Ход работы. Task 1. Read and translate text. 2 points. 20 min. Task 2. Answer the questions. 0,5 point. 20 min. Task 3. Translate into English. 0,5 point. 20 min.
Ход работы Task 1. Read and translate text. 2 points. 20 min. Cook - a person who is engaged in food preparation in catering establishments. Of course, cook something edible, such as eggs, can be practically anyone. But the chef of the same foods will cook the egg souffle gentlest. Cook not only prepare the dish right technology and in strict accordance with the recipe. He loves his work, receives from her pure joy. Cook is always trying to be admired dishes. Job cook in their own way, unique. Although some people do not take it so, considering that in the chefs art is no big deal: you simply connect the ingredients. However, it is not. In this case, the main thing - the talent, sense of taste, imagination. Station-chef titles which are part of the brigade system included Responsible for all sauteed items and SauteChef their sauce. This is usually the highest stratified position of all the stations. Prepares fish dishes and often does all butchering as well as appropriate sauces. FishChef Prepares roasted and braised meats and their RoastChef appropriate sauce.
the soups, vegetables, pastas and starches. | Vegetable Chef
Butchers meats, poultry, and sometimes fish. Makes baked goods such as pastries, cakes, breads and desserts. In larger establishments, Pastry Chef Task 2. Answer the questions. 0, 5 point. 20 min. 1. What is a cook? 2. Is this profession very creative? 3. What does the cook do? 4. What is Saute Chef responsible for? 5. What does Fish Chef (Roast Chef, Grill Chef, Fry Chef, Vegetable Chef) prepare?
6. What kind of chef would you like to be? Why? Task 3. Translate into English. 0, 5 point. 20 min. Ответственный за, творческий, готовить, блюдо, шедевр вкуса, правильная технология, рецепт, уникальный, восхитительные блюда, соединять, чувство вкуса
Task 4. Write a composition " My future profession". 2 points. 30 min. Вывод по практической работе: I can speak about... ________________________________________________ I learned that... ___________________________________________________ I`d like to learn more about... ________________________________________ Преподаватель: Кикавская Л. П., Колосова А. А.
Практическая работа №8, 9 Тема: Совершенствование лексического минимума для планирования рабочего дня делового человека. Цель: Формирование умений пересказа и перевода текстов профессиональной направленности для достижения порогового уровня владения английским языком, позволяющим общаться в устной и письменной формах; изучение новой лексики для успешной социализации и самореализации межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире. Обучающиеся должны овладеть: ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес. ПК2. 2 Управлять работой официантов, барменов, сомелье и других работников по обслуживанию потребителей. уметь: общаться устно на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; знать: Грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности Информационное обеспечение: рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ, англо-русский словарь И. Р. Гальперина Материально-техническое оснащение рабочего места обучающегося: компьютер, плазменная панель Ход работы Task 1. Read and remember. 1 point. 10 min to furniture - обставить мебелью rug - ковер rather angry - довольно злой to argue - спорить, доказывать to bring - приносить has to learn - должна знать to talk to customer on the telephone – разговаривать с заказчиком по телефону to arrange - устраивать engagement - дело, занятие
has to see - встретиться overseas branch - филиал за границей to concern - касаться to remind - напоминать job - работа appointment - назначение to book a table - заказать стол mail - почта to be busy - быть занятым daily report - ежедневный отчет to talk - разговаривать office - офис Task 2. Read and translate text. 1 points. 10 min. A busy day Every day at half past eight Mr. Hanson leaves his house in Church Street and drives to work. It takes him about twenty minutes to get to his office. He usually arrives there at about ten to nine. His secretary, Mary Summers, is always at the office when Mr. Hanson comes. She has a small office next door to Mr. Hanson’s and there she types the letters. Mr. Hanson gives her to answer. Mr. Hanson is the Managing Director of a large publishing company which publishes a lot of technical books and magazines and sells them all over the world. Mr. Hanson’s office is quite large and it is well furnished. Today Mr. Hanson is rather angry. He is sitting at his desk and arguing with someone on the telephone. While Mr. Hanson is on the telephone, Mary Summers brings him a cup of coffee. Mary is a good secretary. A good secretary has to learn a lot about her boss. She must know how to talk to customers on the telephone and in the office and must also arrange both business and social engagements. Today, for example, Mary knows that Mr. Hanson has to see a customer from China at 11 o’clock and another customer from Hong Kong at midday. At one-fifteen Mr. Hanson is to have lunch with two of the office managers from overseas branches of the company. Then at three-thirty he has to finish writing a letter concerning the following year’s publishing programme. It is Mary’s job to remind Mr. Hanson about the appointments at 11 o’clock and midday, to book a table at a restaurant in the town for the lunch engagement and to take notes from Mr. Hanson for several business letters. On the way home Mr. Hanson thinks about the day at the office and makes a note in his diary about some of the business he has to do.
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