco, cotton, silk, wool; 6. machinery, agriculture, electronics, textile; 7. England, Scotland, Wales, London; 8. Cardiff, Edinburgh, Belfast, New York; 9. mountain, valley, plain, peer; 10. the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the North Sea, the Irish Sea.
Найдите перевод для слова или словосочетания, данного в начале строки. 1. осуществлять: a) to be fixed, b) to be exercised, c) to be concentrated, d) to be written 2. поверхность: a) surface, b) space, c) place, d) covering 3. долина: a) plain: b) mountain, c) valley, d) hill 4. поддерживать: a) to have no effect, b) to be fluent, c) to be supported, d) to pay attention 5. состоять: a) to consist of, b) to include, c) to be exercised, d) to be produced by 6. власть: a) poverty, b) power, c) strength, d) weakness 7. судостроение: a) machinery, b) textile, c) electronics, d) shipbuilding 8. сырье: a) raw materials, b) manufactured goods, c) industry, d) equipment 9. отличительный: a) official, b) common, c) distinguishing, d) different 10. определять: a) to be appointed, b) to determine, c) to be formed, d) to be selected
1. 5. Переведите слова, данные в скобках, на английский язык.
1. The UK (состоит из) four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 2. This state is (конституционный) monarchy. 3. The (столица) is London. 4. The British Isles (отделяется от) the continent by the North Sea. 5. (Поверхность) of the British Isles is varied. 6. The North of Scotland is (гористый). 7. There are beautiful (долины) and (равнины). 8. The legislative power (осуществляться) the House of Parliament. 9. The Prime Minister is (лидер партии большинства). 10. (Судебная власть) is independent of both the legislative and the executive branches. 11. One of the chief industries of the country is (судостроение). 12. Britain (импортируе) cotton, rubber, wool, tobacco. WORD-BUILDING 1.6. Проанализируйте модели образования слов, прочтите и переведите слова, созданные на их основе.
МОДЕЛЬ 13 основа существительного + -ous = прилагательное
МОДЕЛЬ 14 основа глагола + -ance / -ence = существительное -ant / -ent = прилагательное
МОДЕЛЬ 15 основа прилагательного + -ness = существительное
Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык.
To appear, to resemble, to accept, to expect, to clear, to attend, to guide, to insure, to perform, to confer, to prefer, to present.
От каких существительных образованы следующие прилагательные.
Mountainous, capricious, anonymous, victorious, adventurous, famous, nervous. 1.9. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющиеобщий корень со словами перед текстом. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся и каковы их значения.
UNICEF UNICEF, the United Nations International Children's Fund, is an international organization which was established in 1946. Its primary function is to improve the health and living conditions of the children of those countries which ask for UNICEF assistance. It is governed (управлять) by the executive board (совет) of 30 nations and financed entirely by contribution from both governments and individuals. UNICEF provides equipment and medicine (лекарство). It provides for children who are unable to obtain the vital (необходимый) food. It teaches mothers how to care properly for the children.
►►► Модальные глаголы
2.1. Используйте can или can't + глагол в скобках для того, чтобы дополнить рассказ о проблемах Паулы. Oh dear! Where's my key? I … (find) it. Oh look! It's on the kitchen table. I … (see) it. Now what am I going to do? I … (get) in. I … (climb) the tree to the window on the first floor. It's too high. I … (telephone) for help because I haven't got my money with me. Hey, what's that noise in the sitting room? I … (hear) something. Oh good, it's Peter. He's at home. I'm safe!
2.2. Заполните пропуски, используя can't or couldn't + глагол из рамки.
1. I would like to read Jim's letter. The only problem is I … my glasses. 2. Kevin was really tired last night but he … 3. Jane would like to work in an office, but unfortunately she … 4. People said he was a very interesting speaker, but I … him. 5. Sue didn't pass her Maths exam because she … the questions. 6. I have two tickets for the ballet on Saturday, but unfortunately Frank … 7. Maria's dog ran out of the house and she … 8. Those people in front of me are very tall. I … the screen. 2.3. Дополните предложения, используя must / mustn't / had to + глагол в скобках. 1. They will be home from school soon. I … (cook) their lunch. 2. I … (stay) late at the office last night. There was an important job to do. 3. If you are absent for more than three days, you … (bring) letter from your doctor. 4. The dentist has told Alan he … (eat) any more sweet things. His teeth are in bad condition. 5. When Barbara was five years old, she … (go) to school, but she didn't want to. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may, must, should. 1. Nina is ill. She … stay in bed. 2. Drivers … stop when they see the red light. 3. Betty asked: “… I open the window?” 4. Mary is free tonight. She … go to the cinema. 5. Alec will have an English lesson tomorrow. He … study tonight. 6. Mark is a good student. He … speak English well. 7. There is no ink in my pen. … I write with a pencil? 8. You … do what the doctor says. 9. You … study much if you want to pass the examination well. 10. Little children … go to the bed early.
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