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How can Scripture say that Moses would be like God? Isn't God perfect? Does God stutter? Didn't Moses murder?

How can Scripture say that Moses would be like God? Isn't God perfect? Does God stutter? Didn't Moses murder?

Many Christian believers claim that the verse where God promises to make Moses just like Him (“See, I HAVE MADE YOU LIKE GOD to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother will be your prophet" - Exodus 7: 1, Christian Standard Bible) cannot be considered to be inspired [as it would mean it is Moses, and not Jesus, who is the human representation of the Deity].
But the fact of the matter is that, just as the Creator, Moses was morally perfect; and his stuttering wasn't a weakness, but rather a sign of humility [therefore a virtue]. Besides, Moses never murdered any innocent person [but rather performed God's judgment against the wicked].
Sadly, when a Christian believer accuses Moses of murdering innocent people, he is actually siding with the wicked congregation of 14, 700 men whom God exterminated in the wilderness, as result of their slander against Moses & Aaron. As is written:
«The next day the entire Israelite community complained about Moses and Aaron, saying, “YOU HAVE KILLED THE LORD’S PEOPLE [YOU ARE MURDERERS]! ”... and the Lord said to Moses, “Get away from this community so that I may consume them instantly”... Then Moses told Aaron, “Take your firepan, place fire from the altar in it, and add incense. Go quickly to the community and make atonement for them, because WRATH HAS COME FROM THE LORD; the plague has begun”... But THOSE WHO DIED FROM THE PLAGUE NUMBERED 14, 700, in addition to those who died because of the Korah incident”- Numbers 16: 41-49, Christian Standard Bible.
And the former is the reason why, although we highly respect the figure of Jesus [peace and blessings be upon him], no instructed Samaritan believer would ever embrace Paul’s Christian theology.
Why? Simply because Paul claims Moses Law is one of sin and death, only resulting in curse and anger. As is written: “Because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (the Gospel) has set you free from THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH (Moses Law)”- Romans 8: 2, CSB; “Christ redeemed us from THE CURSE OF THE LAW... ”- Galatians 3: 13, CSB; “Because THE LAW PRODUCES WRATH... ”- Romans 4: 15, CSB.
Thus, by claiming that the Law brought forth by Moses only brings death and suffering upon his millions of followers, Paul [indirectly] accuses Moses of being a mass murderer; thereby siding with the wicked slanderers whom The Creator punished in the wilderness.
Curiously, the New Testament quotes Paul stating that " the end of each one will be according to his works" ("... Their end will be according to their works" - 2 Corinthians 11: 15)? But if so, one has to wonder: What was Paul's own end? Was he rewarded like righteous Moses, who enjoyed the privilege of having the Creator personally taking care of his private burial? Was he rewarded like righteous Elijah, to whom God sent a chariot of fire, in order to be taken up into the heavens? Or was he instead punished like wicked king Saul, who suffered a cruel death at the hands of his pagan enemies?
Of course, when it comes to the above issue, Samaritan believers do not judge our beloved Christian brothers, as daring to belittle Moses is often the result of poor knowledge of Scripture's basic tenets.


Good and evil-- They both come from God

Truth and Deception, Wisdom and foolishness, Good and Evil… they all come from the same source (God), and they are all part of the drama by means of which He teaches us the reason why light is superior to darkness; and why the Creator’s way is far better than the creature’s way.
As is written: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts”- Isaiah 55: 8-9, KJB.
And from whence do we know evil comes from God? From the verse that goes on to say: “… Shall evil befall a city, and the LORD hath not done it? ”- Amos 3: 6, Jewish Publication Society (1917 Edition)



The Samaritan View Of Heaven And Hell

Many well intended people have a strong conviction of the existence of a future [literal] Judgment, as well as in a future [physical] Hell [or Heaven] awaiting all human beings in the afterlife. But as the human soul isn't a physical entity, it follows that any “heaven” [or “hell”] experienced by the soul can only be a particular state of consciousness [like one of extreme joy, or conversely one of extreme remorse].
Besides, Hebrew Scripture hints at the idea that “The Supreme Power of the Universe” (the God of Abraham, blessed be He) won't personally reward [nor punish] anybody, as His judgment seems to have been issued since before the beginning of time. What judgment is that? None other than letting humans judge themselves. How? By forcing them to “reap” the same amount of “heaven” (goodness) or “hell” (evil) they have freely and willingly bestowed upon their needy fellow creatures (in other words, by subjecting them to the eternal law of “measure for measure”, “sowing and reaping”, or “action and reaction”).
As it is has been said: “AS YOU HAVE DONE, IT WILL [ALSO] BE DONE TO YOU…“- Obadiah 1: 15... “And Adoni-bezek said, Threescore and ten kings, having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered their food under my table: AS I HAVE DONE, SO GOD HATH REQUITED ME”- Judges 1: 7.... “Also unto Thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy, FOR THOU RENDEREST TO EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WORK”- Psalm 62: 12.... “… AND SHALL NOT HE RENDER TO EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS? ”-Proverbs 24: 12... “… MINE ELECT SHALL LONG ENJOY THE WORK OF THEIR HANDS”- Isaiah 65: 22.
An the fact that man chooses his own heaven [or hell] is also confirmed by a Jewish Midrash that goes on to relate that, when emperor Titus was about to die, he asked his servant to cremate his body and scatter his ashes upon the seven seas (so that the God of the Jews wouldn’t be able to find him in order to pass judgment upon him). They did so and several years later it happened that [with the aid of a Necromancer] his nice (Onkelos) brought up Titus spirit. When Onkelos asked Titus what his punishment (hell) in the afterlife was, Titus replied saying: “My punishment is what I declared for myself- every day my ashes are collected from the seven seas, I’m formed as a human being, judgment is passed upon me, I’m burned, and my ashes are scattered upon the seven seas”





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