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Standing with the homosexuals killed at Orlando’s Gay Club?

Standing with the homosexuals killed at Orlando’s Gay Club?

Does Scripture show Abraham weeping over the death of Gomorrah’s dwellers? Do we find Lot mourning the holocaust suffered by his deceased Sodomite neighbors? Yes, it is true that [from the Scripture’s standpoint] human life is sacred; but the fact of the matter is that, showing solidarity with those who pride themselves in their open immorality will [sooner or later] lead us into showing solidarity with their rebellious lifestyle.
And the latter is equivalent to praising such debased behavior, as man sympathizes only with that which he admires and praises. But the latter is the natural result of abandoning God’s Law, as Scripture teaches that he who turns away from God's Law will end up praising the wicked. As it is written: “THOSE WHO TURN AWAY FROM THE LAW, PRAISE THE WICKED; [but] those who keep it are against him»- Prov. 28: 4, God Speaks Today Bible Version.
Steer away from the foolishness of being excessively kind [pretending to be more merciful than the Creator]. Why? Because whoever does so will end up being destroyed. As it is written: “DO NOT BE TOO JUST, nor be too wise; WHY SHOULD YOU DESTROY YOURSELF? ”- Ecclesiastes 7: 16.
In short, the true man of God is he who gladly opposes every form of evil and/or open immorality; while he who sympathizes with the latter is instead “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” (in other words, “a shameless impostor”). As it has been said: “YOU HAVE LOVED RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HATED EVIL; THEREFORE GOD, your God, HAS ANOINTED YOU WITH THE OIL OF GLADNESS… THE JUST LORD IS IN THE MIDST THEREOF; HE WILL NOT DO INIQUITY… BUT THE UNJUST KNOWETH NO SHAME” - Psalm 45: 7 & Zephaniah 3: 5 (King James Version)




Which one is right? God's Law?, Or the Gospel?

If God's Law asks that we do (or believe) in anything (that we should rest on the seventh day; that God rewards those who obey His commandments, and punishes those who disobey them; that God is morally perfect; that God is no man; that the Supreme Being is a single entity, and not a plurality of beings; that no man can die for the sins of someone else, etc), and then comes the Gospel asking us to believe instead the opposite, what is the believer supposed to do?
Well, the answer is quite simple. You see, until the gospel appeared two thousand years ago, Hebrew believers never had a reason to question the veracity of God’s Law, as [unlike the Gospel] the Law was the result of a National revelation where God spoke publicly not only to Moses, but also to the whole Nation of Israel. In addition, the Law never claimed to be the fulfillment of any future book; instead, it claimed to be self standing righteousness and truth. As is written: “Thy Righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And thy Law is Truth”- Psalm 119: 142 (American Standard Version).
On the other hand, the Gospel actually claimed to be the fulfillment of God’s Law; so that, unlike the Law [whose veracity doesn’t depend upon the veracity of the Gospel], the veracity of the Gospel ultimately depends upon the veracity of the Law. As is written: “Think not that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfill”- Matthew 5: 17, American Standard Version.
Thus, whenever the Gospel departs from what has been said [or done] in the Law, we have no option but to side with the former, as it is the Gospel that ought to comply with the Law, and not the other way around. In other words, it would be absurd to claim that the Gospel is true, if the latter doesn’t comply with the Law [as it is this compliance what validates the Gospel’s alleged truthfulness]


El verdadero mensaje de la escritura Hebrea

El mensaje de la Escritura Hebrea es que, El Creador del universo (bendito sea), no es un dictador ideoló gico, ni tampoco es un tirano religioso, sino que es un Juez justo (“… El Juez de toda la Tierra, ¿ no ha de hacer lo que es justo? ”- Genesis 18: 25, Reina Valera 1960).
Así, el Santo de Israel no juzga ni condena a nadie de forma arbitraria o caprichosa, sino que permite en cambio que cada persona se juzgue a sí misma. ¿ Como? Pues por medio de “la Ley de Ojo por ojo, y diente por diente”, tambié n conocida como “Ley de Medida, por medida”, “Ley de Siembra, y cosecha”, “Ley de Causa, y efecto”, o simplemente “Ley de Acció n, y reacció n”. En otras palabras, el Creador permite Dios que, al final, cada cual “coseche” el mismo bien [o mal] que libre y voluntariamente haya “sembrado”.
Por ejemplo, la Escritura Hebrea narra que un hijo de Judá se casó con la viuda de su difunto hermano; pero el primero evitaba darle descendencia a este ú ltimo. Como esta escrito: “Entonces Judá dijo a Oná n: Llé gate a la mujer de tu hermano, y despó sate con ella, y levanta descendencia a tu hermano. Y sabiendo Oná n que la descendencia no habí a de ser suya, sucedí a que cuando se llegaba a la mujer de su hermano, vertí a en tierra, por no dar descendencia a su hermano”- Gé nesis 38: 8-9, Reina Valera 1960.
¿ Cual es el justo juicio Divino sobre el hombre que, teniendo poder para dar descendencia a su difunto hermano, malvadamente escoge no hacerlo? ¡ Pues hacer que coseche la misma maldad que ha sembrado! Es decir, convirtié ndole en un difunto que tampoco tenga descendencia. Y es por esto que el Creador permite la muerte prematura de Oná n; Como esta escrito...
... “Y desagradó en ojos de El Señ or lo que hací a [Oná n], y a é l tambié n le quitó la vida”- Genesis 38: 10, Reina Valera 1960. No solamente esto, sino que el Creador impide en adició n que Tamar pueda casarse con Sela (el tercer hijo de Judá ), de modo que este ú ltimo tampoco engendrase con ella hijos que pudiesen ser contados como descendencia a Oná n. ¡ Cuan justos y maravillosos son los caminos del Creador, sea su nombre bendito!





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