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Text 6. The Coat of Arms of New Zealand

Text 6. The Coat of Arms of New Zealand

6. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием данного текстового материала и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is information in the text " The Coat of Arms of New Zealand" actual and up-to-date? Give your comments.

2. When did New Zealand stop using the national coat of arms of the UK?

Text 6. The Coat of Arms of New Zealand

The coat of arms of New Zealand is the official symbol of New Zealand. The initial coat of arms was granted by King George V on the 26th August 1911, and the current version was granted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1956. Until 1911, New Zealand used the same national coat of arms as the United Kingdom. When New Zealand became a Dominion in 1907, it was decided that a new Coat of Arms was required, and a design competition was held. The winning entry was a design by James McDonald, a draughtsman in the Department of Tourist and Health Resorts. The central shield has a quartered shield with different symbols of the country. Thus, four stars represent the Southern Cross constellation, a Golden Fleece stands for the farming industry; a wheat sheaf embodies agriculture; two hammers are for mining and industry. Over all these there is a broad vertical strip, with three ships representing the importance of sea trade, and the immigrant nature of all New Zealanders.


Text 7. The Flag of Canada

7. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием данного текстового материала и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What information in the text " The Flag of Canada" was new for you?

2. Why is the national flag of Canada called " The Maple Leaf?

3. Why do you think it is necessary for students to learn additional materials?

Text 7. The Flag of Canada

The National Flag of Canada or the Maple Leaf is a flag consisting of a red field with White Square in the centre. In the middle of the centre there is an 11-pointed red maple leaf. Adopted in 1956 to replace the Union Flag, it became the first independent country's national flag. In 1964, the Prime Minister appointed a committee to resolve the issue about a flag change. Out of three choices, the maple leaf based on the flag of the Royal Military College of Canada was selected. The flag made its first official appearance on February 15, 1965. This date is now celebrated annually as National Flag of Canada Day. Many different flags have been created for use by Canadian officials, government bodies, and military forces. Most of these flags contain the maple leaf motif. The maple leaf has served as a symbol celebrating the nature and environment of what is now Canada since the 18th century.

8. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием данного текстового материала и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What information in the text The Arms of Canada was new for you?

2. Why do the arms of Canada have much in common with the royal coat of arms of the UK?

3. Is the material in the text " Arms of Canada" actual and up-to-date? Give your comments.

4. Why do you think students must try to find additional materials themselves?

Tex 8. The Arms of Canada

The Arms of Canada known as the Royal Coat of Arms of Canada or the Arms of Her Majesty The Queen of Canada, is the official coat of arms of the Canadian monarch and thus also of Canada. It is closely modeled after the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom with distinctive Canadian elements replacing or added to those derived from the British.

Text 9. The Symbols of Europe

The flag of Europe is the symbol not only of the European Union but also of Europe's unity and identity in a wider sense. The circle of gold stars represents solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe. The number of stars has nothing to do with the number of Member States. There are twelve stars because the number twelve is traditionally the symbol of perfection, completeness and unity. The flag therefore remains unchanged regardless of the EU enlargements.


The anthem of the European Union

The melody comes from the Ninth Symphony composed in 1823 by Ludwig Van Beethoven. In 1985, it was adopted by the EU heads of State and government as the official anthem of the European Union. In 1972, the Council of Europe (the same body that designed the European flag) adopted Beethoven's " Ode to Joy" theme as its own anthem. The well-known conductor Herbert Von Karajan was asked to write three instrumental arrangements - for solo piano, for wind instruments and for symphony orchestra. Without words, in the universal language of music, this anthem expresses the ideals of freedom, peace and solidarity for which Europe stands.


The motto of the European Union

The motto of the European Union is “United in diversity”. The motto means that Europeans have united in working together for peace and prosperity, and that different cultures, traditions and languages in Europe are a positive asset for the continent.


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