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Salvation by Law, versus Salvation by faith-- The wise man will always seek to find the healthy balance between extreme [and opposing] perspectives

Salvation by Law, versus Salvation by faith-- The wise man will always seek to find the healthy balance between extreme [and opposing] perspectives

Christianity is a great religion; a valid means to serve and worship the God of Abraham. But the core of Christian theology hinges upon a questionable idea; a concept initially proposed by the apostle Paul (may peace be upon him): That, unless he can perfectly obey it, the Israelite who lives in submission to God’s Law is an accursed man; as the Law can never justify, but only condemn him. As is written:
“For all who rely on the works of the Law are under a curse, because it is written, everyone who does not do everything written in the book of the Law is cursed ”- Galatians 3: 10, Christian Standard Bible.
What’s the problem with this otherwise logical argument? Well, there’s no problem at all with it... aside form the fact that it is a text book case of the wise proverb that goes on to say: “ A text, out of context, is a pretext ”. In other words, to arbitrarily take an isolated bible verse, and pretend to turn it into a whole theological system is utter folly. Why? Simply because such nonsense would allow you to prove almost anything you might wish!
Consider the following example: If we were to do as Paul did above, we could easily justify the opposite claim (that the Israelite who lives under the Law is actually a blessed man! ). And, in order to prove our point we would be able to quote the verse where [while still living under the Law] God himself sates that Israel is a blessed people.
As is written: “ And God said unto Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not curse the people [of Israel]: for they are blessed ”- Numbers 22: 12, KJB.
How do we find which one of the former extreme [and mutually excluding] interpretations is the correct one? We do so by remembering that Scripture hints at the idea that, in all things, we must strive to find the healthy balance. As is written:
“Keep worthless speech and lies far from me. do not give me poverty or riches. give me food in the [balanced] amount that is right for me ”- Proverbs 30: 8, Evangelical Heritage Version. And also says in another place: “ Do not be excessively righteous, and do not be extremely wise… Do not be overly wicked, and do not be a fool [Find the healthy Balance! ]. .. ”- Ecclesiastes 7: 16-17, Modern English version.
Thus, the truth concerning the above claim is to be found in the midway [balanced] position. In other words, so long as Israel strove to obey God’s Law [living by the basic Ten commandments], it remained a blessed people (as correctly stated by the verse in Numbers 22: 12).
But, as soon as Israel openly rebelled against God’s Law [fornicating with the Moabite women and bowing down to idols, as per Numbers 25: 1-2], they became an accursed people (“You rebuke the arrogant, who are accursed, those who stray from your commands ”- Psalm 119: 21, New International Version Bible).
And, though repentance [and conversion] procures mercy for the accursed (“The one who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy ”- Proverbs 28: 13, Christian Standard Bible), if the accursed person refuses to repent, he is thereby condemned to destruction (“And those that died in that plague were twenty-four thousand”- Numbers 25: 9, Jubilee Bible 2000); as correctly stated by Paul in Galatians 3: 10.


Hebrew Scripture’s message has little to do with religious affiliation

Reform Samaritanism teaches that Hebrew Scripture’s ultimate message has little to do with religious affiliation. Rather, it’s message is all about “Sowing and reaping”; “Cause and effect”; “Action and reaction”; “What goes around, comes around”-- That if you resolve to make peace with the Creator, the Creator will resolve to make peace with you.
And from whence do we know it? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: “Therefore tell the people: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘ Return to me, ’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘ and I will return to you, ’ says the Lord Almighty”- Zechariah 1: 3-4, New International version Bible.
And elsewhere, “For the day of the Lord (the day of His judgment) is near upon all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head”- Obadiah 1: 15, English Standard Version.
And even the Gospel quotes Jesus preaching the same message of “Sowing and Reaping”, when it goes on to say: “But if you do not forgive people their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins ”- Matthew 6: 15, Evangelical Heritage Version.
In fact, even the apostle Paul couldn’t resist the urge to proclaim the Supremacy of “Sowing and Reaping”, when he went on to say: “Don’t be deceived: God is not mocked. For whatever a person sows he will also reap ”- Galatians 6: 7, Christian Standard Bible.
And also in another place: “ He (God) will repay each one according to his works... There will be [evil] affliction and distress for every human being who does evil… but [good] glory, honor, and peace for everyone who does what is good. .. ”- Romans 2: 6-10, Christian Standard Bible



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