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Is God a Trinity?. El Cristianismo es una excelente religión, pues induce a los hombres al arrepentimiento. Pero la teología Cristiana es errada, pues falla en comprender que, los seguidores originales del Nazareno, no concebían tal c

Is God a Trinity?

Is God a Trinity? Whom is God talking to when Scripture goes on to say: «Furthermore God said, “LET US MAKE MAN... ” (Genesis 1: 26)? To begin with, the Bible intimates that, before creating our physical universe, God had created a non physical realm; one populated by a Heavenly host (angels, cherubim, seraphim, spirits, demons, etc).
So, to whom is God talking to in Genesis 1: 26? He’s talking to His heavenly host! Why? Because Scripture intimates God does nothing “below”, without first consulting with His household “above”.
Consider the example of king Ahab: When God wanted to slay him, He first met with His household above, in order to select a plan, as well as to whom should the execution of such plan be assigned. As is written: «… I saw the Lord sit on his throne, and all the Host of Heaven stood about him on his right hand and on his left hand. And the Lord said, “Who shall entice Ahab that he may go and fall at Ramoth Gilead? ”.
And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner. Then there came forth a spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said, “I will entice him”. And the Lord said unto him, “Wherewith? ” And he said, “I will go out, and be a false spirit in the mouth of all his prophets”. Then he said, “Thou shalt entice him, and shalt also prevail: go forth, and do so”»- 1 Kings 22: 19-22 (1599 Geneva Bible)


El Cristianismo es una excelente religió n, pues induce a los hombres al arrepentimiento. Pero la teologí a Cristiana es errada, pues falla en comprender que, los seguidores originales del Nazareno, no concebí an tal cosa como “salvació n por fe, y sin necesidad de obra alguna

Hablando acerca de la fe y de las obras, la Escritura Cristiana dice asi: «Hijitos, nadie os engañ e; el que hace justicia es justo, como é l es justo… El que dice: “Yo le conozco”, y no guarda sus mandamientos, el tal es mentiroso, y la verdad no está en é l… Pues este es el amor a Dios, que guardemos sus mandamientos; y sus mandamientos no son gravosos… De manera que, cualquiera que quebrante uno de estos mandamientos muy pequeñ os, y así enseñ e a los hombres, “muy pequeñ o” será llamado en el reino de los Cielos; mas cualquiera que los haga y los enseñ e, é ste será llamado “Grande” en el reino de los Cielos… Por sus frutos los conoceré is.
¿ Acaso se recogen uvas de los espinos, o higos de los abrojos? Así, todo buen á rbol da buenos frutos, pero el á rbol malo da frutos malos. No puede el buen á rbol dar malos frutos, ni el á rbol malo dar frutos buenos.
Todo á rbol que no da buen fruto, es cortado y echado en el fuego… No os engañ é is; Dios no puede ser burlado: pues todo lo que el hombre sembrare, eso tambié n segará …. Pero, por tu dureza y por tu corazó n no arrepentido, atesoras para ti mismo ira para el dí a de la ira y de la revelació n del justo juicio de Dios, el cual pagará a cada uno conforme a sus obras: vida eterna a los que, perseverando en bien hacer, buscan gloria y honra e inmortalidad, pero ira y enojo a los que son contenciosos y no obedecen a la verdad, sino que obedecen a la injusticia;
tribulació n y angustia sobre todo ser humano que hace lo malo, el judí o primeramente y tambié n el griego, pero gloria y honra y paz a todo el que hace lo bueno, al judí o primeramente y tambié n al griego; porque no hay acepció n de personas para con Dios…
Pero alguno dirá: Tú tienes fe, y yo tengo obras. Mué strame tu fe sin tus obras, y yo te mostraré mi fe por mis obras. Tú crees que Dios es uno; bien haces. Tambié n los demonios creen, y tiemblan. ¿ Mas quieres saber, hombre vano, que la fe sin obras es muerta? ¿ No fue justificado por las obras Abraham nuestro padre, cuando ofreció a su hijo Isaac sobre el altar?
¿ No ves que la fe actuó juntamente con sus obras, y que la fe se perfeccionó por las obras? Y se cumplió la Escritura que dice: Abraham creyó a Dios, y le fue contado por justicia, y fue llamado amigo de Dios. Vosotros veis, pues, que el hombre es justificado por las obras, y no solamente por la fe.
Asimismo tambié n Rahab la ramera, ¿ no fue justificada por obras, cuando recibió a los mensajeros y los envió por otro camino? Porque como el cuerpo sin espí ritu está muerto, así tambié n la fe sin obras está muerta… Nadie ha visto jamá s a Dios. Si nos amamos unos a otros, Dios permanece en nosotros, y su amor se ha perfeccionado en nosotros…
No debá is a nadie nada, sino el amaros unos a otros; porque el que ama al pró jimo, ha cumplido la Ley. Porque: No adulterará s, no matará s, no hurtará s, no dirá s falso testimonio, no codiciará s, y cualquier otro mandamiento, en esta sentencia se resume:
Amará s a tu pró jimo como a ti mismo. El amor no hace mal al pró jimo; así que el cumplimiento de la ley es el amor» - 1 Juan 3: 7, 1 Juan 2: 4, 1 Juan 5: 3, Mateo 5: 19, Mateo 7: 16-19, Gá latas 6: 7, Romanos 2: 5-11, Santiago 2: 18-26, 1 Juan 4: 12, Romanos 13: 8-10


Samaritan Perspectives: Why was Adam asked to till the garden?

