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Grammar. Слова-заместители: one, that, those.

There is one ship in the dock.

Take this newspaper, but don't take that one.

Take these newspapers, but don't take those ones.

The speed of a MTB is greater than that of a cruiser.

The guns of a cruiser are larger than those of a destroyer.

3. Read the following text:

Navy’s OMEGA Navigation System

Four stations for the Navy-developed navigation system have been approved for operational use to facilitate operational evaluation.

The OMEGA system consists of 8 transmitters strategically located around the world. Four of these are already in operation.

The stations located in Bratland, Norway; Port of Spain, Trinidad; Haiku, Hawaii; and Forestport, New-York, will provide navigation coverage to an area of more than one-fourth of the world.

When the world-wide network is in full operation there will be transmitters in Minnesota, Hawaii, Norway, Trinidad, Japan, either New Zealand or Australia, Chile or Argentina, and La Reunion Island off the coast of Madagascar.

OMEGA, which has been under development by the Navy for some time, is an all-weather, general purpose navigational aid. The system provides navigation for aircraft, ships and submerged submarines.

The system continuously provides a position to a navigator in any weather. The operation of the receiver is quick, simple and reliable.

The transmitting stations transmit signals on 10.2, 11.3 and 13.5 kilohertzes (kilocycles). The lowest frequency and the one most generally used in OMEGA is 10.2 kilohertz.

OMEGA has a potential of providing continuous world-wide position information, accurate to one mile during the daytime and two miles at night, and will be evaluated together with other existing navigation systems as well as those in an advanced state of development in connection with the formulation of a National Navigation Plan.

The responsibility for the development of this plan was assigned to the Department of Transportation by Vice-President at the July Meeting of the National Council for Marine Resources and Engineering Development. The Department of Defence will participate in the development of the plan.


4. Words to be learnt:

Development —разработка /развитие/

coverage —охват, зона действия

frequency — частота

network — сеть

Department of Defence — Министерство обороны

reliable — надежный

all-weather —всепогодный

to participate —участвовать

to evaluate —оценивать



1. What's the Russian for:

quick, simple, reliable, general-purpose, all-weather, to cover, coverage, frequency, network, development, to evaluate, to consist of, to participate, to operate, to transmit.

2. Translate the following sentences paying attention to different meanings of «one», «that» («those»), «these»:

1) Those 4 stations will provide navigation coverage to an area of more than

one -fourth of the world.

2) The lowest frequency and the one most generally used in OMEGA is 10.2


3) OMEGA provides continuous information, accurate to one mile during the day

time and two miles at night.

4) OMEGA will be evaluated together with other existing navigation systems as

well as those in an advanced state of development.

5) OMEGA consists of eight transmitters strategically located around the world.

Four of these are already in operation.

3. Translate the following attributive complex:

Navy-developed OMEGA navigation system, to provide navigation coverage, an all-weather, general purpose navigational aid, to provide continuous world-wide position information.


4. Answer the following questions:

1) What is «OMEGA»? What does it consist of?

2) Where are its 4 stations located?

3) Does OMEGA provide navigation for aircraft, ships and submerged

submarines in any weather?

4) On what kilohertzes do the stations transmit signals?

5) What is the lowest frequency of OMEGA?

6) How accurate is OMEGA during the daytime and at night?

7) Does the Department of Defence participate in the development of OMEGA


5. Match words with their meanings: 1)spacecraft a)any of the huge groups of stars in outer space 2)course b)series of events taking place in an order

3)galaxy c)forward movement in space or time

4)orbit d)path followed by a heavenly body round another body 5)cycle e)body seen in the sky at night as a distant point of light 6)star f)apparatus used for travel beyond the Earth s atmosphere

6. Text for additional reading:

1) OMEGA had its origin more than 25 years ago when the US Naval Research Laboratory started using long range, very Low frequency radio waves. As two years of tests provided its efficiency and accuracy, the US Navy ordered OMEGA receiver sets to equip surface and underwater craft.

