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The diencephalon includes the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus is where sensory and other impulses go and coalesce (соединяться). The hypothalamus is a smaller part of the diencephalon.

The spinal cord is a long tube like structure which extends from the brain. The spinal cord is composed of a series of 31 segments. Both motor and sensory nerves are located in the spinal cord. The spinal cord is about 43 cm long in adult women and 45 cm long in adult men and weighs about 35-40 grams.

Peripheral nervous system includes all the parts of nervous system except brain and spinal cord. It is further divided into two components: Somatic nervous system and Autonomic nervous system. The Somatic Nervous System is the part of the peripheral nervous system that handles (осуществлять) voluntary control of body movements. It contains all the neurons connected with skeletal muscles and skin.

The Autonomic Nervous System is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as an involuntary control system (below the level of consciousness), and controls visceral (висцеральный) functions.


Nerves are solid cords composed of bundles (узел) of nerve fibers (нервное волокно) (each nerve fiber is an axon with its coverings) bound together by connective tissue. Nerves are of two types: Spinal nerves and Cranial Nerves.

Spinal Nerves: Spinal nerves arise(брать начало) from the spinal cord. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves in human body.

Cranial Nerves Cranial nerves arise from the brain. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves in human body

Functions of nervous system:

1. CONTROL OF ALL BODY FUNCTIONS: Nervous system is the master system of human body. It controls the activity of all other systems in such a way that all the systems collectively make a human being.

2. COORDINATION OF DIFFERENT BODY ORGANS: Nervous system not only produces coordination between different systems, but also between different organs of a system. So nervous system is not only important for formation of an organism by different organ systems, but also for formation of a system by different organs of human body.



Answer the questions.

1. What parts does the nervous system consist of?

2. What is the central nervous system?

3. What does the peripheral nervous system consist of?

4. What parts does the brain consist of?

5. Where is the brain stem located?

6. How are the hemispheres divided?

7. Where is the cerebellum located?

8. What does the diencephalon include?

9. What do you know about the spinal cord?


Identify the lobes of the brain in the picture.

Match the names with descriptions. There is one extra name.

1. a biological system containing a network of specialized cells 2. consists of sensory neurons, clusters of neurons called ganglia, and nerves 3. forms the bulk of the brain and is supported on the brain stem. 4. is divided into two major parts: the brain and the spinal cord.
5. lies within the skull and is shaped like a mushroom. 6. is located behind and below the cerebrum. 7. is a long tube like structure which extends from the brain.  

a. the brain

b. the cerebrum

c. the spinal cord

d. the central nervous system

e. the peripheral nervous system

f. the cerebellum

g. the diencephalon

h. the nervous system

Video tasks: 1. List the organs of the nervous system. 2. Differentiate between the central and peripheral nervous systems. 3. Name the two types of cells in the nervous system. 4. Name the structures that make up a neuron. 5. Differentiate between the three main types of neurons. 6. Describe the role of the cerebral spinal fluid. 7. Discuss the function of the autonomic nervous system.



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