NOTA: Teclee AQUI para descargar una copia totalmente gratuita (en formato “pdf”) del ancestral Libro que resume la sabiduria del Samaritanismo Reformado
When measured against the infinitely large scale of the physical Universe, the individual man comes out to be little more than nothing; an infinitely small (yet incredibly vain) speck of dust pretending to be large (and important) enough to deserve playing the role of a god (creating it’s own reality, even if this alleged reality goes against common sense, as well as the natural order); a talking and movable leather bag that, though filled with urine and feces, fancies itself with the belief that the Universe revolves around it, and that the sole purpose of the latter is to fulfill each and every one of it’s whimsical desires
NOTA: Teclee AQUI para descargar una copia totalmente gratuita (en formato “pdf”) del ancestral Libro que resume la sabiduria del Samaritanismo Reformado
A tree can be known by it’s fruit! A true believer will contend against the wicked (no matter if the latter be Jew, or Gentile), while a non believer will praise and honor the wicked The God of Moses has promised to extend His blessing upon the [good] works of he who fears and obeys Him (“Now IF THOU WILT HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD THY GOD, TO DO AND KEEP ALL HIS COMMANDMENTS, which I command thee this day… THE LORD WILL SEND FORTH A BLESSING upon thy storehouses, and UPON ALL THE WORKS OF THY HANDS... ”- Deut. 28: 1& 8, Douay Rheims Bible, 1899). But when a believer befriends [thereby honoring] the wicked (no matter if the latter be a Jew or a Gentile), God cancels the merit of his good works.
Why are Jewish media outlets so obsessed with promoting Moral degeneracy? Jewish media (CNN, Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc) is constantly engaged in the promotion of things like cultural Marxism, Atheism, and LGBTQ lifestyle. Why? Simply Because the former traits accurately describe the average [secular] Jew. In other words, by forcing their readers and viewers to respect Marxists, Atheists, and Gays, Jewish media is brainwashing us into accepting with respect the leadership of existing secular Jews [regardless of their questionable morality]. But the problem is that, when it comes to appointed leaders, respect cannot be given away for free [as Jewish media so conveniently wish]. Instead, the leaders must first earn our respect. How? By their proven record of a higher performance in the fields of service, selfishness, humility, fidelity, truthfulness, integrity, and wisdom.
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