OMEGA radio receivers are already installed aboard some of the commercial ocean-going ships. Some day all large ocean-going ships of merchant fleet may be using the system. In the next 20 years, about 60.000 OMEGA receivers are expected to be in use throughout the world.

2) OMEGA is a very long-range, very low frequency (VLF) radio navigation system which will provide global coverage for ships and aircraft. Global coverage will be obtained in the 197G's with eight transmitting stations; four stations are presently operational although not in final configuration or at design power. In marine navigation, OMEGA normally is used as a single frequency hyperbolic system although several frequencies are available and the system can be used in the range-range mode.

The present stations have been in essentially continuous 24-hour operation for over four years. Over 500 receivers have been constructed of which.about half have been sold commercially. The Navy is installing OMEGA on all ships capable of independent operation except some. Plans have also been made to install OMEGA on Navy aircraft. Some fishing boats and merchantmen are now OMEGA equipped. As Mr. Jones observed at a recent meeting of the British Institution of Navigation, «...OMEGA is already the most widely deployed ground-based navigation aid in the world».



1.Read the following words:

gyrocompass spinning axis fuse

gyroscopic synchronously alarm relay

auxiliary master aft

gimbal rheostat


Grammar. Инфинитив после подлежащего в качестве определения.

1) The engines to be used in space need to be very powerful.

2) The resistance to be reduced is a big figure.

3) The damage to be predicted may be associated with tension.

4) The experiments to lead to the practical applications are performed in the laboratory.

5) The phenomenon to be considered at the conference is a new one.

3. Read the following text:

The Gyrocompass

The gyroscopic compass has two distinct advantages over the magnetic compass: first, it is entirely independent of the earth's magnetic field and all the technical tables, instruments, the measurements associated with it; second, it can be made to indicate the true geographical north instead of the magnetic north.

Unfortunately, it is a complicated mechanism, and in case of casualty it requires expert technical attention. Because of this, wherever gyrocompasses are used, magnetic compasses are still retained as auxiliaries.

The heart of the gyrocompass is the gyroscope which can be looked upon as a mass concentrated in a plane and spinning about an axis perpendicular to that plane. When placed in gimbal rings, it has three properties: first, three degrees of freedom; second, rigidity of plane; third, precession. The first property refers to the ability of a gyroscope to be rotated about any one of three mutually independent axes independently of the other two. These three axes are termed the spinning, the horizontal and the vertical axes. When the gyrocompass is operating normally, the spinning axis is parallel to the earth's surface and the meridian; the horizontal is parallel to the surface and the lines of latitude; the vertical points to the zenith.

By systems somewhat similar to those in gunnery fire control, headings of the master compass are synchronously transmitted to repeaters which, in external appearance, look like the magnetic compass and are placed at all points on the ship where the knowledge of the ship's heading is a necessity. On the largest naval ships there may be dozens of these.

The main equipment of a gyrocompass installation consists of the master compass and its supports; batteries in case of failure of ship's supply voltage; one or two small motor generator sets for supplying other than ship's voltages to the compass; a panel for instruments, switches, rheostats, fuses and alarm relays; and a panel for fuses and switches for the repeaters. The large naval ships have two master compasses, one forward and one aft; smaller ships have one.


4. Words to be learnt:

gyroscopic compass – гирокомпас

gimbal ring – звено универсального шарнира

degree of freedom – степень свободы, степень подвижности

rigidity of plane – устойчивость самолета

precession – прецессия

master compass – главный компас

alarm relay – сигнальное реле


1. What's the Russian for:

gyrocompass, entirely independent, to indicate, instead of, in case of casualty, auxiliary, to spin, perpendicular, gimbal, rigidity, precession, spinning axis, synchronously, rheostats, fuses, alarm relays, switches, repeaters, aft.

2. Answer the following questions:

1) What are two distinct advantages of the gyrocompass over the magnetic


2) Is it a complicated mechanism?

3) What is the heart of the gyrocompass?

4) What is the first property of a gyroscope?

5) What does the main equipment of a gyrocompass installation consist of?



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