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Texts for additional reading.

Modern Technical Navigational Equipment



к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

«Английский язык» для студентов II курса

специальности 0907 «Радиоэлектроника»

дневной формы обучения







УДК 629.123+656.61.052


Современное судовое оборудование = Modern Technical Navigational Equipment. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов II курса специальности 0907 «Радиоэлектроника» дневной формы обучения. / Сост. А.Г. Михайлова – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2011. – 32 с.


Целью данных методических указаний является:

· обучение различным видам речевой деятельности (говорения и чтения);

· привитие навыков понимания литературы по специальности;

· повторение грамматического материала;

· введение и обработка новой лексики по специальности;

· развитие коммуникативных навыков.



Методические указания рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры ПРГЯ (протокол № 10 от 24.05.2011 г.).


Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.


Рецензент: Михайлова Е.В., к.ф.н., доцент кафедры Практики романских и германских языков Севастопольского национального технического университета.




Введение.................................................. 4

1. Technical aids to navigation (Introduction)....................... 5

2. Lesson 1. Navigational instruments............................. 7

3. Lesson 2. System of Advanced Navigation....................... 11

4. Lesson 3. Radar............................................. 14

5. Lesson 4. Loran............................................. 17

6. Lesson 5. Omega System..................................... 20

7. Lesson 6. Gyrocompass...................................... 23

8. Lesson 7. The free gyrocompass and its properties................. 26

9. Lesson 8. The navigational console............................. 29

Библиографический список.................................... 32



Методические указания предназначены для студентов 2-го курса специальности «Радиоэлектроника» дневной формы обучения.

Цель методических указаний состоит в том, чтобы привить навыки чтения и понимания литературы по специальности, сформировать навыки речевой деятельности на английском языке и закрепить грамматический материал, необходимый при переводе текстов с английского языка на русский. Тексты методических указаний взяты из современной технической оригинальной литературы на английском языке, их тематика соответствует дисциплине «Радиотехника».

Методические указания состоят из 9 разделов, каждый из которых включает в себя:

· предтекстовые упражнения;

· текст на английском языке;

· послетекстовые упражнения;

· тексты для домашнего чтения.



To ensure safety of navigation and use of weapons, submarines and surface vessels are equipped with technical navigational aids (TNA). TNA equipment includes: course indicators and course-indicating systems, dead reckoning systems, speed and distance meters, echo sounders, analogue-digital computers, position coordinates and course deflection correction update aids.

The course-indicating system generates and transmits the course expressed as an angular distance from a reference direction (True North) and the direction of the ship's diametrical centre plane which divides it into two symmetrical parts. The course indicates the direction of the ship's movement at sea, provided the ship is not drifting with or without the current. Otherwise the ship drifts at a certain angle to the reference direction; the angular difference between the direction of the ship's centre plane and the ship's selected course is the drift angle.

The magnetic and gyrocompasses, directional gyros, and integrated course-indicating systems work out and maintain a fairly exact course.

Reliable control of a ship at any given moment of time implies that not only the direction of the ship's movement is known but also its position. To determine the position we must know the distance the ship has covered from the point of departure or the ship's speed and travel period. The speed can be determined with the help of different logs, but they are rarely used. The most widely used speed meters are dynamic-pressure (relative) logs and electromagnetic (induction) logs.

Dead reckoning systems or dead reckoning tracers are built around analogue-digital computers capable of showing the present dead reckoning position of the ship either on a map or a plotting board. The systems use the course reference data supplied by the course indicator, and speed data transmitted by the log.

To ensure safety during coastal navigation or when operating in the navigation-hazardous areas ships are equipped with echo sounders. Echo sounders are devices for measuring the depth of water beneath the ship by observing the time between the emission of the UHF (ultrahigh frequency) sound waves downwards and the return of their echoes from the sea bottom.

To verify the position coordinates and correct course deflection the ship's navigational equipment is provided with various navigational correction aids, namely, star-tracking, radio, radar and sonar aids, etc.

The star-tracking position correction aids include sextants used for measuring the altitudes and azimuths of celestial references.

The position of the ship can be obtained with the help of radio navigational systems (RNS), namely, direction finding RNS, phase-modulated RNS, PCM RNS (pulse-code modulation) and PPM RNS (pulse-position modulation).

Word List

technical navigational aids — технические средства кораблевождения /ТСК/

safety of navigation — безопасность плавания

to indicate — указывать

course indicator — курсоуказатель

dead reckoning — счисление

dead reckoning systems — системы навигационного счисления

a meter (metre) — измерительный прибор

speed and distance metres — измерители скорости и дистанций

sound — звук

echo sounder — эхолот

analogue computer — аналоговый компьютер

digital computer — цифровой компьютер, цифровая ЭВМ

deflection - отклонение

to transmit — передавать

reference direction — начальное /исходное/ направление

the ship's head — диаметральная плоскость корабля

provided that — при условии, что...

angle — угол

current — течение

directional gyro — гироскоп направления, гидроазимут

to maintain a course — сохранять курс

exact accurate — точный



1. Read the following words:

alcohol diameter material

also enough neutralize

appliance gyro reduce

compass immediate reduction

departure majority throughout


2. Grammar. Сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными причины.

Союзы: as, because, since.

As I wanted to become an engineer, I entered Sevastopol National Technical University. — Так как я хотел стать инженером, я поступил в Севастопольский национальный технический университет.

I entered it because I wanted to become an engineer. — Я поступил в него, потому что хотел стать инженером.

Since my brother is an engineer he can help me with this work — Постольку поскольку мой брат инженер, он может помочь мне выполнить эту работу.

