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Phonetic exercise:

liver [‘livə ], hepatitis [, hepə ‘taitis], inflammation [, inflə ’mei∫ n], characterized [‘kæ ktə raizd], aversion [ə ’və: ∫ n], ascites [ə ’saiti: z], glandular [‘glæ ndjulə ], hepatocytes [‘hepə tə saits], cirrhosis [si’rousis], infectious [in‘fek∫ ə s], tissue [’tisju:, ’ti∫ ju: ], virus [‘vaiə rə s], viral [‘vaiə rə l], fecal [‘fi: kl], oral [‘ : rl], route [ru: t], serum [‘siə rə m], asymptomatic [ə, simptə ’mæ tik], chronic [‘kr nik], scar [‘ska: ], cirrhosis [si’rousis], excess [ik’ses], excessive [ik’sesiv], alcohol [‘æ lkə ‘h l], alcoholic    [, æ lkə ‘h lik], malaise [mə ‘leiz, mæ ‘leiz], nausea [‘n : siə ], abdomen [‘æ bdə men], abdominal [æ b’d minl], diarrhea [‚daiə ‘riə, ‚daiə ‘ri: ə ], headache [‘hedeik], jaundice [‘d3 : ndis], discomfort [dis‘kΛ fə t], polymerase [‘p limə reis], diet [daiə t], interferon [‚intə ‘fiə r n]

Make a report on hepatitis according to the plan below:

Definition: an inflammation of the liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ.

Classification: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, etc.

Hepatitis A: formerly known as infectious hepatitis: an acute infectious disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV), which is most commonly transmitted by the fecal-oral route via contaminated food or drinking water.

Hepatitis B: an infectious illness caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) which infects the liver of humans, originally known as " serum hepatitis".

Hepatitis C: an infectious disease affecting the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The infection is often asymptomatic, but once established, chronic infection can progress to scarring of the liver (fibrosis) and advanced scarring (cirrhosis) which is generally apparent after many years.

Alcoholic hepatitis: hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) due to excessive intake of alcohol. Drug induced hepatitis.

Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: symptoms of acute hepatitis: nonspecific flu-like symptoms: malaise, muscle and joint aches, fever, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and headache; more specific symptoms; profound loss of appetite, aversion to smoking among smokers, dark urine, yellowing of the eyes and skin (i. e., jaundice) and abdominal discomfort, tender hepatomegaly (swelling of the liver), lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes), etc. Symptoms of chronic hepatitis: malaise, tiredness and weakness, jaundice, enlargement of the liver, weight loss, easy bruising and bleeding tendencies, peripheral edema (swelling of the legs) and accumulation of ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity), etc.

Evaluation: History: a personal medical history, a medication history, a family history, an alcohol consumption history, an infectious disease history, a social history, an occupational history, history of IV drug abuse, a history of inhaled substance usage such as cocaine, a history of piercings or tattoos, etc.

Physical examination: observation, percussion, and palpation.

Instrumental evaluation: for hepatitis A: detection of HAV-specific IgM antibodies in the blood, liver enzyme alanine transferase (ALT); for hepatitis B: serum or blood tests, antibody tests, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests; for hepatitis C: serological blood tests, HCV antibody tests, RNA testing, genotype testing, etc. Treatment for hepatitis A: no specific treatment for hepatitis A: rest, avoidance of fatty foods, avoidance of alcohol, a well-balanced diet, and staying hydrated; for hepatitis B: antiviral drugs, interferon, for hepatitis C: interferon based therapy.


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