Improve Your Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence With Higher Education
Improve Your Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence With Higher Education When you have a higher education you are more confident in yourself, and your self-esteem is boosted after you have completed those college years. Not only are you better equipped to deal with life’s mental challenges, but you are more likely to feel more satisfaction doing so. A higher education has long been thought of as a rite of passage, and, therefore, once you’ve crossed that finish line, you have that extra sense of accomplishment. Nobody can take this accomplishment away from you. The hard work you put into your journey will never be lost. There will always be rough patches as you move on in life, but you will always know exactly what it takes to begin something and successfully complete it. This is priceless. Achieve a Happier and Healthier Life With Higher Education Among the most vital benefits of higher education in the 21st century is the fact that it helps communities and societies operate smoothly and enhances personal lives. Educated individuals are involved more actively in societal activities like political interest, voting, interpersonal trust, and volunteering. A higher education makes you more aware of what you’re actually capable of as well. This enables you to improve your own life, as well as contribute to the world as a whole. A higher education offers progress to a more efficient economy, improvement in people’s lives, and contributions to a more stable society. THE ROLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION There are so many factors of change, which today’s society is going through, that it is difficult to recognise in it the facets that characterised the second half of the 20th century. Everything seems to be interconnected, speeded up and turned more complex. The social, political, economic and cultural references which marked our immediate past turn out to be insufficient for understanding and acting upon today’s world. Today’s problems reveal a situation plenty of new challenges and new needs. The climate crisis, intercultural relations, peace and security and the contradictions of the global economic and financial system are only a few of these new challenges and needs. Universities are deeply involved in these changes. They teach them, study them and live with them at first hand. That is why they are going through what might be one of the most exciting and engaging periods of their history, given that the entire process of globalisation and the change of paradigm which results from it open a horizon full of complex challenges and huge opportunities for the future, a future in which higher education has to find its role by rethinking its most authentic vocation. In the society, one of the most important challenges stems from the understanding of the notion of knowledge. While the frontiers of disciplines are fading, the very concept of knowledge is an object of reflection and redefinition. We increasingly need to connect different knowledge areas, which were once separated, in order to understand complex problems. This occurs not only in the emerging technological sectors, but also in human and social sciences. Thus, we face the necessity to set interdisciplinary comprehension models of reality and to enlarge the concept of what we understand by knowledge.
The educative purpose and higher education curricula for human and social development presuppose the need to rethink the educative purpose and the academic curricula to include issues such as sustainable development, multiculturalism or education for global citizenship. There is a necessity to not only prepare good professionals, but also train persons capable of facing today’s problems so that they can contribute in an effective way to the transformation and the positive change of societies. This requires an interdisciplinary and complex vision of reality, which contributes with knowledge in order to facilitate the critical understanding of the world in which we live. It is important to find a balance between contributing to economic development and contributing to the solutions of people’s and societies’ problems. Higher education supports human and social development through civic engagement. Higher education should coordinate itself, through its main functions, with the rest of the institutions and social agents in order to work in a collaborative way so as to achieve human, social, equitable and sustainable development. Transformation of higher education institutions to capture the opportunities arising from globalization means to prepare the students for the world we want and not for the one we have.
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