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If God is really just, why would He allow human beings to cause so much pain and suffering to one another?

If God is really just, why would He allow human beings to cause so much pain and suffering to one another?

If the Holy One [blessed be His name] is indeed a God of moral perfection, why does He allow human beings to cause each other so much harm and suffering? The answer to this ancient question is based on the idea that the Creator is no man.
What does it mean? It means God's behavior will always be more just, more merciful, more humble, and more noble than the best human being (“ Perfect is the work of the mighty God: for all his ways are judgment. God is true, and without wickedness: just and righteous is He ”- Deut. 32: 4, 1599 Geneva Bible).
For example, when a human King issues a law (for his subjects to keep), the King can choose whether or not he wants to keep that Law as well; But, with the Creator, it is different. In other words, when the Lord commands us to keep something, He is the first one to observe what has been commanded.
Consider the following: when Adonai (the Lord) commands that we renounce to our selfish will, in order to let His will be done, it is because He has first denied Himself, in order to let our will be done-- in other words, God granted us the free will that enable us to do our will (i. e., doing harm to our fellow human beings), instead of God’s own will (that we do only good to our fellow human beings).
And the former might explain the reason why, whenever we write God’s sacred same ( י ה ו ה ) in a vertical fashion, the latter forms the image of a man whose arm, leg, and back appear to be “broken”.
Why? Because, by giving man a free will that will allow him to harm his fellow creatures, God became “broken” [as He opened up to the possibility of man disobeying Him]… In other words, by placing a limit upon His absolute will and power, the Creator effectively denied Himself, which is tantamount to inflicting pain and suffering upon His own infinite nature.
Thus, it can be properly said that, although man experiences pain and suffering, it was God Himself the one who first experienced what pain and suffering is [so man does not suffer alone, as God also suffers with him! ]. Yet, if we are brutally honest, we would have to acknowledge that suffering is God’s greatest gift to mankind.
Why? Simply because God’s Law (also known as “Torah”) promises salvation only for the meek and humble (“ But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace”- Psalm 37: 11); and, unfortunately, only extreme suffering can successfully turn a man into a meek and humble person.
In fact, the more God is pleased with a man, the more He crushes him with suffering, for Scripture says, “ The Lord was greatly pleased with [him, hence] He crushed him by disease (Isaiah 53: 10).
Thus, chastisements (sufferings) are good for the believer, and that’s why Scripture teaches that three great treasures (Torah, the Land of Canaan, and Life in the World to come) were bestowed upon Israel as a result of chastisements and suffering.
And what is the proof for the Torah? The verse that goes on to say: “ Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord, and [thereby] teachest him thy Torah ”- Psalm 94: 12.
And the proof for the land of Canaan? The verse that goes on to say: “As a man chasteneth his son, so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee. .. ”- Deut. 8: 5. And what comes immediately next? “For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land [the land of Canaan]. .. ”- Deut. 8: 7.
And the proof for Life everlasting? The verse that goes on to say: “For the commandment is a lamp, and the Law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life [everlasting] ”- Proverbs 6: 23.


God’s purpose for mankind

The relation between human beings and their Creator might be loosely described as that of a super advanced alien scientist, and his newly created lab specimens. In other words, picture a scientist belonging to an alien race so incredibly advanced that it not only exist on a higher dimensional realm, but can fold time/space and even turn raw energy into living matter.
Now, suppose this super advanced alien scientist decides to create a thing called “physical life”-- say, the first ever colony of single celled bacteria.
In addition, suppose that the scientist long term goal is to guide the evolution of his dumb bacteria colony unto a point where the latter becomes as wise, as kind, and as enlightened as it’s creator. Under such circumstances, what would be the very first thing he ought to teach his primitive creatures? Well, for starters, he needs to teach them not to destroy themselves!
And, although God is infinitely more kind, wise, and powerful than what any alien being could ever be, that’s exactly what God does with mankind. Thus, Scripture states the Creator’s main desire is for man to be humble, and love Him by showing kindness, justice, and mercy to his suffering fellow men.
As is written: “ You shall not hate your brother in your heart… You shall not take revenge or bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself. .. ”- Leviticus 19: 17-18 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition);
And also says-- “ But let him who glories glory in this: that he understands and knows Me [personally and practically, directly discerning and recognizing My character], that I am the Lord, Who practices loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord”- Jeremiah 9: 24, (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition);
And also-- “ He judged and defended the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Was not [all] this [what it means] to know and recognize Me? says the Lord. ”- Jeremiah 22: 16, (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition);
And it finally says: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God? ”- Micah 6: 8 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).



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