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Christian dogma is Fishers' theology

Christian dogma is Fishers' theology

The God of the Hebrews is morally perfect, and therefore despises deceptive behavior. And that’s why The Hebrew scriptures records no fisherman ever being called to become God’s own spokesperson. But as for the gospel, it quotes Jesus himself telling his disciples: “... Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” - Matthew 4: 19, KJV.
Do Hebrew Scriptures ever mention the existence of any hunter prophet? Any fisherman prophet? Of course not! Why? Simply because prophets were expected to be worthy representatives of the Holy God of Abraham; and, making a livelihood out of fishing (or hunting), evokes the morally questionable attitude of he who profits from deception; he who makes a living leading others astray [something God abhors! ].
Thus, we shouldn't be surprised to find that Torah only mentions two hunters: Nimrod, and Edom [both of them violent and wicked men! ]. So, our dear Christian brothers and sisters should keep believing in Jesus; but at the same they should always keep questioning the accuracy of the theology they have received, lest they [unwillingly] find themselves fulfilling the verse that goes on to say:
“SURELY OUR FATHERS HAVE INHERITED LIES, VANITY, AND THINGS WHEREIN THERE IS NO PROFIT. Shall man make gods unto himself...? ” (in other words, shall a wise man come to believe that the Creator is mere dust, just like himself? )»- Jeremiah 16: 19


God's Law [also known as " Torah" ] commands the Hebrew believer to be intellectually honest, acknowledging the true merits of everything

The Hebrew Scripture (also known as “Torah”) is a book where, by means of parables and allegories, the Creator aims at teaching us the supreme ethical values for which mankind was originally created; the unique lifestyle that separates rational beings from non rational animals; the moral knowledge that will outlast our present technology, in order to stay with us for as long as we choose to remain humans.
A good example of this could be the fact that the Torah asks us to “balance” (or “ponder”) everything in it's proper perspective; to assess everything [and everyone] according to it's true worth. Why? Because diminishing it's real value would be a subtle form of stealing; while exaggerating it's real worth would amount to bearing a false witness.
And how does the Torah achieves this lofty goal? By means of regulating the way Hebrew believers perform their commercial transactions. As it is written: “Divers weights, and divers measures are like an abomination to the Lord... THOU SHALT NOT HAVE IN THINE HOUSE DIVERS MEASURES, A GREAT AND A SMALL. BUT THOU SHALT HAVE A PERFECT AND JUST WEIGHT, A PERFECT AND JUST MEASURE SHALT THOU HAVE, [so] that thy days may be lengthened [forever]... FOR ALL THAT DO SUCH THINGS, AND ALL THAT DO UNRIGHTEOUSNESS [NOT BEING HONEST IN THEIR ASSESSMENT OF BOTH THE STRENGTHS AND THE WEAKNESSES OF THE THING OR PERSON BEING EVALUATED], ARE AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD thy God”- Proverbs 20: 10 & Deuteronomy 25: 14-16.
What is the reason why, practicing the intellectual humility implied in being truthful to reality, is of such paramount importance to God? The reason is that, the opposite behavior, only brings strife and hatred. You see, the person who tries to make small that which is big and relevant (Faith, family, moral values, responsibilities, generosity, peace, discipline, etc), will end up trying to make great that which is small and irrelevant (atheism, individualism, hedonism, individual rights, greed, tyranny, anarchy, etc).
But there's more to it! The Creator knows that the intellectual humility implied in being truthful to reality will make His children grow stronger, as they'll experience the inner peace stemming from the knowledge that, what they say with their mouths, is in perfect harmony with what they say with their hearts. And why is the latter so important? It's because, when the heart says one thing, while the mouth says another, the person lowers himself to the moral level of the hypocrites.
And, as a result, his psyche enters into a state of mental [and moral] unbalance; an inner disquietness that increasingly burdens, weakens, and depresses him. And, if he insists on embracing this state of cognitive dissonance, he risks loosing his connection to reality, thereby falling into grave and serious mental illnesses. And this is the reason why the Hebrew Scripture utters such stern warnings against liars and hypocrites. As it has been written:

1) “You destroy those who speak falsehood; the Lord abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit” (Psalm 5: 6).
2) “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells lies will perish (Proverbs 19: 9)”
3) “The acquisition of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor, the pursuit of death” (Proverbs 21: 6).
4) “What is desirable in a man is his kindness, and it is better to be a poor man than a liar” (Proverbs 19: 22)
5) “A trustworthy witness will not lie, but a false witness utters lies” (Proverbs 14: 5).
6) “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal faithfully are His delight” (Proverbs 12: 22)
7) “These are the things that you shall do: speak every man the truth with his neighbor... ” (Zechariah 8: 16)

In short, next time a Muslim brother ask you to confess that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the greatest of all prophets, give him a truthful and honest reply. Tell him that Muhammad was a wise and great man, who indeed seems to be God's appointed messenger for the Arab people, as he was the only monotheistic prophet they were willing to obey. But tell him also that the Hebrew scripture states that there won't be any other prophet like Moses [let alone greater than him! ]. As it is written: “AND THERE AROSE NOT A PROPHET SINCE IN ISRAEL LIKE MOSES... ”- Deut. 34: 10.
Likewise, next time a Christian brother ask you to acknowledge that the Jesus (peace be upon him) is the Savior, that he is God in the flesh, or that he died for your sins, give him a truthful and honest reply. Tell him that Jesus was indeed a sublime teacher; a “moral supernova”, seemingly appointed by God to be the savior of both Greeks and Romans [as they would not repent of their sins, nor do any other good, unless they can do it in the name of Jesus].
But tell him also that Torah states there's no savior for the Hebrew people, besides י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah, the blessed God of Israel). As it is written: “I, even I, AM י ה ו ה (THE LORD); AND, BESIDES ME, THERE IS NO SAVIOR”- Isaiah 43: 11. Tell the Christian brother that Torah states God is no man (“GOD IS NOT A MAN, that He should tell or act a lie, NEITHER THE SON OF MAN”- Numbers 23: 19).
Tell the Christian brother that Torah teaches no one can die for the sins of other people. As it is written: “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers; ONLY FOR HIS OWN SIN SHALL ANYONE BE PUT TO DEATH”- Deuteronomy 24: 16); And also says in another place- “THE SOUL THAT SINS, IT [IS THE ONE THAT] SHALL DIE.
The son shall not bear and be punished for the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear and be punished for the iniquity of the son... ”- Ezequiel 18: 20; Finally, it says elsewhere: “In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge. BUT EVERYONE SHALL DIE FOR HIS OWN INIQUITY [ONLY]; every man who eats sour grapes—his [own] teeth shall be set on edge”- Jeremiah 31: 29-30



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