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Lesson 2. System of Advanced navigation

I. Read the following words:

call era quality
more such sense
store sub senses
course submarine sensitive
law under sensitivity
brought ultra navigate
accelerometer emanation navigable
acceleration inertial  
altitude infra-red  


Grammar. Сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными определительными.

Союзы и союзные слова: which, that, who, whom.

This is the book which I'd like to read.

Именно эту книгу я хотел бы почитать / букв. - вот книга, которую.../

This is the naval cadet who knows English best of all.

Именно этот курсант знает английский лучше всех.

This is the naval cadet about whom I wanted to speak to you.

Вот курсант, о котором я хотел поговорить с вами.

There are the questions that must be discussed now.

Есть вопросы, которые следует обсудить сейчас.


2. Read the following text:

System of Advanced Navigation*

The ballistic missile era has brought about with it a need for more exact method of obtaining navigational positions. Today such a system of advanced navigation is a reality and is installed on surface ships and submarines. This system consists of the following three major components:

SINS (Ships' Inertial Navigation System) **,

NAVDAC (Navigation Data Assimilation Computer) ***,

Star Tracker ****


This system provides the ship with an accurate and continuous position at all times. It is based on Newton's Law of Motion, and mechanically senses, by means of ultra-sensitive devices - accelerometers, the accelerations (changes of course and speed) which the ship undergoes. These accelerations, when combined with time, can be used to find continuously the ship's position in latitude and longitude. The SINS needs no information from outside the ship. Because SINS uses inertial forces, it is sometimes called an inertial navigator.


The computer combines, evaluates and stores data received from other elements of the SINS system. It is a memory bank of highly accurate navigational data capable of rejecting navigational solutions of poor quality and accepting only those of a high degree of accuracy.

Star Tracker

The tracker is extremely sensitive device with radio or infra-red components that calculates elevation (altitude) and Azimuth data of celestial bodies. The use of the star tracker is not limited by poor visibility but may be used effectively in the heaviest of overcasts with a high degree of accuracy, since it can detect radio emanations of celestial bodies.


*System of Advanced Navigation — кораблевождение с использованием новых систем.

**Ships' Inertial Navigation System — корабельная инерциальная навигационная система.

***Navigation Data Assimilation Computer — навигационное счетно-решающее устройство.

****Star Tracker — система слежения по звездам.

*****Inertial Navigator — «инерциальный штурман»

Memory Bank — запоминающее устройство.

Data — множественное число существительного datum - данные.


Words to be learnt:

acceleration — ускорение

accelerometer — акселерометр

law — закон

inertial — инерциальный

celestial (body) — небесное (тело)

to sense — чувствовать

a store — память (вычислительной машины)

to detect — обнаруживать

to install — устанавливать

sensitive — чувствительный

to calculate — рассчитывать

star — звезда

device — прибор


1. What's the Russian for:

acceleration, computer, force, datum, star tracker, memory bank, inertial navigation, celestial body, sensitive, device, to install, store, calculation, to detect.

2. Translate into English:

Корабельная инерциальная навигационная система / или сокращенно КИНС / устанавливается на некоторых надводных кораблях и на подводных лодках.Она может состоять из нескольких гироскопов, одного или нескольких компьютеров и акселерометра. С ее помощью штурман может точно определить местоположение корабля в море.


3. Translate into Russian:

1) We have read about a new system which is called Ships' Inertial Navigation


2) This system senses the acceleration (changes of course and speed) which the

ship undergoes.

3) The star tracker is a sensitive device that calculates elevation and azimuth data

of celestial bodies.

4) Because SINS uses inertial forces, it is sometimes called an inertial navigator.

5) The star tracker may be effectively used in any weather with a high degree of

accuracy, since it can detect radio emanations of celestial bodies.

4. March words:

Star Tracker a system that provides the ship with an accurate and continuous position.
SINS a memory bank of highly accurate navigational date.
NAVDAC extremely sensitive device with radio or infra-red components.

5. Texts for additional reading:

1) Ships' Inertial Navigation System

A British inertial navigation system will be installed in some of Royal warships. It will enable them to plot their positions without, external means. It is especially important for submarines which may remain submerged for many months. The SINS will be fitted in all nuclear submarines.

The British equipment includes three gyroscopes, a small computer and an accelerometer.

SINS was installed in the aircraft carrier «Eagle». Other surface ships which will be equipped with it, will be «County» class guided missile destroyers.

