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How can Talmudic Judaism be improved and corrected?

How can Talmudic Judaism be improved and corrected?

Talmudic Judaism is a deep and beautiful religion, full of wisdom and understanding. The only possible objection to it might be that, in our humble opinion [and we might be completely mistaken about it], Talmudic Judaism doesn’t seem to completely understand that, the religion revealed by the Holy One to our master Moses was “Performance based”.
In other words, Torah’s overarching message is “Whatever goodness [or evil] a man puts out into the universe will come back to him”. And that’s why the well being (or “Salvation”) of each man can be summarized as follows: “Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell [in safety] for evermore”- Psalm 37: 27.
Thus, Torah’s 613 commandments are merely the allegorical representation of the maximum goodness any man [whether he be Jew or Gentile] is expected to do; so that, the more of such goodness a man is able to perform, the greater the goodness that will come back to him.
Consider the following example: Torah asks that, while gleaning your fields, you leave some produce behind [for the benefit of the poor]. How can a modern man who owns no crops perform the goodness allegorically portrayed by the former command? Very easy! Whenever paying for food [while on the supermarket], make sure that you refuse to pick [from the floor] any pocket change that might accidentally fall from your hands [thereby leaving it for those coming right behind you].
Another example: Torah commands that, on the day of Judgment [Yom Kippur], and before the High priest could deal with the sins of Israel [by bringing an animal sacrifice], he had to first bring a sacrifice for his own sins.
How can a common person [who isn’t a priest] perform the goodness hereby portrayed? Very easy! Whenever judging the sins of any other person, make sure to first judge your own sins. How? Well, one possibility might be to simply say something like the following: “Although I’m not worthy of judging anybody, my humble opinion is that, the actions (words, ideas, aptitudes, etc) of so-and-so do not bring glory to the God of Israel”


Is it wrong for a non Jewish person to follow God’s Law?

Reformed Samaritanism teaches that all of the statutes, judgments and commandments comprising God’s Law can be summarized in just one single command: “Sow what is right and good, thereby earning the merit to reap [for later consumption] the “fruit” of what you’ve planted”.
As is written: “I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings … A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth: and the recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him … the Mighty God, the Lord of hosts, is his name, Great in counsel, and mighty in work: for thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings ”- Jeremiah 17: 10, Proverbs 12: 14, & Jeremiah 32: 18-19- King James Bible.
Thus, claiming to be wrong for somebody (a Muslim, a Christian, a Noahide, etc) to obey God’s Law, is sort of like claiming to be wrong for somebody to plant a garden patch, in order to ensure food security.



When our actions inadvertently bring truth into the open

Legend has it that, several centuries after his own time, Elijah [the Hebrew prophet] used to appear on a weekly basis to this particularly holy Samaritan priest. Once, while lecturing in front of his disciples, the priest told them that Elijah had a hot tempered personality. After such incident, Elijah didn't appear to him for a while.
When he finally appeared, the priest asked him: “Why has the master been absent for so long? ” Elijah replied: “Because I was angry with you, as you claimed I was a hot tempered person”. “But Sir [replied the priest], [with your actions] you've just proven that, what I said about you, is indeed correct! ”


El Noahismo es Falso, pues el Creador desea que todos sigan la misma Ley Divina

La Ley de Dios dice que Israel lloró a Moisé s [el padre espiritual de Pueblo de Israel] durante 30 Dí as. Como esta escrito: “Y LLORARON LOS HIJOS DE ISRAEL A MOISÉ S EN LOS CAMPOS DE MOAB TREINTA DÍ AS…”- Deut. 34: 8. Del mismo modo, la Ley ordenaba a Israel dejar que sus CAUTIVAS GENTILES llorasen a sus padres durante 30 dí as.
Como esta escrito: “… y se quitará el vestido de su cautiverio, y se quedará en tu casa; Y LLORARÁ A SU PADRE Y A SU MADRE UN MES ENTERO…”- Deut. 21: 13.
¿ Por que menciona la Ley este particular detalle? ¿ Que enseñ anza é tica y moral implica el que Dios desee que los gentiles guarden duelo segun lo revelado en la Ley Divina? Pues lo que pretende intimar es que, no solamente los Hebreos, sino tambié n los gentiles está n llamados a seguir la Ley de Moisé s [es decir, a vivir segú n las verdades que surgen de lo escrito sobre las dos tablas de piedra].
En otras palabras, Dios espera que tanto Hebreos como gentiles sigan la Ley Mosaica. Y, si aparenta que Dios permite que un gentil siga otra Ley distinta a la de Moisé s [como podrí an ser “la Ley de la gracia de Cristo”, “la Ley Shariah”, o “las siete leyes de Noé ”], es solo porque el Creador es un Dios compasivo, que provee un generoso acomodo a la frá gil y extraviada condició n humana.
De este modo, quien sigue una Ley distinta a la de Moisé s, no se encuentra en armoní a con la perfecta voluntad Divina, sino que se refugia en la voluntad permisiva del Creador. ¿ Y de donde sabemos que el Dios de Israel espera que tanto Hebreos como gentiles sigan una la misma Ley? Pues lo sabemos de la Escritura que dice:



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