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walks of life - поприще, общественное положение

3. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What opportunities does New Zealand’s education system offer for international students?

2. How is post-compulsory education regulated in New Zealand'?

3. What candidates can proceed to a doctoral degree?

Education in New Zealand

The New Zealand education system is internationally recognized and has high academic standards. Education in New Zealand follows the three-level model which includes primary schools, followed by secondary schools (high schools) and further education at universities. New Zealand's education system offers valuable opportunities for international students and interns looking for an academic and personal challenge in an English-speaking school system that is compatible with their own. International students are invited to enroll in individual international study and work experience programmes. All international education programmes are considered " accredited" and are closely monitored by the New Zealand Government. A student can enter the New Zealand education system at any level. They can choose from eight state universities, five colleges of education, twenty-five state polytechnics and institutions of technology, four- hundred secondary schools and more than one-hundred private providers. New Zealand experts offer free education advice, assistance in enrollment and provide a range of support services for overseas visitors wishing to study or work in New Zealand.

Post-compulsory education is regulated within the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, a unified system of national qualifications in schools, vocational education and training. Typically, a Bachelor degree will take three years, and a further year of study will lead to an Honours degree. A bachelor's degree may be followed by a Master's degree. A candidate who does not hold an Honours degree may be awarded a Master's degree with honours: such a degree usually involves two years of study, compared to one year for a Master's degree for a candidate who does have an Honours degree. A candidate who has either a Master's degree or a Bachelor's degree with Honours may proceed to a doctoral degree. Entry to most universities was previously " open", in other words an applicant only needed to meet the minimum requirements in the school-leaving examinations. However, most courses at New Zealand universities now have selective admissions, where candidates have to fulfill additional requirements through their qualifications.


Тема - Страноведение. Россия.

Грамматика - Глагол. Общие сведения. Модальные и вспомогательные глаголы

Text1. The Russian Federation

Задание 1. Запишите данные слова в тетрадь и запомните их:

- extensive - обширный, протяженный

- coastline - береговая линия

- approximately - приблизительно

- unfrozen - незамерзающий

- purest – чистейший

- freshwater - пресноводный

- timber -лесоматериалы, древесина

- coal - уголь

- to account for - составлять

- society - общество

- anthem - гимн

- banner - знамя

 - eagle – орел

- coat of arms - государственный герб

- according to - согласно, в соответствии

- fundamentally - в основе, в корне

- wherein - при котором

- commander-in-chief - главнокомандующий

- to enjoy - обладать, пользоваться, получать удовольствие

- legislative bill - законопроект

- law - закон

- to comprise - включать

- Federation Council - Совет Федераций

- envoy - посланник, доверенное лицо

- legislative - законодательный

- lower chamber нижняя палата

- upper chamber - верхняя палата

- bicameral - двухпалатный

- impeachment - отстранение от должности

- eighty-five federal subjects - 85 субъектов федерации

- executive - исполнительный

- power - сила, власть

- deputies- заместители

- judicial - судебный

- deputy prime minister - заместитель премьер-министра

- to deem – полагать, квалифицировать

- to maintain - поддерживать

Задание 2. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором произношение новых слов, пользуясь сетевым словарем. http: //www. macmillandictionary. com

Задание 3. Запишите и запомните следующие словосочетания и их перевод:

 - to have an extensive coastline - иметь протяженную береговую линию

- to be called “the lungs” of Europe - называться " легкими" Европы

- to consider their native language co-official - считать свой родной язык вторым государственным

 - semi-presidential republic - президентско-парламентская республика

- representative democracy - представительная демократия, т. е осуществление власти через систему представителей и представительств

- the Supreme Commander-in-chief of Armed Forces - Верховный главнокомандующий вооруженных сил

- to be elected for a six-year term/ period- избираться на шестилетний срок

- popular vote - народное голосование, прямые выборы

- to be administered by envoys - управляться доверенным лицом

- to be eligible for - допущенный к

- to declare war - объявлять войну

- to approve treaties - одобрять соглашения

- to oversee the compliance – осуществлять надзор за выполнением

- to belong to the system of courts -принадлежать системе судов

- to overturn laws - отменить законы

- two first deputy prime ministers - первые два заместителя премьер министра

-in his turn – в свою очередь

- to maintain international peace and security - поддерживать безопасность и мир во всем мире

Задание 4. Запишите слова и подберите синонимы к ним в данной цепочке слов:

reserve, district, timber, resource, constant, government, wood, permanent, management, region

Задание 5. Запишите слова и подберите антонимы к ним в данной цепочке слов:

black, low, temporary, white, permanent, small, high, large, veto, mountainous, consumer, allow, producer, flat

Задание 6. Прочитайте слова близкие по звучанию словам русского языка и определите их значение:

Federation, occupy, territory, reserve, exporter, commercial, official, emblem, federal, subject, service, international, permanent, role


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