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Why is Paganism morally questionable?

Why is Paganism morally questionable?

What is the problem with the belief in the existence of multiple gods? Is there anything wrong with the idea of God being composed of three different persons? Why can't we serve both “The Father”, “The Son”, and “The Holy Spirit”? Well, the problem with the former is that [as Jesus wisely puts it] you can’t serve more than one “Master” at the same time [in other words, you can’t obey more than one will].
Why is this so? Simply because (according to Jesus) you’ll end up despising one of them. As is written: “No man can serve two Masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other”- Matt. 6: 24.
For example, You can’t obey the Father (YHVH) who asks you to hold fast unto the Law (“This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth... ”- Joshua 1: 8), and at the same time obey the Son (Jesus) who asks you to let go of the Law (“The Law and the prophets were until John... ”- Luke 16: 16); You will either obey one, or obey the other; but either way you will end up disobeying one of them. And the former contradiction is the very reason why God hated Polytheism, as it lends itself to immoral behavior.
In other words, whenever the ancient needed supernatural protection, he would have to choose (among the many existing gods) which one to serve. And, of course, he would be naturally tempted to " bargain" with the deities-- choosing to serve the god offering him the most, while demanding of him the least; the god asking him the minimum amount of moral and physical demands, while promising him the most protection and security.
By the same token, whenever a man is forced to choose between the God named YHVH [who demands that he lives the life of holiness depicted by the Law], and the god named Jesus [who asks him no such moral demands], this man will always fall for the morally inferior life offered by the god named Jesus.
And this might explain the reason why, although the Law of YHVH prevented the believer from holding slaves (no matter if the latter be Hebrews or Gentile converts) longer than six years (“If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve; and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing”- Exodus 21: 2), Christianity allowed instead his followers to hold them for life [which is obviously a morally inferior standard].


Why can’t the God fearing person embrace the idea of Jesus being God? Because the God of the Hebrews has commanded us not to follow the counsel of the wicked!

The gospel quotes both unclean spirits and demons proclaiming Jesus to be the Son of God [and therefore equal in nature to the Heavenly Father]. As is written: “Whenever THE UNCLEAN SPIRITS saw him, they fell down before him and CRIED OUT, “YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD! ”- Mark 3: 11. And elsewhere: “Also, DEMONS were coming out of many, SHOUTING AND SAYING, “YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD!... ”- Luke 4: 41.
Thus, no honest believer can ever embrace the idea of Jesus being the actual “Son of God” [let alone God himself]. Why? Because the gospel also quotes Jesus warning us that there is absolutely no truth in the demon [and therefore none of what the says can be believed]. As is written: “He was a murderer from the beginning and DOES NOT STAND IN THE TRUTH, BECAUSE THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM”- John 8: 44, Christian Standard Bible.
And the former is consistent with the Hebrew Scripture, that warns us to never follow the counsel of the wicked and ungodly man [let alone that of demons and unclean spirits]. As is written: “BLESSED IS THE MAN THAT WALKETH NOT IN THE COUNSEL OF THE UNGODLY”- Psalm 1: 1; “Lo, their good is not in their hand: THE COUNSEL OF THE WICKED IS FAR FROM ME”- Job 21: 16; “THE LORD BRINGETH THE COUNSEL OF THE HEATHEN TO NOUGHT”- Psalm 33: 10; “HIDE ME FROM THE SECRET COUNSEL OF THE WICKED; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity”- Psalm 64: 2; “The thoughts of the righteous are right: but THE COUNSELS OF THE WICKED ARE DECEIT”- Proverbs 12: 5 (King James Version).


Faith is Jesus [peace and blessings be upon him] can be both beautiful as well as emotionally overpowering.... But, if Christian theology is actually true [and not just a clever potpourri of personality cult, mixed with a hefty dose of hyped religious cheerleading] then why is it that Christian believers still experience physical death? And why isn’t Jesus still suffering our eternal punishment in Hell?



Can you embrace Reformed Samaritanism and still believe in Jesus or Muhammad?

When it comes to matters of faith, things are seldom either “black or white”. Rather, truth is always somewhere in the middle of the all opposite extremes. Case in point: Does faith in Jesus necessarily demand that you embrace all of the claims made by the noble Christian religion? Well, not in all cases.
In fact, Reformed Samaritanism allows his followers to believe in the words attributed to any prophet [Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Zoroaster, etc], as long as such words are in full agreement with the Torah (instruction) brought forth by our master Moses [peace and blessing be always upon him]... So, you can indeed follow Reformed Samaritans, and at the same time believe in Jesus.
What you can't do, is to believe that Jesus is the Supreme God; that his words are above the words revealed to our master Moses; that the New Testament completes and supersedes the Old testament; that Jesus perfectly obeyed God's commandments (so that you don't have to obey them); Or that God's favor is the result of your personal faith, and not of your personal obedience to the good commanded by the Creator.
Why can't Reformed Samaritans believe any of these things? Because they directly contradict the unquestionable word of God given to our master Moses. And, when it comes to such paramount issues, the God of Moses doesn't change His mind. As is written: “For I am י ה ו ה (the Lord), I change not... - Malachi 3: 6, King James Bible...



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