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Divine Sexual Experience. Divine Sexual Orientation. Ecstasy. Embarrassing Fetish

Divine Sexual Experience


Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 yards

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Special

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)


Casting of this spell involves taking a clear vessel of water and releasing a drop of ink into it. The percentage of the water undarkened by the diffused ink indicates the purity score of one person specified by the caster, who may not be further away than 10 yard. Although not absolutely certain, any score under 50% probably indicates loss of virginity, and with the exception of the rarest of heroes and deities, the score will be between 25% (casual interaction with others) and 90% (extreme debauchery). More specific information may be revealed at the GM's discretion.


Divine Sexual Orientation


Level: Brd 1, Src/ Wiz 1

Components: S, M

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 yards

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No


This spell reveals the hetero- or homo-sexuality of a given creature of a species with two genders. The material component is a clear, colorless gem, which changes colors as follows:


           red                     totally heterosexual

           orange              strongly heterosexual

           yellow               bisexual leaning towards hetero-

           green                 50/50 bisexual

           blue                   bisexual leaning towards homo-

           violet            strongly homosexual

           ultraviolet        totally homosexual


* Sage's note: This is simply the Kinsey scale of sexuality.


In normal daylight, of course, ultraviolet will not show clearly, and will appear to anyone without infravision as lavender. The creature being scried must be alive and visible to the caster. The method of sight -infravision, scrying, clairvoyance, etc. - does not matter. Portraits, illusions, or statues, however, will not suffice. The gem will remain white, indicating spell failure, if the creature is asexual, its attractions are completely unrelated to gender, or is magically protected.



Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]

Level: Brd 1, Src/ Wiz 1

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 5 yards

Target: 1 person

Duration: 1 minute + one minute per level (D)

Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes


The gestures of the caster, along with his erotic incantations causes the person to go into an enjoyable, screaming, orgasmatic, erotic fit. The term person includes any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of giant-size or smaller, such as dwarves, elves, gnolls, halflings, kobolds, and others.

The person receives a will-save to avoid the effect. If the person fails the save, he/she loses all dexterity bonuses to armor class. Also, he/she cannot move from his/her current location, although he will be able to defend with a modification of –2 to everything and is not considered to be helpless. He/she cannot cast spells, attack, use items, etc, except in defense. Basically, the character is caught up in a real pleasurable experience and can't function properly.

Embarrassing Fetish

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]

Level: Src/ Wiz 5

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: 10 yards

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Permanent (D)

Saving Throw: special

Spell Resistance: Yes


 Sage's note: this spell leaves much room for creative spellcasting, but is also very restricted and narrowly defined. Please read with care.

With this spell, the caster can instil in one intelligent creature an erotic fascination with a single kind of object, behaviour (such that the sight, smell, sound, etc. ). A sample of that designated kind of object or behaviour arouses the subject uncontrollably, and such that erotic pleasure or orgasm is impossible without the presence of the fetish object or behaviour.

Some representative examples of fetish objects are red hair, spiked heels, whips, jewelled short swords, oak leaves, artificial limbs or amputees, green tunics, tuna, cheese, sheep, gnomes, gnolls, red dragons' tongues, royal guards in uniform, children, octogenarians, members of one's immediate family, psionicists, rangers, mermaids, lawful neutrals, and Red Wizards of Thay. Some representative examples of fetish behaviours are having small insects and snails crawl all over one's body, inflicting pain on another person, inflicting pain on oneself, being strangled, strangling another person, being bound, binding another person, being charmed or commanded, staging one's own mock execution, and innkeepers' daughters pouring beer down one's chest.

This spell is extremely versatile and may be made as detailed and kinky as desired. Extremely detailed or nearly impossible fetishes, however, may occur so rarely or be so beyond the capacity of the subject to locate or bring about that the spell has little effect on the subject's life than to create enormous sexual frustration. Danger, pride, and personal cost are not, however, enough to dissuade the subject from the fetish once it has been made available.

This spell cannot create a fetish for an individual person or object (" Carolyn Greycloak" or " the Great Ruby of al-Ghasar, " for example). Nor can it, without the aid of another spell, create homosexual desires in a heterosexual, or vice versa.

There is no save per se against the fetish. Rather, upon discovering the fetish, the subject, if strenuously disapproving, is allowed a will-save. A successful check leaves the subject humiliated but thereafter free from the fetish. A new will-save may be attempted once per day, but since fetishes gain strength over time, the check suffers a cumulative penalty of -1 per day. A will save of 20 is always successful.

A character who became victim to the embarrassing fetish spell receives a bonus to all saves against seduction, that cause lust, arousal or compel to have sex of +2 if the fetish is not present. Likewise, the character receives a saving throw modification of –2 in the stated situations, if the fetish is present.

The material component of this spell is a sample, highly representative object of the fetish, or an enactment of the fetish behaviour on the part of the spellcaster.



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