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Identify the parts of the digestive system.

Video tasks:

1. Name the three types of nutrients found in food.
2. Differentiate between nutrients and electrolytes.
3. List three organs that assist with digestion.
4. Outline the digestive process.
5. Describe peristalsis and its role in the digestive process.
6. Discuss the role of the blood vessels in digestion.



excretory system – выделительная система storage – накопление elimination - выделение urine – моча liquid – жидкость to excrete – выделять to extract – удалять, выделять excess – чрезмерный blood corpuscle - форменный элемент крови nitrogenous wastes – азотсодержащие отходы to maintain homeostasis – поддерживать гомеостаз (оптимальное состояние организма) kidneys – почки ureter – мочеточник a urinary bladder – мочевой пузырь a urethra – уретра (мочеиспускательный канал) sphincter muscles – сфинктер (круговая мышца, сжимающая полый орган). To maintain the acid base balance – поддерживать кислотно-щелочной баланс water salt balance – водно-солевой баланс bean shaped organs – органы, имеющие форму боба filtration system – очищающая система blood pressure - кровяное/ артериальное давление to conserve – сохранять to secrete erythropoietin - выделять эритропоэпин (белок, усиливающий эритропоэз) to manufacture – производить to filter – очищать to separate – отсеивать, отделять bilirubin – билирубин (желто-красный пигмент желчи) ammonia – аммиак creatinine – креатинин (присутствует в моче) indigenous – природный, врожденный, свойственный pharmaceutical drugs – фармацевтические препараты lead – свинец mercury – ртуть micturition, urination – мочеиспускание longitudinal muscles – продольные мышцы to expel – выделить guarded – защищен internal-urethral sphincter – сфинктер мочеиспускательного канала to leak out – вытечь sphincter muscle – сфинктер grip – зажатие, сжатие Renal arteries – почечная артерия Renal vein – почечная вена Inferior Vena Cava – полая нижняя вена Glomerular Filtration – фильтрация в почечных тельцах Tubular reabsorption – канальцевая реабсорбция Tubular secretion – канальцевая секреция osmoregulatory organ – осморегуляротный орган urea - мочевина uric acid – мочевая кислота Osmoregulation - осморегуляция

Urinary system is also known as excretory system of human body. It is the system of production, storage and elimination of urine. Urine is a liquid produced by the kidneys, collected in the bladder and excreted through the urethra. Urine is used to extract excess minerals or vitamins as well as blood corpuscles from the body. Formation and elimination of urine is important for human body because urine contains nitrogenous wastes of the body that must be eliminated to maintain homeostasis. Nitrogenous wastes are formed by metabolic activities in the cells. Urinary system is important for keeping the internal environment of the body clean. Human urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder, a urethra and sphincter muscles.

The kidneys are the main organs of homeostasis because they maintain the acid base balance and the water salt balance of the blood. Kidneys are the major organs of urinary system. Formation of urine takes place in kidneys which are two bean shaped organs lying on the left and the right side of the body, just below the ribs. They acts as the filtration system of the body and clean the blood of the toxic materials. Kidneys play a vital role in the regulation of the blood pressure. They do this by eliminating water from the blood or by conserving it. They regulate the pH of the blood.
They also regulate the number of different elements such as Na+, etc., in the blood. They secrete erythropoieti n, a hormone, which stimulates the production of red-blood cells. They manufacture vitamin D. They filter blood and separate toxic substances such as bilirubin, ammonia, and creatinine. They also filter and separate chemicals that are not indigenous to the body, such as pharmaceutical drugs, and toxic substances such as lead and mercury.

URETERS: These are muscular tubes extending from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Urine, which from kidney, is transported by ureters to the bladder where it is stored before being excreted in the process of micturition or urination.

Urinary Bladder collects urine before it is excreted from the body. Urinary bladder is a hollow muscular and elastic organ sitting on the pelvic floor. The bladder stores as much as 2 cups of urine. The longitudinal muscles of the bladder contract to expel the urine out.
Urethra is a tube that connects the urinary bladder to the external genitalia for elimination from the body. The urethra is responsible for the actual passage of urine out of the body.

The connection between the urethra and the bladder is guarded by an internal-urethral sphincter (a circular band of smooth muscles). This band of muscles do not allow the urine to leak out of the bladder. There are two sphincter muscles which control the elimination of urine from human body. The external of the two muscles is under voluntary control of the body. When it receives a message from the brain, it relaxes its grip and lets the urine flow out of the body during the process of urination.

Renal arteries come from Aorta and are for supplying the kidneys with blood.

Renal veins go into Inferior Vena Cava and are for taking blood away from the kidneys.

Functions of urinary system:

The urinary system performs the following important functions:

1. The main function of urinary system is formation and elimination of urine. Urine is formed by the kidneys in 3 steps; 1) Glomerular Filtration, 2) Tubular reabsorption, and 3) Tubular secretion.

2. Kidneys are important osmoregulatory organs of human body. They maintain salt and water balance of the body. If the concentration of salt or water is increased above normal, kidney will excrete the excess amount. If the concentration is decreased, kidneys will reduce the loss of water and salts in urine.

3. Kidneys are important regulators of pH of body fluids. Kidneys keep the pH balanced within a very small range and provide an optimum environment for all processes of life.

4. The human urinary system functions in the elimination of urine which contains:

1. Nitrogenous wastes which include ammonia, urea and uric acid.

2. Salt concentrations in body fluids which include Mg, K, and Na

3. Excessive water in the body in a process called osmoregulation.



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