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The rear brake will not function properly if the connections are reversed.


Ч Rear brake hose 1 inlet: from the rear brake master cylinder

Ч Rear brake hose 2 outlet: to the rear brake caliper


Ш If the rear brake hose inlet and outlet connections are reversed on the hydraulic unit, the brake lever is pulled to full stroke without responding and will be pushed back slowly without pulsating when the final check in [D-6] is performed.


Ш If the front and rear brake hose connections are reversed on the hydraulic unit, the pulsating action in the brake levers will be performed in the reverse order when the final check in [D-6] is performed.

5) Hydraulic unit solenoid coupler terminal


BB Check if the front and rear hydraulic unit solenoid coupler terminals (hydraulic unit and wire har-ness (ABS system circuit)) are reversed.


    Terminal color
  Solenoid   Wire harness (ABS sys-
    tem circuit)
Front red, green   red, white
Rear red, white   red, green


6) Hydraulic unit


If the malfunction is not corrected after performing steps 1) to 5), replace the hydraulic unit. Be sure to connect the brake hose lines and couplers correctly and securely. Check the hydraulic unit oper-ation. (Refer to “[D-6] Final check”.)


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• [C-5-12] Malfunction code 51 (Front wheel does not recover from the locking tendency even though the signal is continuously transmitted from the ECU (ABS) to release the hydraulic pressure [when the battery voltage is low].)


Check the following:


Rotation of the front wheel


Refer to “[C-5-10] Malfunction code 41”.


Brake master cylinder and brake caliper Refer to “[C-5-10] Malfunction code 41”.

Brake fluid


Refer to “[C-5-10] Malfunction code 41”.


Brake hose lines


Refer to “[C-5-10] Malfunction code 41”.


Hydraulic unit solenoid coupler terminals Refer to “[C-5-10] Malfunction code 41”.

Hydraulic unit


Refer to “[C-5-10] Malfunction code 41”.


Battery voltage


Measure the battery voltage.


Й [C-5-13] Malfunction code 52 (Rear wheel does not recover from the locking tendency even though the signal is continuously transmitted from the ECU (ABS) to release the hydraulic pressure [when the battery voltage is low].)


Check the following:


К Rotation of the rear wheel


Refer to “[C-5-11] Malfunction code 42”.


К Brake master cylinder and brake caliper Refer to “[C-5-11] Malfunction code 42”.

К Brake fluid


Refer to “[C-5-11] Malfunction code 42”.


К Brake hose lines


Refer to “[C-5-11] Malfunction code 42”.


К Hydraulic unit solenoid coupler terminals Refer to “[C-5-11] Malfunction code 42”.

К Hydraulic unit


Refer to “[C-5-11] Malfunction code 42”.


К Battery voltage


Measure the battery voltage.


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• [D-1] Maintenance of the ECU (ABS)



Л Remove:




Л Check:


ECU (ABS) terminals 1


Cracks/damage → Replace the ECU (ABS).

ECU (ABS) coupler terminals 2


Defective connections/contamination/dis-connections → Repair or clean.



If the ECU (ABS) coupler terminals are clogged with mud or dirt, clean with com-pressed air.



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Operation of solenoid relay


Terminal number


Normal condition


Connect the battery to ter-minals 7 and

• [D-2] Maintenance of the ABS fail-safe relay




М Check:


solenoid relay for continuity


Connect the pocket tester (Ω Ч 1) to the ter-minals.

Check for continuity between terminals 3


and 4 of the solenoid relay.


Positive tester probeTerminal 3 Negative tester probeTerminal 4

Tester reading is “∞”. → Replace the fail-safe relay.

Check for continuity between terminals 7


and 8 of the solenoid relay.


Positive tester probeTerminal 7 Negative tester probeTerminal 8

Solenoid relay resistance 150 ~ 450


Tester reading is “∞”. → Replace the fail-safe relay.


Н Connect the positive battery terminal to ter-minal 7 and the negative battery terminal to terminal 8, and then check for continuity between terminals 4 and 5 of the solenoid




Positive tester probeTerminal 4 Negative tester probeTerminal 5

Tester reading is “∞”. → Replace the fail-safe relay.




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