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Combat. Skirtseeker. Fine Aberration (Earth). Improved Grab: In order to use this ability a recondite must hit an enemy of up to Large size with one of their Slam attacks



In combat, a recondite will attempt to snatch one victim and use their psionic piowers to shift back to their home place and use their Coital Assimilation on the victim. Because of this, it is almost impossible to defeat a recondite as they almost never remain in place long enough to be a victim of any attack. If prevented from leaving by a dimensional anchor spell, they use their Rainbow Pattern ability to distract as many attackers as they can and Energy Drain the rest, snatching up as many as they can for later use. If some how prevented from all of these, they grapple to kill.


Improved Grab: In order to use this ability a recondite must hit an enemy of up to Large size with one of their Slam attacks.


Mass Grapple: For every successful Slam attack against a target in a round, a recondite gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their grapple checks against that target in that round.


Coital Energy Drain: Upon successfullly doing SRP damage to a target that the recondite is penetrating, a recondite may inflict a number of negative levels upon the target equal to half the SRP inflicted, rounded down. The Fortitude save to remove these negative levels is 21. A recondite will not, as a rule, inflict more negative levels than the target has levels, seeking only to reduce the target to an easily manageable opponent.


Coital Assimilation: By, in conjunction with at least three other recondite, bringing a victim to orgasm at least five times within one hour and reducing the victim to 1st level using their Coital Energy Drain, may apply the Recondite Pawn template to the victim if applicable.


Psionics: So far I'm thinking Plane Shift, Dimension Door, Hypnosis, and a form of Rainbow Pattern. No direct damage effects, and probably a few things that allow them to inflict pleasure.


Tactile Telepathy: A recondite can telepathcially communicate with any creature that has a language that it is touching.


Fixed Shape: Recondite cannot polymorph themselves, shapechange themselves, or be changed in shape by others.


Archetypical Shape: No other creatures can polymorph or shapechange themselves (or anyone else) in to a recondites shape, or anything approximating it.



Fine Aberration (Earth)

Hit Dice: 1/8 d8 (1 hp)

Initiative: +6 (Dex)

Speed: 5 ft.

AC: 28 (+8 size, +6 Dex, +4 natural)

Attacks: Bite +14 melee

Damage: Bite 1d2

Face/Reach: Ѕ ft. by Ѕ ft. /0 ft.

Special Attacks: Color spray

Special Qualities: Blindsight, scent (women only), acid resistance 20, induce wantonness, sexy aura, virginal rebuff

Saves: Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2

Abilities: Str 1, Dex 22, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14

Skills: Hide +16, Jump +26, Spot +2

Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite)


Climate/Terrain: Cold and temperate hill, mountains, and underground

Organization: Cluster (2-5) or swarm (5-20)

Challenge Rating: 1/4

Treasure: Gems only

Alignment: Usually neutral

Advancement: 1/4 - 1/2 HD (Fine); 1 HD (Diminutive)


In their dormant state, skirtseeker appear to be ordinary, colored stones. However, they are quite sentient, mobile, and always in search of cloth and female pheromones to consume. The skirtseekers' usual mode of operation in to secretly attach themselves to some unsuspecting woman's skirt, and turn her into a sex-crazed wanton before moving on to their next meal.

After attaching to a woman's garment (usually her dress or trousers, though they have been know to latch onto a bodice now and then) the skirtseekers slowly begin to consume the cloth, causing it to become more and more risquй, while they themselves become more and more jewel-like. During this time, their presence also begins to affect the woman's sense of desire, filling her to the point of bursting with lust.

It takes only a few days for a cluster of skirtseekers to reduce a woolen dress to a thong, and at most a week for them to do the same to leather clothing. If a skirtseeker is killed, it can usually be sold to the unwary as a gem worth an average of 10 gp.

Skirtseekers speak Terran, but only when they think they will not be overheard.



If they are discovered and not allowed to flee, skirtseekers can defend themselves with fair ability.

Color Spray (Sp): As long as the skirtseeker has been near a female within the past day it can use the color spray spell 3 times/day as if it were a 5th-level sorcerer (save DC 13).

Blindsight (Ex): Skirtseekers have no visual organs but can ascertain all foes within 60 feet by using sound, scent, and vibration.

Induce Wantonness (Su): After a day of being the subject of skirtseekers' advances, the victim must make a Will save (DC 10 + the number of attached skirtseekers) or become aroused (as per the spell). On the next day, she must make a Will save (DC 12 + the number of attached skirtseekers) or be affected by the skank spell. On the third and subsequent days, the victim must make a Will save (DC 15 + the number of attached skirtseekers) or be stricken with the nymphomania insanity.

Sexy Aura (Ex): As a side effect of the skirtseekers' reduction of her clothing, as well as their increasing sparkle and sexual radiation, the victim of a cluster of skirtseekers gains a circumstance bonus equal to the number of the creatures attached to her garments to her Arousal Checks to arouse any male partners.

Virginal Rebuff (Ex): Any woman who has never had sex with another being is immune to the skirtseeker's Induce Wantonness and Scent abilities. A skirtseeker will not try to target their clothing as a source of food.



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