Hebrew Scripture states that God’s Law was initially revealed to Moses in the Hebrew tongue.
But Anyone with even a minimal knowledge of the Hebrew language knows that ancient Hebrew was a very imprecise language, as it contained no vowels, no accents, no periods, no commas, no exclamation signs, no upper case, no question marks, etc. How could Bible’s message ever be accurately preserved by means of such an imprecise language?
Can a good sword be made out of bad iron? The answer to this question is that Bible’s true message (a life of holiness, where we sow the good we wish to eventually reap) is so simple and so self evident that not even a fool can err from it [so no precise language was ever needed! ].
As is written: «… and it shall be called “The way of holiness”; the unclean shall not pass over it… THE WAYFARING MEN, THOUGH FOOLS, SHALL NOT ERR THEREIN»- Isaiah 35: 8.
And also in another place: “Turn from evil, and do good [to your innocent fellow human beings]; so you may live forever”- Psalm 37: 27, Tree Of Life Version.
In fact, Hebrew scripture states that, as soon as God created Adam, He placed him in a garden, so he could till the land. As is written: “The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it... ”- Genesis 2: 15 (Christian standard Bible). But, why did Adam have to work any land? Didn’t he already have the world’s food supply at his disposal?
The reason was that, the first thing God wanted Adam to learn was that mankind’s well being would depend upon it’s recognition of the fact that, the World we humans have been introduced to, works upon the principle of “sowing and reaping” (cause and effect, action and reaction, what goes around, comes around).
As is written; “… Mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands”- Isaiah 65: 22; “As you have done, it will be done to you…“- Obadiah 1: 15; And also, “… As I have done, so God has repaid me”- Judges 1: 7. And finally says, “… The Lord rewards each of us according to what we do”- Psalm 62: 12 (C. E. V. ).
The truth is that ancient men of God (Enoch, Noah, Job, Abraham, Joseph, etc) had no [Sacred] written scripture available, yet they perfectly knew God’s will for their lives, thereby earning God’s approval.
In other words, God’s will for Abraham was self evident to him (“For I know him [Abraham], that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment... ”- Gen. 18: 19).
And this will was none but to to fear God, living a life of righteousness in which we sow upon our fellow human beings the goodness we wish to reap for ourselves.
It was only after mankind had lost it’s capability to understand God’s wisdom imprinted in the divine book of Nature (the law of “sowing and reaping”) that the Creator had to start giving mankind an endless amount of written scriptures (Torah, prophets, Psalms, Proverbs, Gospel, Talmud, Quran, Sunnah, etc).
In short, God's creation (nature) is His supreme revelation; God's own unchangeable Word, eternally written in the Heavens. As it has been said: “Lord, YOUR WORD IS FOREVER; IT IS FIRMLY FIXED IN HEAVEN”- Psalm 119: 89;
and, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and THE EXPANSE PROCLAIMS THE WORK OF HIS HANDS”- Psalm 19: 1; and finally says, “When I observe your Heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you set in place, what is a human being that you remember him, a son of man that you look after him? ”- Psalm 8: 3-4.
This Divine revelation is freely available to anyone who would wish to consider it. And any written scripture [or doctrine] that confirm the Divine revelation imprinted in Nature (the law of “sowing and reaping”) comes from God; while any scripture [or doctrine] that denies it does not come from God.
But what about the Jewish redeeming Messiah? Don’t we all have to believe in the true messiah, in order to be saved?? Well, the answer is “Yes, and No”. You see, Hebrew Bible hints at the idea that repentance itself is the true redeeming Messiah; so that, as soon as someone turns you away from wickedness, your redeemer has arrived.
As is written: “And the Redeemer shall come to Zion [to whom will the Redeemer come? ]... unto them that turn [away] from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord”- Isaiah 59: 20 (King James version).
In other words, the moment either Moses, Jesus, Muhammad or any other person [or thing] successfully turns you away from wickedness, in that moment such a person [or thing] becomes your personal Messiah
And how do we know that Sincere repentance is in itself the Redeeming Messiah? We know it because, without repentance, there is no salvation from death; as Jesus himself confirmed, when he went on to say: “I tell you, No! But unless you repent, you too will all perish”- Luke 13: 3





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