Organization as a dynamic change
Organization as a dynamic change Both public and private organizations have a dilemma – the need for both stability and change. All organizations resist change as organizational change is often painful and destructive. Despite the need for new ideas, new approaches, and new types of employees, stability need usually dominates in organizations. And the forces of stability are stronger in public organizations. These institutions are generally insulated from survival concerns by legal mandates. Few of them declare bankruptcy despite serious doubts about their efficiency.
Organization as human relations Both organizations, especially public organizations, are crowded with individuals. Individuals bring to organizations a complex mix of needs (both fundamental needs, as food, shelter, health care, and future security which are bought with money earned through work, and our highest spiritual needs to belong to a social group and to contribute to it, the need of self-actualization, esteem and recognition). To attract and keep people and to encourage dependable and innovative performance, organizations must take into account individual needs and motivation and satisfy them. Organizations should also make a system of various rewards that are powerful incentives for above-average performance. Pay, promotions, recognition, and others rewards are distributed by managerial staff. Social rewards like friendship, conversation, impact, satisfaction received from meaningful work appear in the process of work itself. The social rewards of some jobs are more obvious than others. Jobs with greater variety, responsibility, and challenge are more rewarding while routine can generate lack of interest and boredom, and managers should take it into account.
Organization as a structure of subgroups Most work in organizations depends on ensemble rather than solo effort, and is a mix of collaboration and interdependence. There are two basic groups in organizations: formal and informal. Formal groups (departments, committees) are identified and selected by organizational leaders, and their major characteristics are organizational legitimacy and task orientation. Informal groups (sport groups, common lunch hours, etc. ) are not created by management but evolve out of the rich social environment. People’s activities in these groups have a profound effect on work and are as important as formal assignments. Organization as a cultural product Organizations have not only tangible dimensions such as an office building, an organizational chart, products and services, specific individuals and groups. Organizations are cultural and meaning systems as well as places for work. The concept of culture is difficult to define. But when comparing organizations in different countries, their cultural differences are extremely vivid and important. Organizations are also meaning systems as they provide meaning to our lives. Feelings and emotions as well as purpose are very important to work life of an organization.
Both culture and emotions influence structure, effectiveness, and change in organizations. Organizations are not only places of production; they are also sites rich with symbols and bureaucrats and executives act as tribal leaders. The environment of public administration When many people think of public administration as an activity, they visualize large offices crammed with rows of faceless bureaucrats sitting at desks and producing an endless stream of paperwork. But this view captures only few of the important things that professional civil servants actually do. Public administration also has many more participants, such as the executive, the legislature, the courts, and organized groups, which are involved in the formulation and implementation of public policy. And if a public administrator focuses the attention on only some of them, others may become neglected and that may lead to the jeopardy of the entire program. Summing up, it is important to underline that the theory of public administration is very diverse, is rapidly developing and depends much on what we know about why humans behave as they do when they interact with each other.
Ex. 2. Read the text again for understanding its main points and answer the " What" -questions given bellow: 1) What does the theory of public administration as an interdisciplinary subject take into account? 2) What do the terms public and private convey to the general public? 3) What is a dominant form of administration? 4) What can be done to motivate employees? 5) What should each employee be provided with? 6) What are the main principles according to which employees are hired and promoted? 7) What dilemma do both public and private organizations have? 8) What do individuals bring to organizations? 9) What are the participants of public administration? 10) What are the tangible dimensions of an organization?
Ex. 3. Now read the text for detailed information to complete the following sentences and develop the idea: 1) Managers of private organizations are commonly pictured …. 2) Each employee is accountable …. 3) Organisations hire and promote employees taking into account …. 4) Most work in organisations is a mix of …. 5) People’s activity in informal groups …. 6) Routine jobs can generate …. 7) Both in business and government organisations bureaucracy is …. 8) Food, shelter, health care and … are … needs of individuals. 9) It may lead to … if a public administrator focuses the attention … 10) … are rewards which are distributed by managerial staff.
Ex. 4. Answer the following 'Why'-questions: 1) Public organizations are commonly pictured wasteful and private ones efficient. Why don’t these perceptions withstand careful scrutiny? 2) Bureaucracy has promise but it may also create problems and abuses of power. Why? 3) Why is stability need said to dominate in organizations? 4) Why fundamental, spiritual or individual needs should be first taken into account to encourage innovative performance? 5) Why is an adequate system of rewards a powerful incentive for above-average performance?
6) Why do people’s activities in informal groups have a profound effect on their work? Are they as important as formal assignments? 7) Organisations are said to be cultural and meaning systems as well as places for work. Are you for or against it? Why? 8) Why do many people thinking of public administration as an activity visualize large offices crammed with rows of faceless bureaucrats sitting at desks and producing an endless stream of paperwork?
D. Post-reading Exercises
Language Study Ex. 1. Insert prepositions where necessary: 1) Private organizations are commonly pictured to be run by hard-nosed managers who worry … profits and consumers. 2) Both types of organizations, private and public, have much … common. 3) Both organizations, especially public ones are crowded … individuals who bring … organizations a complex mix of need. 4) Fundamental needs of individuals are bought … money earned … work. 5) People … informal groups get together to share … common interests, not to work, but nevertheless, these activities have a profound effect … their work. 6) When people think … public administration as an activity they visualize faceless bureaucrats sitting … desks and producing … an endless stream of paperwork. 7) In case a public administrator focuses the attention … only some of his duties and neglects … others, which may lead … the jeopardy … the entire program. 8) Each employee in an organization is accountable … the top executive … a chain of commands.
Ex. 4. What is the English for:
Ex. 1. Retell the text finishing the following sentences and adding 4-5 phrases of your own: 1) The text under discussion deals with … 2) Primary attention in the text is paid to the basic aspects of organization theory which involves … 3) Bureaucracy, being a dominant form of administration is generally defined as … 4) To attract and keep individuals, to encourage dependable and innovative performance … 5) Public administration is an activity involving a lot of participants …
Ex. 2. Translate into English: 1) Принято считать, что государственные организации расточительны, а частные эффективны, и все же это восприятие не выдерживает пристального изучения. 2) Государственные и частные организации имеют много общего. Например, и те и другие нанимают и продвигают сотрудников по службе в соответствии с их знаниями и умениями.
3) И те, и другие организации, в особенности государственные, очень многочисленны (по количеству сотрудников). 4) Материальные потребности личности, такие как потребности в еде, жилище, медицинском обслуживании, уверенности в будущем удовлетворяются за счет средств, заработанных посредством выполнения определенных обязанностей. 5) Люди объединяются в неформальные группы по признаку общности интересов. Это могут быть спорт, музыка или любая другая деятельность вне работы.
Ex. 3. Give your viewpoint on the following questions: 1) A young specialist, apart from possessing profound knowledge of law or economics, is sure to know the theory of public administration. Why? 2) The organisation theory viewы an organisation as bureaucracy, human relations, a structure of subgroups, etc. Why? 3) What is the most adequate system of rewards which should be introduced in a business organisation to attract and motivate employees? Why?
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