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Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning and use of the modal verbs and their equivalent forms.

1. Flooring must support whatever loads are to be placed within the structure, and it must transmit its load to the structural frame. 2. Many new functional buildings had to be built quickly and cheaply. 3. A good paint should stick well to the surface and should be able to seal the porous substrata. 4. The quantity surveyor emerged in the late 19th century as a professional specialist in building finance, who was able to accurately predict the cost of a project. 5. An entire house can be drywalled in one or two days by two experienced drywallers, and drywall is easy enough to use that it can be installed by many amateur home carpenters. 6. Each coat should be permitted to dry thoroughly before the next coat is applied. 7. These partitions are expensive compared with gypsum board and must be moved to justify the greater initial cost. 8. Hundreds of new apartment homes are to be built for the population. 9. The plastered surfaces may be finished in a variety of forms. 10. Most of the early houses built in America were suited to farm life, as it was not until cities became manufacturing centres that colonists could survive without farming as their major occupation.

9. Define the part of speech and the function of the words with the -ed ending in the following sentences.

1. Very early in the history of Greek architecture plaster of a fine white lime stucco was used, such has been found at Mycenae. 2. For their finest work the Egyptians used a plaster made from calcined gypsum just like platter of Paris of the present time, and

their methods of plastering on reeds resemble in every way our lath, plaster, float and set work. 3. There are two main methods used in construction of the interior walls of modern homes, drywall and plaster. 4. The removable panels are supported on a grid of formed sheet-metal tee bars which are suspended by wires. 5. Space-division systems in these buildings make use of gypsum board partitions, usually applied to a framework of formed sheet-metal members attached to the building structure. 6. Where accessibility is not important and a smooth finish is desired, suspended gypsum board ceilings can be used. 7. Drywall construction became prevalent as a speedier alternative to using plaster based interior finish techniques, which involved forcefully spreading a substrate of coarse plaster onto the wall lath-work before finally applying the smoother finish coat, each layer added in succession and all by hand.

8. While most tools have remained unchanged over the centuries, developments in modern materials have led to some changes.

9. Concrete block is used in unfinished spaces and for fire-resistive partitions. 10. The pyramids in Egypt contain plasterwork executed at least four thousand years ago.

10. Identify the -ing forms and translate the following sentences.

1. After removing the old paint, the cleaned surface is given two or three coats of the paint, to obtain the desired finish. 2. Being permeable to moisture, emulsion paints can be applied on wet surfaces. 3. Space-division systems in these buildings are readily demolished and rebuilt at relatively low cost, meeting the need for flexibility in such buildings. 4. Having obtained the necessary results, we stopped our experimental work. 5. Mud plaster is generally applied in two coats, the first coat being 13 mm thick while the thickness of the second coat is kept 6 mm. 6. Drywall fasteners are gaining popularity in both residential and commercial construction. 7. The surface of the patches of plaster serves as gauges for maintaining even thickness of the plaster being applied. 8. Painting enables the masonry and concrete work to resist

I Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей


I 265


disintegration, thereby extending the life of the structure. 9. After the sheets are secured to the wall studs or ceiling joists, the seams between drywall sheets are concealed using joint tape, and several layers of paint compound. 10. Depending upon the availability of the materials, the choice of plaster for any particular location is governed by weather conditions and the finish desired.


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