Why can’t the Hebrews believe all of what the New Testament has to say about God (blessed be He), about Jesus (peace be upon him), and about Salvation?
Why can’t the Hebrews believe all of what the New Testament has to say about God (blessed be He), about Jesus (peace be upon him), and about Salvation? Hebrews can’t believe the N. T. because, in order for the N. T. to be the inspired word of God, it must perfectly agree with was already proven to be the “Real” Word of God (the Hebrew Scriptures). Thus, if we are able to prove that the N. T. openly contradicts the Hebrew Scriptures, we would have thereby proven that the N. T. isn’t the inspired word of God.
The New testament is good; but beware, as it is plagued with contradictions The New testament can be a powerful tool to make Gentile peoples come to embrace Bible’s monotheism. But the New testament isn’t perfect, as it’s pages are plagued with brazen contradictions.
«No man should act as a judge in a cause he loves, or a cause he hates, for he isn't likely to find fault in what he loves, nor find merit in what he hates»
How are sins forgiven? If God’s Law (the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings) states that forgiveness of sins comes through sincere repentance (“Perhaps the house of Judah will hear all the calamity that I am planning to do to them, in order that they may turn, each one from his evil way. Then I would forgive their iniquity and their sin…The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise. ”- Jeremiah 36: 3, & Psalm 51: 19, Tree Of Life Bible); And then comes the Gospel and tries to refute the Law, claiming instead that forgiveness of sins doesn’t come through sincere repentance, but rather through belief in Jesus (“that all who believe in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name” - Acts 10: 43); Then the disputation between Christians and Hebrew believers is finally settled; the case has been closed, and there’s nothing else to discuss. Why? Because the truths revealed in the Law [the Hebrew Scripture] are final and irrevocable [since the Law cannot be abrogated or broken, according to Deuteronomy 4: 2]. And the gospel seems to agree with this, when it quotes Jesus saying the following: “… and the Scripture [the Law] cannot be broken” (John 10: 35)
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