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In what sense are Judaism, Christianity and Islam the same religion?

In what sense are Judaism, Christianity and Islam the same religion?

Both Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are different manifestations of the very same religion- the belief in the one and only God of Avraham; the perfectly righteous Judge, who expects His servants to do good to their fellow human beings. And from whence do we know this? We know it from the fact that, before the start of the current Christian era, the greatest of all Jewish sages (master “Hillel”, peace and blessings be upon him) summarized the Hebrew faith by saying the following: “What is hateful to you, do not unto your fellow Human being; this is the whole Torah- the rest, is just commentary. Go now and learn the commentary” (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a).
Later came Jesus of Nazareth (peace and blessings be upon Him) and also summarized the Scripture's message saying the following: “So then, whatever you desire that others would do to and for you, even so do also to and for them, for this is (sums up) the Law and the Prophets”- Matthew 7: 12.
Finally came prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and summarized Islam saying: “None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself” - Sahih Muslim (authentic Hadith narrated by Anas).
Thus, no matter if you are a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim; if you do good to your fellow human being (respect his honor, and don't steal, lie, cheat, or kill him), you will find yourself following the one true religion. And, in the end, the Creator will judge you with perfect justice; letting you reap the same goodness you have sowed upon your fellow human beings [This will be your personal paradise! ]. But, if you do evil to your fellow human beings [and never repent of it], in the end you'll be forced to reap the same evil you have sowed [And this will be your personal hell]


Did the noble apostle Paul suffer from a mind disease?

The apostle Paul (peace be upon him) was a good man; a holy man who did his best in order to serve God within the constrains of his human limitations. But if truth is to be told, it seems like Paul suffered from some sort of mental unbalance.
Why? Simply because he would make Bible claims that, though at first glance seemed to be perfectly logical, upon further examination were found to be a sort of madness (a kind of “disconnection from reality”). Consider the following: Paul claims that, in the eyes of God, no man is perfect, as no man [save Jesus] can perfectly obey God's Law.
Again, although the former claim seems to be perfectly logical, upon further examination we find it to be totally disconnected from Bible reality. In other words, Hebrew Scripture clearly lists several Hebrew believers whom God considered to be perfect.
Actually, king David was considered to be so perfect, that the Creator made him the moral standard for measuring future Hebrew kings. As is written: “And he [king Jeroboam] walked in all the sins of his father, which he had done before him: AND HIS HEART WAS NOT PERFECT WITH THE LORD HIS GOD, AS THE HEART OF DAVID HIS FATHER”- 1 Kings 15: 3, KJV.
In fact, not only does Hebrew Scripture state that sincere Law abiding believers were considered to be perfect, but even gentile believers with no formal knowledge of God's Law [let alone of it's perfect obedience] were also considered to be perfect. And such was the case with Job, of whom the Creator Himself said the following:
“And the Lord said unto Satan, HAST THOU CONSIDERED MY SERVANT JOB, that there is none like him in the earth, A PERFECT AND AN UPRIGHT MAN, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? " - Job 1: 8, KJV. And also says in another place: “And the Lord said unto Satan, HAST THOU CONSIDERED MY SERVANT JOB, that there is none like him in the earth, A PERFECT AND AN UPRIGHT MAN, ONE THAT FEARETH GOD, AND ESCHEWETH EVIL? AND STILL HE HOLDETH FAST HIS INTEGRITY... ”- Job 2: 3, KJV.
In short, Paul’s theology might have been well intended, but the fact is that such theology is in direct opposition to the word of God as clearly revealed to the Hebrew people. And the Hebrew words used by God’s Law in order to describe he who opposes it is “Ha Satan”, a phrase that literally means “the Satan”…


There is no Divine wisdom aside from God’s Law

The Reformed Samaritan faith is based upon The Law, as given by God to our master Moses at the top of Mount Sinai. And the nature of this Divine code is such that it gives it’s followers a clarity of mind that naturally makes them “head”, instead of “tail” (leaders, instead of followers). As is written:
“And THE LORD SHALL MAKE THEE THE HEAD, AND NOT THE TAIL; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them”- Deuteronomy 28: 13. Not only that, but God himself promises that even the gentile (non Hebrew believing) nations of the World would recognize their wisdom. As is written: «Keep therefore and do them; FOR THIS IS YOUR WISDOM AND YOUR UNDERSTANDING IN THE SIGHT OF THE NATIONS, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, “SURELY THIS GREAT NATION IS A WISE AND UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE! ”»- Deuteronomy 4: 6.
Thus, as soon as the Hebrew believer abandons God’s Law, he loses his intelligence, and can no longer tell apart the left path, from the right path (the animal-like behavior, from the human-like behavior). As is written: “… should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than SIXSCORE THOUSAND PERSONS THAT CANNOT DISCERN BETWEEN THEIR RIGHT HAND AND THEIR LEFT HAND...? ”- Jonah 4: 11.
In fact, the man who abandons God’s Law loses his wisdom, and can no longer tell apart good from evil; thus, he ends up praising the wicked, currying their approval. As is written: “THEY THAT FORSAKE THE LAW PRAISE THE WICKED: but such as keep the Law contend with them”- Proverbs 28: 4.
But what is the precise nature of this Divine wisdom? How does it works? Well, the answer to this question is surprisingly simple. You see, obedience to God’s commandments (do not steal, do not lie, do not murder, keep the Sabbath, honor your parents, do not commit adultery, help the needy, do not oppress the weak, let slaves go free, respect other people’s property, flee from corruption, etc) puts your mind in tune with the Divine order of the Universe; with the universal law of “measure, for measure”; “sowing, and reaping”; “cause, and effect”; “you reap, what you have sowed”; “what goes around, comes around”; “the tree, is known by it’s fruit”, etc.
Thus, the Hebrew believer cannot be easily fooled by ideological smoke screens, theological sophism, logical fallacies, nor crafty flattering techniques. Why? Because God’s Law has shaped his psyche, giving him a “results oriented” mindset. Therefore, the seemingly unsolvable issues that so often mislead the gentile mindset (Is homosexuality OK? Are men and women really equal? Is salvation achieved by faith?, Is Jesus God? Is Muhammad God’s great last prophet?, Has the Law been abolished?, etc) are non issues for the Hebrew believer.
Why? Because he instinctively knows that, no matter the name that is given to the issue, anything that push him away from the Law [or tries to seduce him to deny what the Law commands], amounts to the worship of a strange God. As is written: “Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day: And A CURSE, IF YE WILL NOT OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD YOUR GOD, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, TO GO AFTER OTHER GODS, WHICH YE HAVE NOT KNOWN”- Deuteronomy 11: 26-28.



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