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  word study.   comprehension.   follow-up. 5. Contemplate                                         E. Restrictions.   section 1



I. Match the words from the two columns to make appropriate word combinations:


1. To scorn                                              a. communities

2. Religious                                               b. Jews

3. Orthodox                                              c. modern life

4. Burdensome                                         d. monks

5. Contemplate                                         e. restrictions

6. Monastic                                               f. affairs

7. Civic                                                     g. Utopias

8. Secular                                                  h. tradition


II. Give synonyms to the following words:


 1. supporters

2. to contempt

 3. to thrive

 4. onerous

5. to give a religious talk

6. to achieve smth.


III. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions:


1. Frontier America provided plenty …… room to set …….. a new church or found a new community.

2. Twentieth century Americans who follow the impulse to withdraw …….. society and join….. a commune are following …. an old American tradition.

3. They wish to keep their children …  … high school so they won’t be affected …. modern society.

4. A few prefer faith healing … modern medicine or object …. certain medical practices.

5. This Council modified many Church rules, including burdensome restrictions …. interfaith marriages.

6. Contemplative monks …. Trappists spend their lives … prayer and labour ….. the monastic tradition …. the Middle ages.



IV. Fill in the chart with the derivatives to the given words:


Adjective Noun Verb
    To pursue
    To controvert



V. Match the words with their definitions:


  1. Flourish                            a. a priest or other Christian minister who is                                                  

                                                   responsible for the religious needs of people in

                                                   a prison, hospital, etc. or in the armed forces

2. Chaplain                              b. to develop quickly and be successful

3. Pastor                                  c. a Jewish religious leader or a teacher of Jewish


4. Rabbi                                  d. a minister in charge of a Christian church or

                                                         group, especially in some Nonconformist


5. Congregation                       e. one of the principles or beliefs that a theory or

                                                          larger set of beliefs is based on

6. Tenet                                     f. a group of people who are gathered together in a

                                                          church to worship God, not including the priest

                                                          and choir

7. To prosper                             g. to develop in a successful way; to be successful,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

                                                     especially in making money  


VI. Find the definitions to the following words looking them up in a monolingual dictionary.


1. the Amish

2. The United Methodist Church

3. The Trappists


VII. Differentiating synonyms:


   1. Ancestor, forebear, descendant, forefather, predecessor

2. To prophesy, to predict, to anticipate, to forecast, to predestine, to foresee.

3. To maintain, to support, to provide, to supply, to preserve                            

   4. Prejudice, superstition

   5. Pastor, priest, clergyman, minister, preacher, rabbi, chaplain





I. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations:


a. secular Utopias

b. the dawning of a new age

c. claim some special revelation

d. faith healing

e. interfaith marriages

f. monastic tradition

g. civic affairs

h. drive-in-churches



II. Say whether these statements are False or True:


  1. The United States became a fertile ground for all religious groups only in the 19th


  1. Sects and cults usually don’t have anything in common.
  2. The Amish are people who prefer to live away from civilization and keep to old traditions
  3. All religious denominations may do what they want if it is based on their religious beliefs.
  4. In spite of religious freedom some conflicts within religious groups still exist.
  5. American pastors of different denominations are usually not varied in the USA.
  6. American pastors are expected to be involved only in religious affairs, but never participate in the civic ones.






I. Find some facts from today’s world news that show religious variety does not always mean freedom and peace inside the country or region.

II. Can we speak about our country as the one with religious diversity?

III. Write an essay of about 360 words on the topic “Should religion be separated from state? ”




       SECTION 1

 Listen to the section and complete the paragraph below.

I. The sovereign, the (a)........ or (b).................. must always be a member of

the Church of England and promises to (c)................. it. The (d)...., who are

called to their posts by the (e).................. and the prime (f).................. have

to promise to be (g).................. to the sovereign.

II. Answer these questions.

1. What are benefits by the Church of England, according to Bishop John Taylor?

2. How does Bishop Taylor think Christianity affects the British society?


III. How does religion affect your society?

                   SECTION 2

 Listen to section 2 and answer the questions:


1. What example does Bishop Henderson give of 'lip service being paid to the religious perspective'?

2. What section of the society, which normally has 'little voice', does he say the Church speaks for?

3. Why does Bishop Henderson think the Roman Catholic Church is more effective at criticizing the government than the established Church?

4. Why was the Church of England more critical of the government during the Thatcher years?

                  SECTION 3

      l. Fill in the 4 examples Bishop Taylor gives of the 'thirty-two options for what to do on a Sunday'?

a)....... b)........... c)................ d)..................

2. Bishop Taylor says Britain is not a 'non-Christian' society. What does he say it is?

3. What does Bishop Mahon say many people have inherited 'whether they realize it or not'?



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