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The Nazarene (Christian) religion is good and holy; but it's theology is mistaken, as nobody can die for the sins of another person

The Nazarene (Christian) religion is good and holy; but it's theology is mistaken, as nobody can die for the sins of another person

In a strict literal sense, Yeshua (Jesus of Nazaret, peace and blessings be upon him) could not have delivered anyone from his (or her) sins, as י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah, the God of Israel, blessed be He) has said in the Tanak (the Hebrew Scripture) that there's no other deliverer besides Him: “I, I AM י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah), AND THERE IS NO SAVIOR BESIDE ME”- Isaiah 43: 11 (Tree of Life Version Bible).
In addition, the Scripture goes on to say that there is no Salvation in any man: “Do not put your trust in princes; [nor] in man, in whom there is no salvation” (Psalm 146: 3). And the Gospel quotes Jesus bearing witness that he was indeed a man. As it has been written: “now YE SEEK TO KILL ME, A MAN that had told you the truth, which I have heard of God”- John 8: 40 (King James Bible, 1984).
In addition, Jesus could not have died for the sins of anybody; as the Tanak teaches that every one will die for his [or her] own iniquity [and not for the iniquity of his parents or children]: “But every one shall die for his own iniquity... ”- Jeremiah 31: 30; «The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers; every man shall be put to death for his own sin»- Deuteronomy 24: 16.
In fact, even if Yeshua wanted to die in place of all other men, he could not have done so. Why? Well because [according to Christian theology] it would have required a man with no sin at all. But since Yeshua bore witness that he was indeed a man (John 8: 40), that would make him unfit, as the Tanak teaches that no man is free from sin: “For THERE IS NOT A JUST MAN upon earth, THAT doeth (only) good, and SINNETH NOT”- Ecclesiastes 7: 20.
And the Christian Writings confirm the former truth, when they state that Yeshua had to learn obedience [towards the Creator]. As it has been written: “Though he were a son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered”- Hebrews 5: 8. And it goes without saying that, the reason a man needs to learn obedience, is his former “disobedience” [to God].
Also, notice how the words ascribed to the Nazarene cannot be interpreted in a literal sense. Why? Simply because so doing would lead us into a theological “dead end”. For example, if we take at face value the gospel claim that Yeshua was [literally] the son of God [and not the son of any other man], then Yeshua would [at least] be partly guilty of bearing a false witness, each time he described himself as “the son of man”.
The following is just a small sample of many such passages: “You know that Passover comes in two days, and THE SON OF MAN WILL BE HANDED OVER TO BE EXECUTED”- Matthew 26: 2; “So THE SON OF MAN IS LORD EVEN OF SHABBAT”- Mark 2: 28; “THE SON OF MAN MUST suffer many things, and BE REJECTED OF THE ELDERS AND CHIEF PRIESTS AND SCRIBES, and be slain, and be raised the third day”- Luke 9: 22; “For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, BECAUSE HE [YESHUA] IS THE SON OF MAN”- John 5: 26-27.
Why is Yeshua bearing a false (or “misleading”) witness? Because, according to Christian theology, a literal “son of God” would not have inherited any “original sin”; while a literal “son of man” would have indeed inherited such a sin (therefore becoming disqualified to die for anybody else's sins). In short, if Yeshua wanted to be truthful to the facts, he would have referred to himself only as “the son of God”.
Finally, what are we supposed to do with the gospel verse wherein Yeshua claims that there's no truth in the Devil?: “He [THE DEVIL] was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM”- John 8: 44)? If Yeshua's words were to be taken in their strict literal sense [when he claims that the Devil will speak only lies], we would be forced to conclude that Yeshua really isn't the son of God.
Why? Because the Devil claims that he is!: “AND DEVILS ALSO CAME OUT of many, crying out, and SAYING, THOU ART Christ THE SON OF GOD”- Luke 4: 41; “AND UNCLEAN SPIRITS... fell down before him, and CRIED, SAYING, THOU ART THE SON OF GOD”- Mark 3: 11)? So, which one is bearing a false witness? Is Yeshua bearing a false witness [while claiming that there's no truth in the Devil]? Or is the Devil bearing a false witness [while claiming that Yeshua is indeed the son of God]?




Does the spirit of man cease to exist upon death?

How does Torah (Moses Law) teach us that the spirit of man is just as immortal as it’s Creator? It does so by stating God wanted the Temple lamp to constantly burn. As is written: “Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, TO CAUSE THE LAMP (נ ֵ ר ) TO BURN CONTINUALLY”- Leviticus 24: 2, King Jame Bible. In the former verse, what does the Temple represent? It represents the human body, as correctly taught by the Christian gospel, when it goes on to say: “Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up…. BUT HE SPAKE OF THE TEMPLE OF HIS BODY”- John 2: 19-21.
And what does the temple lamp represents? It represents man’s spirit, as is written: “THE SPIRIT OF MAN IS THE CANDLE OF THE LORD ( נ ֵ ר י ְ ה ו ָ ה, נ ִ ש ׁ ְ מ ַ ת א ָ ד ָ ם )... ”- Proverbs 20: 27. Thus, Hebrew Scripture teaches that, just as God doesn’t want the lamp of His temple to ever be extinguished, He likewise doesn’t want the spirit (the lamp of the human temple) to ever be extinguished.



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