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  SECTION 4. 1. Why did people turn away from religion in the past, according to Indarjit Singh? . 2. What sort of society does he think we will have if we ignore religion?

                                  SECTION 4


Listen to section 4 of the tape and answer these questions:


1. Why did people turn away from religion in the past, according to Indarjit Singh?

2. What sort of society does he think we will have if we ignore religion?

3. How does Singh describe the Sikh community in Britain?

4. Sir Sigmund Sternberg describes several Jewish communities. What is the 'mainstream of the Jewish community?

5. What does Sir Sigmund tell us about the Reform movement?




                                         SECTION 5


Listen to section 5 and answer these questions.


1. Choose the best answer: Yusuf Islam thinks many Muslims came to Britain because:

a) It's a Christian country b) It's a liberal and democratic society c) Muslims don't have to pay tax

2. What does Yusuf Islam think is unfair about paying taxes?

3. Why do you think Zaki Badawi mentions Northern Ireland in relation to Muslims?

4. What does he suggest the government should do if people are against denominational schools?

5. If they do not do this, what rights does he feel Muslim communities should have?

                               SECTION 6

Listen to section 6 and answer these questions


1. Indarjit Singh talks about the events after he told local people that they were extending the Southfields temple. Which of the following is the best summary of what happened?

a) the local people were positive about a seaside trip for handicapped children, but afterwards they viewed the Sikhs with fear.

b) The local people were negative about the Sikhs' plans at first, butafter they went out together they were very happy.

c) The Sikhs had the wrong image of the local people


2. Write your own brief summary of the old story Sir Sigmund Sternberg tells about Rabbi Sham







                                    VOCABULARY ON RELIGION



Abandon (v)                                                         ~ principles, beliefs, hopes                                                                                 

Agnostic (n)

Atheist (n)

Austere (adj)                                                        ~ way of life                      

Austerity (n)

Benefit by/from sb (v)

Benefit (n)                                                            with ~ of clergy, to the ~, reap the ~

Beneficiary (n)

Beneficial (adj)                                                                                                        

Civic (adj)                                                            ~ affairs, rights                              

Clairvoyance (n)

Clergy (n) (pl)

Commit (v)                                                           ~ crime, murder, adultery, suicide,           

                                                                              money to helping people, a 

                                                                              committed member/priest, be

                                                                               committed to god                                                                               

Commitment (n)                                                    make a ~

Condemn (v)                                                        ~ slavery, war, terrorism


Conform to/with (v)                                             ~ the established church, stereotype,

                                                                                  rules, laws, local customs

Convert (v and n)                                                 ~ from Christianity to Islam (v); a

                                                                                 convert to Islam, converts from

                                                                                other faiths; a convert to the cause

Conformist (n)                                                                                                               

Conformity(n)                                                       ~ in conformity with

Congregate(v)                                                      ~ in churches 

Congregation (n)


Conscientious (adj)                                              ~ student, teacher, worker

Conscientiousness (n)

Contentious (adj)                                                 ~ issue, topic, subject, debates

Controversial (adj)                                              a highly ~ topic, plan, question

Controversy over/about sb/sth (n)                        ~ to arouse ~, to cause ~       

Denomination (n)                                                ~ conventional ~, Christians of all ~ 

Denominational (adj)                                            ~ schools    

Disestablish (v)                                                     ~ the Church of England                 


Dissipate (v)                                                         ~ anger, hatred                     

Dissipation (n)

Elaborate (adj)                                                      ~ ceremony, designs, meal


Elaborate on sth (v)                                              ~ on the reasons                

Established (adj)                                                    ~ church

Establishment (n)                                                 ~ of a new college, ~ of diplomatic

                                                                                relations between the countries

Faith (n)                                                                to lose ~, blind ~, to restore ~ in     

The Faithful (n) pl                                          

Fidelity to sth. or sb(n)                                        ~ to principles, marital ~, sexual ~.

Following (n)                                    

Hierarchical (adj)                                                  ~ structure, society, organization      

Hierarchy (n)                                                        social, political ~, a ~ of needs       

Implication of sb in sth (n)                                  ~ in a political scandal

Imply(v)                                                               ~ an idea, action, a degree of interest

Incline sb to sth (v)                                              ~ smb to crime, murder

Inclination towards/for sth                                  natural ~, religious ~, ~ for music, a priest by ~

Invoke sth against sb (v)                                      ~feelings, vision, ~ God

Nonconformist (n)(adj)                                        ~ beliefs, practices    

Ordinate (v)                                                          ~ a priest, a minister, a rabbi

Ordination (n)

Parish (n and adj)                                                 ~ church, priest, council, clerk,


Parishioner (n)

Pastor (n)

Pastoral (adj)                                                        ~ care, love

Persecution(n)                                                       victims of religious ~

Persecute (v)                                                         ~ because of race, religious or

                                                                               political beliefs

                                                                          persecuted minorities

Persecutor (n)                                    

Preach ( v)                                                            ~ a sermon, ~ to the congregation, ~                     

                                                                               the Word of God,

                                                                                ~moral values, ~ to the converted


Preacher (n)                                                          lay ~

Preachy (adj) (inf. disapprov. )

Prosperity (n)                                                        ~ economic prosperity, peace and


Prosperous (adj)                                                   ~ society, country

Pursuer (n)

Pursuit (n)                                                             in ~ of sth (happiness,                                                                                        

                                                                              knowledge, profit),

Pursue(v)                                                              be pursued by government, police,

                                                                              authorities, press; ~ a goal, aim,

                                                                             objective, policy.

Revelation (n)                                                       come as a revelation

Reveal sth to smb (v)                                           revealed religion

Revelatory (adj)                                                   ~ insight

Sacrament (n)                                                                   to receive ~,   

Sacramental (adj)                                                 ~ wine

Secular (adj)                                                        ~life, music, education, priest                              

Sin (n and v)                                                         commit ~, confess ~, mortal ~,

                                                                             original ~, a life of ~, do sth 

                                                                              for your sins (idiom)

Sinful (adj)                                                           ~ thoughts, actions, life                                                            

Sinner (n)

Scorn (v)                                                               ~ modern life, pour scorn on sb/sth (idiom)


Teetotal (adj)

Teetotaler(n)                                                         a strict ~        

Teetotalism (n)

Temperance (n)

Virtue (n)                                                              a life of~, by/in ~ of sth; make a

                                                                             virtue of necessity (idiom); virtue is

                                                                              its own reward (idiom)

Worship (n and v)                                                an act/place of ~, morning ~,

                                                                             ~ceremony, to worship at church                             





  To break away from To claim to the throne To succeed to the throne To abdicate the throne To stay out of politics  



Adherence to a certain faith                             

Devotion to some principle

To be enriched by

To be inclined to do sth.

To be ranged against

To discriminate against

To disengage from the state

To dissipate hatred

To hear a sermon

To implant into minds

To maintain changes

To pose a crisis

To pour scorn on smb

To profess religion

To put to rest

To receive sacraments

To renounce the title

To speak out against

To summon the faithful




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