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Present Perfect используется

· для обозначения только что произошедшего действия:

Ow! I’ ve broken the plate!

The train has just arrived.

· для описания действия, произошедшего в прошлом, но результат которого актуален в настоящий момент:

‘Is Mike here?’ ‘No, he’ s gone. ’ (He is not here now)

He told me his phone number but I’ ve forgotten it. (I can’t remember it now)

My parents haven’t come yet. (They are not at home now)

· когда мы говорим о периоде времени, начавшемся в прошлом и продолжающемся до настоящего момента:

He hasn’t eaten anything since breakfast.

My parents have lived in London for ten years. (They still live in London)

I’ ve never eaten caviar. (In my life)

Ken has done different jobs (In his life).

Have you ever been to America?


Сравните использование Present Perfect и Past Simple:

Present Perfect Past Simple
Ann has lost her key. She can’t open the door and get into the house.   Ситуация актуальна в настоящий момент. У Энн нет ключа сейчас. Ann lost her key yesterday. She couldn’t open the door and get into the house.   Описывается ситуация в прошлом. Возможно, Энн уже нашла ключ.

See also Lesson 12.

Task 5. Read the situation and write sentences:

1. Jim is looking for his record book. He can’t find it. (lose one’s record book) He has lost his record book.

2. I am not going to the cinema with you. (see the film)

3. My friends are away on holidays. (go to England).

4. This is her first day at the ice-hockey match. (not be to ice-hockey matches)

5. It was raining two hours ago. It’s not raining now. (stop raining)

6. ‘Can I use your car?’ ‘I’m afraid you can’t. (break the car)

7. They came to Bristol five years ago. They still live there. (live in Bristol for five years)

8. This is my first cake. (not make cakes before)


Task 6. Ask questions about things your friend has done. Make questions from the words in brackets:

1. (ever / play / tennis?) Have you ever played tennis?

2. (always / live / in this city?)

3. (ever / speak / famous person?)

4. (ever / write / poems?)

5. (the most beautiful place / ever / visit)?


Task 7. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Я уже написал письмо, но еще не отправил его.

2. Я учусь на этом факультете уже 2 года.

3. Ты уже прочитал эту статью? – Нет, я только начал читать ее.

4. Мой брат никогда не слышал о Кембридже.

5. Почему ты еще не сдал экзамен?

6. Мы уже выбрали тему исследования.

7. Ты когда-нибудь был в Германии?

8. Стипендия выросла в два раза.



Participle II (причастие II) употребляется в функции определения и занимает место перед определяемым существительным или является частью причастного оборота, следующего за существительным. Оно переводится на русский язык причастиями страдательного залога:

broken vase – разбитая ваза

stolen money – украденные деньги

his last published novel – его последний опубликованный роман

I know that man arrested by the police. Я знаю человека, арестованного полицией.

Some people invited to the party couldn’t come. Некоторые люди, приглашенные на вечеринку, не смогли прийти.

See also Lessons 10 and 12.

Task 8.. Translate the sentences into Russian and indicate Participle II:

1. The books written by this author are extremely popular.

2. He always wears clothes made in Italy.

3. The questions put to the professor were rather interesting.

4. My friend liked the video bought last week.

5. She understood every word said by him.

6. They bought the house built many years ago.


Task 9. Make one sentence from two using Participle II.

1. I lost the key. I didn’t find it. I didn’t find the lost key.

2. The letter was written by him. It was very long.

3. The man was hit by the car. We took him to hospital.

4. Many new shops are opened in our town. They are very cheap.

5. Look at this big red car. It is parked near mine.

6. There are many houses in this street. They were broken by the storm.


Task 10. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the two oldest universities founded in Britain?

2. Why are they superior to other universities?

3. What periods are known as waves of expansion of higher education?

4. What subjects do most universities in Britain teach?

5. What are the main degrees in the British educational system?

6. How can one get these degrees?

7. Why wasn’t it possible anymore to provide free education and give grants?

8. Why are there big debates over university fees?


Task 11. True or false?

1. Oxford and Cambridge are higher in status than other British universities.

2. Higher education began to expand after foundation of Oxford and Cambridge.

3. 20 years ago there were more university students than nowadays.

4. English students usually go to a university near their home.

5. To get the Bachelor’s degree one must do a research work.

6. To become PhD one needn’t pass examinations.

7. Excellent students in Britain receive grants from the government.

8. Some people can’t afford higher education.


Task 12. Make up the summary of the text using the previous Tasks.

Additional reading

Task 13. Read the article about examinations at Cambridge and put the parts of the article in the right order.

Cambridge 'Tripos' exams

· This system means that it is theoretically possible (however unlikely) for students to do almost no work for two and a half years, cram like mad for the finals, and come out with a first class degree.

· Eventually, the examinations themselves, firstly in mathematics and later in all other subjects, were called Tripos.

· Students at Cambridge sit the so called 'Tripos' exams.

· But this system has an important advantage: students do not have to do their Part I and Part II in the same subject. This is a great bonus if you find you are doing the wrong course.

· Each Tripos consists of two parts. A student must pass both parts to get a degree.

· The name comes from a three-legged stool that was once used at graduation ceremonies. A senior graduate of the University sat on the stool and read poetry to entertain other graduates. The names of the graduates (the 'Tripos list') were printed on the back of the poems.

· Unlike many other universities, where the final grade of the degree is based on scores throughout the three years, a Cambridge grade is based purely on the score in the Part II.

Lesson 12. Higher education in Russia


Task 1. Think of higher education in our country.

Choose the appropriate variant out of the answers given after every question.


  1. Most young people are admitted to institutes and universities at the

age of ….

a) 19-20

b) 16-17


  1. Most courses of studies at the higher educational institutions run for …….

a) less than 4 years

b) 5 years and more


  1. Higher education in Russia is….

a) completely free

b) only paid

c) both free and fee-paying


  1. Students of higher educational institutions who show good results in their studies receive a certain amount of money called…….

a) a grant

b) a salary

c) a honorary



Task 2. Think of the topic of higher education in our country and say what you think of the following points:

1. How many years do you have to study if you go to university after school and then to some postgraduate studies? Do you think it’s very hard to be a student of any higher educational institution in Russia?

2. Name all types of higher educational institutions in Russia which you know or learn from the text.

3. Do you see differences in educational systems in Britain and Russia?


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