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When you raise man to the level of God, you end up lowering God to the level of man

When you raise man to the level of God, you end up lowering God to the level of man

The Christian writings say: «What I am saying is this: One of you says, “I belong to Paul, ” or “I belong to Apollos, ” or “I belong to Cephas, ” or “I belong to Christ”»- 1 Corinthians 1: 12 (1599 Geneva Bible).
In their well intended [but totally misguided] attempt to praise Jesus, Christianity has raised him to the level of God. But this is foolish, as the gospel quotes the former stating he has no interest in the praise of men (“ I [Jesus] receive not the praise of men ”- John 5: 41, 1599 Geneva Bible).
Not only that, but by raising Jesus to the level of God, Christianity ends up lowering God to the level of men- thereby placing the morally perfect Creator in the same list as their morally flawed creatures; men like like Paul, Apollos, and Cephas.
There’s more! Not only is God placed in the same list with morally flawed human beings, but He is even placed at the end of the list! (“I belong to Paul… I belong to Apollos… I belong to Cephas…. I belong to Jesus ”).
¿ Could you imagine ancient Hebrew believers splitting themselves into “followers of Abraham”, “followers of Moses”, “followers of David”, and finally “Followers of י ה ו ה ”? Wouldn’t it be a sort of pagan blasphemy to even suggest that the Creator was just another flawed mortal human being, just as Abraham, Moses, and David?


Ocho razones por las cuales podrí a con propiedad decirse que el Mormonismo es [en esencia] la versió n cristiana de la antigua fe Islá mica:

1) Al igual que sucedió con Muhammad (paz sea con é l), quien reclamó haber sido visitado [privadamente] por un á ngel (Gabriel), de ese mismo modo José Smith reclamó haber sido visitado [privadamente] por un Á ngel (Moroni).
2) De igual modo que Muhammad reclamó que el Á ngel le habí a revelado un libro Divinamente inspirado [el Corá n], de ese mismo modo José Smith reclamó que el Á ngel le habí a revelado un libro divinamente inspirado [el libro de Mormó n].
3) De igual modo que Muhammad reclamó que, la nueva revelació n divina, le permití a tener muchas esposas [incluyendo las esposas de algunos de sus seguidores], de ese mismo modo José Smith reclamó que, la nueva revelació n divina, le permití a tener muchas esposas [incluyendo las esposas de algunos de sus seguidores].
4) Al igual que Muhammad tuvo su propio ejé rcito, y no permití a que sus seguidores cuestionasen la veracidad de sus reclamos, de ese mismo modo José Smith llegó a tener su propio ejé rcito, y tampoco permití a que sus adeptos cuestionasen sus reclamos (hasta el dí a de hoy, los Mormones enví an espí as a sus propias congregaciones, a fin de asegurarse de que nadie se desví a de su linea doctrinal)
5) Del mismo modo que Muhammad murió a consecuencia de un atentado contra su vida, de ese mismo modo José Smith murió a consecuencia de un atentado contra su vida.
6) Del mismo modo que los seguidores de Muhammad se vieron forzados a abandonar sus hogares (en la Meca), a fin de emigrar a otro lugar (Medina), del mismo modo los seguidores de José Smith se vieron forzados a abandonar sus hogares (en Nauvoo, Illinois), a fin de emigrar a otro lugar (el Lago salado, en Utah)
7) Al igual que Muhammad se auto proclamó profeta, pero nunca realizó profecí a ni milagro alguno, de ese mismo modo José Smith se auto proclamó profeta, pero nunca realizó profecí a ni milagro alguno.
8) Del mismo modo que Muhammad predicaba que, la recompensa celestial, serí a tener sexo infinitamente con mujeres, de ese mismo modo José Smith predicaba que la recompensa celestial serí a tener sexo infinitamente con mujeres.


Although the gentile nations worship of Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) is a serious sin, the Creator isn’t a religious dictator, so He is lenient and merciful with them

The Divine Law hints at the idea that the God’s dealing with gentile nations seems to be different from the way He deals with Hebrew people. Consider the following example: Christians worship Jesus, who is by them called “the morning star” (“… I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star ”- Revelation 22: 16).
So, for all practical purposes, Christian believers practice pagan star worship ("... Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him " - Matthew 2: 2). But Torah states Ha Shem (blessed be He) has allowed such practice to the gentile nations (due to their ignorance), while forbidding it to the Hebrew believer. As is written:
And so that you do not lift up your eyes toward the heavens… and the stars… and bow down and worship them. [for] Adonai your God has allotted them to all the [gentile] peoples under all the heavens. but you, Adonai has taken… to be a people for his own inheritance [in other words, to be different, staying away from such pagan practices]. .. ”- Deut. 4: 19-20 (Tree of Life version).
Thus, the just and merciful God of Israel [blessed be His name] seems to be lenient with gentile star worshipers, but severe when such thing is done by Hebrew believers [whom, having Torah, should have known better than that].



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