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III. Find the English equivalents to the following sentences in the given text:   

1) Рядом Вы можете увидеть Царь-пушку.

2) Там выставлено множество бесценных исторических реликвий.

3) Для строительства соборов царь пригласил итальянских архитекторов.

4) Сначала крепость была деревянной.

5) Другим прекрасным примером русской архитектуры является Грановитая палата.

IV. Answer the questions:

1) Who built the white Kremlin?

2) When were the red walls constructed?

3) What was the burial place of Russian Tsars?

4) Where were the Russian Tsars and Emperors crowned?

5) What is the largest bell in the world?

6) Which cathedral is connected with Andrey Rublev?

7) What is the Annunciation Cathedral famous for?

8) What is exhibited in the Armoury Chamber?

9) When was the Annunciation Cathedral built?

10) What rises in the centre of the Kremlin?                   Criteria of marks:

                                                             33-35 points – “excellent”

25-32 points – “good”

18- 24 points – “satisfactory”

17 points and less – “bad”

Make up a plan of the text. Retell the text using your plan.


Unit 4



Novosibirsk is situated on the great Siberian river Ob and is divided by it into two parts. Its foundation is associated with the name of the well-known Russian writer of the latter half of the 19th century N.Garin-Mikhailovsky. Engineering was his second profession. In 1891—1893 Garin-Mikhailovsky built the left-bank tracks of the Trans-Siberian Railway. That was the beginning of Novosibirsk's history. The residents of Novosibirsk called the railway square of the city by his name. Novosibirsk region is situated in West Siberia's southern part. There are 14 towns in the region.

Novosibirsk is a huge city (about 506 sq. km.), it is the third largest town after Moscow and St.Petersburg. It goes on growing and is one of the most dynamic cities in Russia; its population is more than 1, 5 million.

 Novosibirsk is a big industrial, scientific, cultural and educational centre. Today’s Novosibirsk has a wide range of industries, but metallurgy and engineering predominate. Industrial enterprises produce unique heavy machinery and equipment, farm machines, hydraulic presses, automatic looms, powerful generators and various types of instruments and devices. There are also ship and locomotive repair shops. Power is provided by a dam hydraulic station and several thermal stations. There are many joint ventures in Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk has trade partners in many countries.

Novosibirsk is the first populated center east of the Urals to have an underground railway of its own. It was opened in 1986. Besides the Metro, transportation within the city is by buses, trolleybuses, trams, route taxes and even local electric commuter trains. The centre of Novosibirsk is the Lenin square, the Red Prospect is the central, the longest and the straightest street, it’s about 6945metres long.

Novosibirsk is a scientific and cultural centre. Akademgorodok is famous in the world. It is situated on the coast of the man-made Ob Sea. More than twenty research institutes, the University are situated there. Research work is being done on a very large scale there. Novosibirsk is called a city of three Academies: the Siberian branch of the VASKHNIL, the Siberian branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Sciences and the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Residents of Novosibirsk are proud of academic theatre “The NOVAT”, one of the world’s biggest, the Conservatoire of Music, the “Globe” theatre, the Operetta House and the Puppet Theater. The town has interesting museums and impressive monuments, botanical gardens, the Zoo, art galleries and the circus.

The Art Gallery in Novosibirsk is certainly the worth seeing! It contains works of Ivan Shishkin, Vasily Tropinin, Nikolai Rerickh, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, as well as contemporary artists.

On the bank of the river Kamenka stands the tall building of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library. It has more than five million volumes on its shelves.

Novosibirsk is an educational centre as well. Every third resident of Novosibirsk is a student who can make his choice of colleges. The city is still growing and becoming more beautiful with every passing day.


Topical vocabulary:

latter half of the 19th century вторая половина 19 в.
left-bank tracks              ж/д путь, соединяющий левый берег с правым
Trans-Siberian Railway Транссибирская магистраль
huge огромный
contemporary современный
joint venture                 совместное предприятие
route taxi                      маршрутное такси
electric commuter train электричка
man-made                     искусственный
research institute              научно-исследоват. институт
on a very large scale        в крупных масштабах
volume (зд.) том (книга)
to be associated with…     быть связанным с чем-л.
engineering                       строительство
resident   житель
to predominate                  доминировать, превалировать
wide range                        широкий диапазон
loom ткацкий станок
equipment оборудование
device устройство
heavy machinery                тяжёлое машиностроение
dam hydraulic station      гидроэлектростанция (ГЭС)
thermal station          тепловая электростанция (ТЭЦ)
State Public Scientific and Technical Library Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека (ГПНТБ)
circus цирк


Practical work N 4

I. Find English equivalents in the text, corresponding to the Russian words and word-combinations:

1) вторая половина 19-го века; 2) современные художники; 3) Сибирское Отделение Академии Наук; 4) выпускать уникальное оборудование;       5) строительство – его вторая профессия; 6) стоит посмотреть;                 7) ботанический сад; 8) впечатляющие монументы; 9) cвязан с именем…; 10) один из наиболее динамичных городов; 11) металлургия и строительство превалируют; 12) автоматические прялки; 13) гидравлические прессы;  14) гидроэлектростанция; 15) тепловая электростанция;                           16) исследовательская работа; 17) собственное метро; 18) самая длинная и самая прямая улица; 19) искусственное Обское море; 20) город трёх академий; 21) на берегу реки Каменки; 22) Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека (ГПНТБ); 23) более пяти миллионов томов.


II. Answer the questions:

1) What event is the foundation of Novosibirsk connected with?

2) When was it founded?

3) Who was the founder of Novosibirsk?

4) Where is the town situated?

5) What is the population of Novosibirsk?

6) How much is Novosibirsk’s area?

7) When was the first line of the Metro opened?

8) What types of industry are presented in Novosibirsk?

9) What is a centre of Novosibirsk? A central street of Novosibirsk?

10)Is Novosibirsk a scientific centre? Why?


III. Translate into English using information from the text:

1) На сегодняшний день в Новосибирске представлен широкий спектр промышленных предприятий.

2) Новосибирск – единственный город восточнее Урала, который имеет собственное метро.

3) Новосибирск – это крупный научный центр, его называют городом трёх академий.

4) Новосибирцы гордятся картинной галереей, её действительно стоит посмотреть.

5) На берегу реки Каменки стоит высокое здание ГПНТБ.

6) Театр «Новат» является одним из самых крупнейших театров в мире.

7) ГПНТБ имеет огромный фонд литературы, она насчитывает более 5            

миллионов томов.

Criteria of marks:

                                                             38-40 points – “excellent”

                                                             30-35 points – “good”

                                                       21-29 points – “satisfactory”

                                                             20 points and less – “bad”


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