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Text 4. New Zealand. a) and the head of Government. b) but the most used one is English. c)  marked by volcanoes.. d) and is led by the Prime Minister.

Text 4. New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean. It comprises two large islands (the North and the South Islands) and numerous smaller islands. New Zealand is separated from Australia by the Tasman Sea. The total land area is 268, 680 km². The country has extensive marine resources. The islands are mountainous and are also marked by volcanoes. The highest peak is Mount Cook. The capital city is Wellington. Because of its remoteness, it was one of the last lands to be settled by humans. Polynesians settled New Zealand in 1250–1300 and developed a distinctive Mā ori culture. The first Europeans who reached New Zealand were a Dutch explorer Abel Tasman and his crew. In a hostile encounter, four crew members were killed and at least one Mā ori was shot. Europeans did not revisit New Zealand until 1769, when a British explorer James Cook mapped almost the entire coastline. Following Cook, New Zealand was visited by numerous European and North American trading ships. They traded food, metal tools, weapons and other goods for timber, food, artifacts and water. In 1840 the British and Mā ori signed a treaty making New Zealand a colony of the British Empire. From the early 19th century, Christian missionaries began to settle New Zealand, eventually converting most of the Mā ori population. In 1907, at the request of the New Zealand Parliament, King Edward VII proclaimed New Zealand a dominion within the British Empire, reflecting its self-governing status. Today New Zealand is a permanent member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The population of the country is about 4. 2 ml. The majority of New Zealand's population is of European origin. New Zealand has three official languages: New Zealand English, the Maori language, and New Zealand Sign Language. In practice only English is widely used. New Zealand has a developed economy and a high standard of living. Principal export industries are agriculture, gardening, fishing, and forestry. Tourism plays a significant role in New Zealand's economy. It contributes almost 9% to New Zealand’s total GDP. The most developed industries are machinery, textile, furniture, and food industry. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of New Zealand. The Queen’s position is largely symbolic. She is represented by the Governor-General. Political power is held by Parliament of New Zealand and the Prime Minister. The legislature is represented by Parliament, which has only one chamber, the House of Representatives. Parliamentary general elections are held every three years. The leading political parties of the country are the Labour Party, the New Zealand First, the Conservative Party of New Zealand and others. The Prime Minister is the leader of Parliament as well as the head of the Government. The Cabinet is the senior policy-making body and is led by the Prime Minister. The Governor-General has the power to appoint and dismiss the Prime Ministers and to dissolve Parliament. The Governor-General also chairs the Executive Council. The Executive Council is a formal committee of all the Crown ministers. New Zealand's judiciary includes the Supreme Court of New Zealand (the highest court); the High Court; the Court of Appeal; and subordinate courts. New Zealand is a member of the following geopolitical organisations: APEC, East Asia Summit, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the United Nations.

Задание 1. Скажите, какие предложения не соответствуют информации в тексте:

1. The executive branch consists of the President and his delegates.

2. The Queen is represented by the Governor-General and by the Governors.

3. The legislature is represented by one chamber Parliament.

4. The vice Governor is the second-highest legislative official of the New Zealand Government.

5. The Governor-General has the power to appoint and dismiss the Prime Ministers and to dissolve Parliament

Задание 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Она, бывало, часто ездила в Новую Зеландию. 2. Вы можете узнать результаты последних выборов в Палату Представителей Парламента Новой Зеландии? 3. Следует ли Новой Зеландии входить в Содружество Наций? 4. Могу ли я получить более подробную информацию о лидерах лейбористской партии Новой Зеландии? 5. Мы должны провожать делегацию представителей Кабинета Министров Новой Зеландии? – Нет, не надо.

Задание 3. Составьте предложения:

1. The North and South Islands are mountainous and

2. The Cabinet is the most senior policy-making body

3. The Prime minister is the leader of Parliament

4. There are three official languages in the country

a) and the head of Government.

b) but the most used one is English.

c)  marked by volcanoes.

d) and is led by the Prime Minister.

Задание 4. Подберите соответствующие определения к следующим фразам:

1) a system of government through the elected representatives -

2) found in or produced by the sea -

3) a person who leads or commands a group, organization or country -

4) assign a job or role to someone -


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