3. Read the following text:

Navigational instruments

Seamanship is the art of handling a ship or a boat under all conditions of weather, tide, current, or other influences affecting its immediate movement or safety.

In order to conduct a ship safely to her destination, it is necessary to know her speed and course as accurately as possible at all times. In addition, the depth of water must be known, or at least the fact that it is deep enough for safety. It is often necessary to know the bearing, or the direction and the distance to fixed objects and other vessels sighted.

The instruments and appliances used to obtain this information are sometimes called navigational instruments because they are also used by the navigator to fix the geographical position of the ship and to establish a safe course to the desired destination.

Liquid Compass

This is a magnetic compass consisting of a compass card 7.5 inches in diameter made of tinned brass, on the underside of which are fixed magnets. The whole rests on the pivot in a liquid composed of Varsol* or of 45% alcohol and 55% distilled water to resist freezing.

The compass itself is mounted in a stand called the «binnacle». The binnacle, however, is more than a mere support for the compass. It contains all the various corrections** used to adjust the magnetic compass and reduce deviations.

Since the Earth's magnetic field is not uniform throughout, and since the ship is seldom on a level plane and the majority of ships are not made of wood or nonmagnetic materials, the compass is acted upon by a series of outside magnetic forces which tend to reduce its accuracy. The various corrections contained in or on the compass binnacle act to reduce or neutralize these outside forces.


*Varsol — масло, применяемое в качестве заполнителя в современных компасах.

**corrections — компенсация /в магнитном компасе/


Words to be learnt:

destination — назначение, место назначения

compass card — картушка компаса

pivot — шпилька магнитного компаса

binnacle — нактоуз

brass — латунь

tinned brass — луженая латунь

liquid — жидкость

liquid compass — жидкостный компасе

navigational instruments — штурманские приборы

outside — внешний, с внешней стороны

inside — внутренний, с внутренней стороны

force — сила

to freeze, froze, frozen — замерзать, замораживать

to resist — сопротивляться, противостоять

to reduce — уменьшать, сокращать

to reduce deviation — уменьшать девиацию

to mount — устанавливать, монтировать

mount — установка

to act — действовать

action — действие

to adjust — регулировать, устанавливать

adjustment — регулировка, установка



1. What's the Russian for:

binnacle, deviation, pivot, destination, correction, brass, wood, liquid compass, compass card, navigational instruments, outside, to freeze, to adjust, to reduce, to act.

2. Translate into English:

Магнитный компас состоит из картушки и магнитов. Картушка сделана из луженой латуни. Жидкость магнитных компасов состоит из 45% спирта и 55% дистиллированной воды. Компас установлен в нактоузе. Внешние силы действуют на компас и уменьшают его точность.

3. Translate into Russian:

1) The instruments used to obtain information about the bearing, direction,

course and speed of the ship are called navigational instruments because with

their help the navigator fixes the geographical position of his ship.

2) As alcohol does not freeze, it is used in liquid compasses.

3) Since the ships are not made of wood or nonmagnetic materials, outside

magnetic forces act upon the compass.


4. Answer the following questions to the text:

1) What is it necessary to know for the safe conduct of a ship?

2) What are navigational instruments? What are they used for?

3) What is a magnetic compass? What does it consist of?

4) What is a liquid compass composed of?

5) Is the compass itself mounted in the binnacle?

6) Are the various corrections used to adjust the magnetic compass and reduced


5. Translate texts without a dictionary:

1) To conduct a ship safely from one place to another, it is necessary to know the ship's speed and course, the bearing, or direction and the distance to fixed objects and other vessels. It is also necessary to know the depth of the water under the ship's keel.

2) There are different navigational instruments used for this purpose. These are

sextants, chronométrés and watches, compasses and meteorological


3) The navigational instruments are divided into different groups. Different logs are used to find the ship's speed and distance run. Echosounders (or echo sounding machines) are used to find the depth of water. There are navigational range finders and distance metres, course- recording and plotting instruments.


a range finder — дальномер

4) The compass is one of the most important instruments used by the navigators because it indicates direction.

For centuries it has been the principal source of that knowledge of direction upon which the navigation and the safety of ships depend.

There are two principal types of compasses, the gyrocompass and the magnetic compass. There is a compass card in each.

Note: century — столетие, source — источник

Texts for additional reading.

1. Sensitive Element of the Gyrocompass

The element in a compass indicating the direction of the meridian is called the Sensitive element. In the gyrocompass the Sensitive element is a gyro-sphere containing two gyroscopes.

The gyroscopes are linked mechanically and installed in such a way that their main axes make an angle of 90°.

The Sensitive element is placed in a reservoir filled with a liquid. The specific gravity of the liquid is so adjusted as to make the sensitive element buoyant. The sensitive element can rotate unrestrictedly around its geometrical centre which is the centre of suspension. The centre of gravity of the sensitive element is located below its geometrical centre.

2. Gyrocompass Errors

The sensitive element of a gyrocompass placed on a stationary base brings its main axis into the plane of the geographical (true) meridian. However, if the gyrocompass is installed on a moving ship, the axis of the sensitive element departs from the true meridian plane through some or other reasons.

The departures of the gyrocompass axis from its equilibrium position in line with the true meridian plane are known as the deviations or errors of the gyrocompass.

It is accepted to consider these errors as being negative if they are directed westward of the meridian, and positive if they are directed eastward of it.

By speed deviation is understood the deflection of the main axis of the gyrocompass from the plane of the true meridian resulting due to the ship's moving at a constant speed V and following a fixed course K.




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