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2) February,19,2020. Cryo-chip overcomes obstacle to large-scale quantum computers . Grammar

2) February, 19, 2020

Cryo-chip overcomes obstacle to large-scale quantum computers 

QuTech has resolved a major issue on the road toward a working large-scale quantum computer. QuTech, a collaboration of TU Delft and TNO, and Intel have designed and fabricated an integrated circuit that can control qubits at extremely low temperatures. This paves the way for the crucial integration of qubits and their controlling electronics in the same chip.

There are many issues to be resolved before we have a working large-scale quantum computer. The quantum information stored in qubits can rapidly degrade and become unusable unless qubits are cooled down to temperatures very close to absolute zero (-273 degrees Celsius, or 0 Kelvin). For this reason, qubits typically operate inside special refrigerators at temperatures as low as 0. 01 K, controlled by conventional electronics working at room temperature.

QuTech teamed up with Intel to address this precise challenge. The result is called Horse Ridge—an integrated circuit named after one of the coldest spots in Oregon. The researchers have designed and fabricated a CMOS integrated circuit able to control up to 128 qubits, which can operate at 3 K (-270 °C) and can therefore be described as a cryo-CMOS circuit.

CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) is the same technology employed for standard microprocessors. Using CMOS therefore enables the reliable fabrication of very complex circuits comprising billions of electrical components, as required for large-scale quantum computers.

The researchers demonstrated experimentally both proper operation of the integrated circuit and an ability to drive a real spin qubit. Spin qubits are among the promising qubit candidates for a large-scale quantum computer. This is the most complex cryo-CMOS circuit ever demonstrated, and the first capable of driving a spin qubit.

The next challenge is to close the remaining temperature gap. Spin qubits are expected to function at slightly higher temperatures than is achieved now, about 1, 5 K. The cryo-CMOS circuit now works at 3 K. If the researchers can bridge this temperature gap, they could integrate both qubits and their controlling electronics into the same package or chip, thus achieving an extremely compact system.



Translate from English into Russian (Passive voice, Infinitive, Participles)

1) The changes taking place are not easily accounted for.

2) This sequence of events was brought about by the
discovery of radioactivity.

3) Newton's laws of motion may be subjected to criticism.

4) For more detailed report the reader is referred to the

preliminary notes on the subject.

5) Elements combine to produce a compound.

6) The atom may eject another particle to become a
different atom.

7) Attractions and repulsions often cooperate to reduce
the viscosity of molecules.

8) То find the mass of the electron was then of prime

9)  To be fully effective control must start with the
production of raw materials.

10) This element is to be found free in nature.

11) We are to study the main laws of physics.

12) In our experiment we were to compare the two gases.

13) The solution to be filtered was poured into a vessel.

14) Many ores to be found in this district are of great
value to the industry.

15)  That method makes use of the low solubility of the substance, a property about to be described.

16) Milikan determined the mass in the manner just

17) Chlorides can be made by methods to be described

18) It is usually rather difficult to get nitrogen to combine
with other elements.

19) The tendency is for the molecule to become agitated.

20)For an observation to be of service two facts must be

21) It is customary to consider the electric current to flow
in the opposite direction to the motion of the electrons which
constitute it.

22) Deformation appeared to have no measurable effect
on  conductivity.

23) They seem to have applied strong ionization.

24) The people from the Institute of Optics are known to
      work hard at a new device.

25) The new method is believed to have given good results.


26) The result was expected to agree with theoretical

27) The theory suggested by Dr. McCarty is reported to
fit the experimental data.

28) The following laws were found by Snell and Descartes
to hold good for all cases of simple refraction.

29) This element might be expected from experience to
expand at heating.

30) A substance known to possess these properties is called
an acid.

31) The only known sulphur compounds reported to have
been found in oils fall into the following classes.

32) Account should be taken of the worst conditions of
air temperature and humidity likely to arise.

33) The terms insisted upon are difficult to fulfil.

34) The laboratory joined by Dr. Adler was then engaged
in space research.

35) Roentgen chanced to observe some rays uninfluenced
by any magnetic field.

36) Recrystallization followed by extraction gave good

37) Having given an indication of the methods used in this
type of analysis we must now mention some of the earlier

38) Mercury (Hg) is used in barometers, having a great
specific gravity.

39) The iodine ion is easily oxidized, being changed to free
iodine by many agents.

40) Given the weight and the specific gravity of a body,
you can calculate its volume.

41) Seen in this context, the ranges of applicability and
reliability of the method may be assessed.

42) The electron is about as large as a nucleus, its diameter
being about 10-12 cm.

43) Silver being very expensive, we only rarely use it as a

44) Radioactivity discovered, we made great progress in
atomic physics.

45) The square of any number being positive, the square
root of a negative number is imaginary.

46)Other things being equal, we should expect lines from
elements in relatively large amounts to be the more prominent.

47) There being no atmosphere, the lunar surface is
exposed to direct sunlight.

48) The beams, passing as they do through a narrow slit,
are diffracted.

49) Giving as they did so much information about the
behaviour of planets, these experiments can be hardly

50) Shown near the bottom of the drawing are the two
right ascension worms and gears.

51) Hanging from this stick are several little pendulums.

52) Inserted in the circuit thus created is an instrument
called a galvanometer.





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