Inertial navigation equipment was used by American nuclear submarines in voyages under the Polar ice,


The term NAVDAC is also used to mean Navigational Data Assimilation Centre.

It is a very sophisticated device to pinpoint the ship's position at sea. There are three SINS computers. One gets their readings, plus data from the radio direction finders the star trackers and a radio telescope.

Note: Navigational Data Assimilation Centre — центр сбора и обработки навигационных данных.



1. Read the following words:

direction echo supply

location fluorescent synchronizer

screen predetermined three-dimentional

frequency radiate view

appearance regardless visual


2. Grammar. Сложноподчиненные предложения; определительный комплекс.

1) The computer generates the message which goes to both injection facilities.

2) Omega complements leading navigational system, Loran, which covers parts of the northern hemisphere.


3. Read the following text:


The word «Radar» means Radio Detection and Ranging. Radar equipment is capable of determining by radio echoes the presence of objects, their direction and range.

There are several types of radar sets, all of their consisting of 6 essential components: a transmitter, a receiver, an antenna system, an indicator, a timer, and a power supply.

A radar set detects objects by sending out short powerful pulses of ultra-high frequency radio wave energy from a high-power transmitter. The directional antenna takes this energy from the transmitter and radiates it in a beam. As the transmitted energy strikes the object, a portion of it is reflected back. The receiver picks up the returning echo through its antenna and translates it into visual readable signals on a fluorescent screen. The appearance of these signals shows the presence of an object within the field of view of radar.

The electron beam sweeps across the fluorescent screen and may be made to travel across any portion of the screen in some predetermined interval of time. The timer, which is the synchronizer of the whole system, times the transmitter pulse and the indicator. The use of these timed pulses and the fact that the radio waves travel at the constant velocity of light gives a simple means of measuring range.

How is then the direction in which on object lies to be found. Both azimuth and elevation can be determined by means of the directional antenna. The antenna may be rotated as the pulses are sent out and the strongest signal appears on the screen when the antenna points directly at the object. The direction of the antenna enables the determination of azimuth and elevation. Thus, with the help of a radar set we can get a three-dimensional location of an object.

The wide use of radar sets in our everyday life makes air and sea entirely safe. Radars may be installed on every ship at sea as well as in every harbour. They will prevent collisions in fog and help a ship to sail safely into any harbour regardless of night or weather.


* Слово “antenna” имеет две формы множественного числа -

antennae - образованная по законам латинского языка, и

antennas - образованная по законам английского языка.


**a timer - синхронизирующее устройство; таймер

to time - устанавливать, отмечать время

I. Words to be learnt:

detection — обнаружение range - расстояние

radar set — радиолокационная станция /РЛС/

transmitter — передатчик

receiver — приемник

indicator — индикатор

power supply — блок питания

velocity — скорость

to send out — посылать

to travel — перемещаться

to install — устанавливать, сооружать

to prevent — предотвращать



1. What's the Russian for:

range, collision, radar set, to reflect, to travel, to send out pulses, to install, screen, transmitter, to prevent.


2.Translate into Russian:

1) As the transmitted energy strikes the object, a portion of it is reflected back.

2) The timer, which is the synchronizer of the whole system, times the

transmitter pulse and the indicator.

3) The use of these timed pulses and the fact that the radio waves travel at the constant velocity of light gives a simple means of measuring range.

4) The antenna may be rotated as the pulses are sent out and the strongest signal appears on the screen when the antenna points directly at the object.

5) Translate the following word combinations:

radio detection and ranging, radar equipment, radar set, antenna system, power supply, radio wave energy, ultra-high frequency, ultra-high frequency radio wave energy, high-power transmitter, three-dimensional location of an object.

3. Translate into English:

1) РЛС называется радиотехническое устройство, предназначенное для обнаружения предметов, окружающих корабль, и для определения их местоположения относительно корабля при помощи радиоволн, отражающихся от объектов.

2) РЛС предназначены для решения следующих задач кораблевождения:

а) определения места корабля при плавании в узкостях;

б) проводки кораблей по фарватерам при плавании в узкостях;

в) для тактического маневрирования;

г) для предупреждения столкновения судов в море.


4. Answer the following questions:

1) What does the word «radar» mean?

2) Are there different types of radar sets?

3) What does a radar set consist of?

4) Where are radars installed?

5) Do they prevent collisions of ships at sea?



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