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The person without God ends up becoming mentally disturbed

The person without God ends up becoming mentally disturbed

God’s Law warns that the person who decides to turn his back on the Divine commandments, will end up going mad, and will be punished with a disturbed spirit [in other words, he’ll no longer be able to distinguish between good sense and foolishness; between objective facts, and mere wishful thinking; between good and evil; between the just and the unjust; between what is right and what is crooked; between the clean and the unclean; between being gay, and being straight; between being a man, and being a woman]... As it is written: «But it will happen, if you do not hear the voice of YHVH (Adonai Yah) your God, to try to fulfill all his commandments... that all these curses will come upon you... YHVH will strike you with madness... and with Disturbance of spirit »- Deuteronomy 28: 15 & 28.


Punishments and Rewards: Is the Creator [blessed be He] a God of love and mercy? Or is He instead a God of hatred and vengeance? Is He a God of peace, or is He instead a God of War and strife?

When it comes to God and the afterlife, Hebrew Scripture teaches that the afterlife we will personally experience in a direct consequence of God's own nature. In other words, Bible hints at the idea that the Creator is sort of a “Mirror”- the Mirror itself never changes; but, if two men look into it, each one will see a different [yet accurate] image of the Divine.
Why are they different? Simply because each image will be a reflection of the viewers own “image” (or “reality”). In other words, if a warrior looks into the mirror, he will see “a warrior God” (a “God of Host”, so to speak); if a peace maker looks into it, he will see a “God of Peace”; If a loving father looks into it, he'll see a God who is “Our Father, who is in Heaven”; If a merciful man looks into the mirror, He will see a merciful God; but if a stern man looks into it, he will see a stern God.
And the former explains the reason why, during His conversation with Moses (peace and blessings be upon him), God describes himself as follows: “I AM the God of thy father, THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC, AND THE GOD OF JACOB... ”- Exodus 3: 6, King James Bible.
Why did God has to say “the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob”? Why couldn't He just say: “THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB”? Again, because each patriarch perceived God in a different fashion, just as if they were serving three different Gods! But the truth is that, although each of them viewed God differently, they all served the same God; and, although different, each view was correct, as it corresponded with their individual personalities.
By the same token, it can be said that the eternal reward to be experienced by each person will be unique. Why? Simply because such reward will be tailored to each individual [and since no two individuals are exactly the same, therefore no two rewards will be exactly the same]. In other words, the wicked will be rewarded with the evil he personally fears; while the righteous will be rewarded with the goodness he personally loves. As it has been said: “THE FEAR OF THE WICKED, IT SHALL COME UPON HIM: BUT THE DESIRE OF THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL BE GRANTED”- Proverbs 10: 24, King James Bible.
And also says: “HE WILL FULFILL THE DESIRE OF THEM THAT FEAR HIM... ”- Psalm 145: 19, King James Bible. But who is a righteous man? He who humbles himself, not doing his own will, but rather wishing to do the goodness commanded by God (justice, mercy, and humility, as stated in Micah 6: 8)- a goodness that brings “shalom” (peace and happiness) upon the world.
And who is a wicked man? He who exalts himself above God, as well as above his fellow human beings. How? By pretending to follow his own moral criteria (the vain imaginations of his arrogant & self centered heart) rather than what has been commanded by the Creator- thereby bringing strife and wrath upon the world. As is written: “THE DESIRE OF THE RIGHTEOUS IS ONLY GOOD: BUT THE EXPECTATION OF THE WICKED IS WRATH”- Proverbs 11: 23, King James Bible.
But how can God bring just punishment upon the wicked that already are in hell (“the tomb”, or “sheol”), while still claiming to be a God of grace and mercy (“THE LORD IS MERCIFUL AND GRACIOUS, SLOW TO ANGER, AND PLENTEOUS IN MERCY”- Psalm 103: 8)? By doing exactly what He did with wicked Pharaoh (that is, by “hardening his heart”), as is written: “BUT THE LORD HARDENED PHARAOH'S HEART, SO THAT HE WOULD [BE STRONG, AND] NOT LET THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL GO [SO THAT THE PLAGUES COMING UPON HIM MIGHT CEASE]”- Exodus 10: 20, King James Bible.
In other words, by endowing the wicked with a supernatural strength that will enable him to endure his punishment [so that, just as it happened with Pharaoh, he too can successfully oppose God, in case he wishes to do so].
There's more!... In His infinite mercy, God listens to the prayer of those already in sheol; those who, just like prophet Jonah, had formerly refused to do His will, but are now willing to repent [thereby coming out of their suffering]. As it is written: “... I CRIED BY REASON OF MINE AFFLICTION UNTO THE LORD, AND HE HEARD ME; OUT OF THE BELLY OF HELL (" SHEOL" ) CRIED I, AND THOU HEARDEST MY VOICE... THE EARTH WITH HER BARS WAS ABOUT ME FOR EVER: YET HAST THOU BROUGHT UP MY LIFE FROM CORRUPTION, O LORD MY GOD”- Jonah 2: 2& 6, Authorized King James Bible



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