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Place no blind trust in a man who, while pretending to be wise and holy, bears witness of his own person

Place no blind trust in a man who, while pretending to be wise and holy, bears witness of his own person

The apostle Paul (peace be upon him) is recorded as publicly bragging about being a “Hebrew of the Hebrews”. As is written: “Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, AN HEBREW OF THE HEBREWS”- Philippians 3: 5, KJV.
Not only that, but Paul even brags about being blameless (perfect) when it comes to the justice demanded by God’s Law: “... TOUCHING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH IS IN THE LAW, BLAMELESS”- Philippians 3: 6, KJV.
But this behavior is unbecoming for any true man of God, as both Hebrew and Christian scriptures commands the believer to be humble, abstaining from self praise as well as from bearing witness of himself.
As is written: “Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips”- Proverbs 27: 2; And elsewhere says, “If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true”- John 5: 31. Why was it arrogant for Paul to describe himself as “an Hebrew of the Hebrews”?
Because it is arrogant (sinful) to call yourself “an Hebrew of the Hebrews” when you don’t even know who the Hebrew High Priest actually is! As is written: “Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the High Priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people”- Acts 23: 5.
In fact, Paul seems to have had a serious pride problem, as he would not accept to be treated as a second class citizen, nor would he ever be humble enough to accept the fact that, not being one of Jesus original apostles, he needed the advice [and the guidance] of the latter.
As is written: «But Paul said to them, “They beat us in public without a trial, although WE ARE ROMAN CITIZENS… LET THEM COME THEMSELVES AND ESCORT US OUT”»- Acts 16: 37.
And elsewhere says: “… The gospel preached by me is not of human origin. FOR I DID NOT RECEIVE IT FROM A HUMAN SOURCE AND I WAS NOT TAUGHT IT, BUT IT CAME BY A REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST…. I DID NOT IMMEDIATELY CONSULT WITH ANYONE… NOW, FROM THOSE [APOSTLES] RECOGNIZED AS IMPORTANT (what they once were makes no difference to me; God does not show favoritism)—THEY ADDED NOTHING TO ME”- Galatians 1: 12, 15 & 2: 6, Christian Standard Bible.
What was God’s cure for Paul's arrogance? Well, since his Hebrew name was “Shaul”, and since [just like ancient king Shaul] he considered himself to be the greatest of all Hebrews, God decided to give him the same punishment he gave ancient king Shaul (1 Samuel 16: 14)- to be tormented by an evil spirit.
As is written: “Therefore, so that I would not exalt myself, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to torment me so that I would not exalt myself”- 2 Corinthians 12: 7, Christian Standard Bible.
In short although Paul was indeed part of God’s plan to bring Hebrew monotheism unto the Gentile nations of the World, the Torah observant believers does well avoiding to place a blind trust on anything written by this noble Christian apostle.




I am י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah): that is my Name: and my glory will I not give to another (Moses, Jesus, Paul, Peter, Muhammad, etc) … and make no mention of the name of other gods (Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Aura Mazda, etc), neither let it be heard out of thy mouth”- Exodus 23: 13, Isaiah 42: 8 (King James Bible)

Christianity is an awesome religion. But Christian theology is just too shady, too contradictory, and too ambiguous to properly represent the truthful and righteous God who, centuries before, had said to the Hebrew people: “Keep thee far from a false matter… A righteous man hateth lying… Trust ye not in lying words… These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man [only] the truth to his neighbour [thereby departing from shady conjectures and hyped suppositions]… O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame [pretending that I’m a god of flesh and blood who gets tired, sweats, and defecates]? How long will ye love vanity and seek after lies? ”- Exodus 23: 7, Proverbs 13: 5, Jeremiah 7: 4, Zechariah 8: 16, Psalm 4: 2 (King James Bible)


Trinity: the hidden immorality behind the idea of God being three different persons

What is the problem with the idea of God being three persons? What’s wrong with trying to serve “The heavenly Father”, “the Son”, and “the Holy Spirit”? Well, the problem is that [as Jesus wisely put it] you can’t serve more than one “Master” (in other words, you can’t obey more than one will), as according to Jesus you’ll end up despising one of them. As is written: “No man can serve two Masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other”- Matt. 6: 24.
For example, You can’t serve [and obey] the Jehovah (the Heavenly Father) who asks you to hold fast unto the Law (“This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth... ”- Joshua 1: 8), while at the same time serve [and obey] the Son (Jesus), who asks you to let go of the Law (“The Law and the prophets were until John... ”- Luke 16: 16). You will either obey one, or obey the other; but either way you will end up disobeying one of them. And the former contradiction is the very reason why God hated Polytheism, as it lends itself to immoral behavior.
How? Well, when a man had the option of choosing between different gods, he would always choose to follow the god offering him the most, while demanding the minimum; the god asking him the minimum amount of [moral] demands, while offering him the most [freedom from moral responsibilities]. Thus, when a man is forced to choose between the God named Jehovah [who demands that he lives the life of holiness depicted by the Law], and the god named Jesus [who ask no such moral demands from him] this man will always fall for the morally inferior life offered by the god named Jesus.
And this might explain the reason why, although Jehovah’s Law prevented the believer from holding slaves longer than six years (“If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve; and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing”- Exodus 21: 2), Christian law allowed the believers to hold them instead for life [which is a morally inferior standard].



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