I. Translate into Russian :
1) the finest country's technical college; 2) conduct various experiments; 3) 600 students are currently enrolled; 4) a technician in the chosen field; 5) literature on topics learnt; 6) tasty and very affordable; 7) carry on lab works; 8) do their own research work; 9) on the ground floor; 10) they rent an apartment.
II. Find English equivalents in the text, corresponding to the Russian words and word-combinations: 1) закончили колледж; 2) еда вкусная и вполне доступная; 3) различные предметы; 4) аудитории для лекций и семинаров; 5) был присоединён к …; 6) удобное общежитие; 7) оснащены современным оборудованием; 8) серое четырёхэтажное здание; 9) работать техником; 10) болтать во время лекции; 11) в избранной сфере; 12) необходимая литература по изучаемым предметам; 13) проводить различные эксперименты; 14) делать лабораторные работы; 15) вести собственную исследовательскую работу; 16) современный читальный зал.
III. Answer the questions: 1) When was your college founded? 2) Who is the Director of Novosibirsk College of Geodesy and Cartography? 3) How many people are currently enrolled? 4) How many faculties are there in your college? 5) What’s happened in 2010? 6) How many years does the course of study last? 7) Many substitutes has the director got? 8) What is your faculty? What is your department?
IV. Find English equivalents in the text: 1) Здесь много аудиторий для лекционных и семинарских занятий. 2) Акустика в таком зале очень хорошая, но иногда бывает шумно, т.к. студенты болтают во время лекции. 3) У нас есть лаборатории, оснащённые современным оборудованием. 4) Там студенты выполняют лабораторные работы и проводят различные эксперименты. 5) Учёба в техникуме даёт прочную основу во всех сферах знания и подготовку к практической деятельности. 6) На сегодняшний день это – крупное учебное заведение, насчитывающее более 600 студентов. 7) Некоторые студенты не живут в общежитии, а снимают жильё. 8) Диплом даёт возможность работать техником в избранной отрасли.
9) Еда там вкусная и довольно доступная. 10) Есть также библиотека, имеющая в своих фондах всю необходимую литературу по изучаемым дисциплинам.
V. Translate into English using your active vocabulary: 1) Директор техникума геодезии и картографии – Обиденко Владимир Иванович, у него есть четыре заместителя. 2) Учебный год состоит из двух семестров. 3) Преподавательский состав нашего техникума – очень квалифицированный. 4) В этом учебном заведении есть современные лекционные залы, лаборатории и большой спортивный зал. 5) Курс обучения в университете – пять лет, заочники учатся шесть лет. 6) Наша школа – это современное трёхэтажное здание со светлыми классами, столовой и читальным залом.
Thank you! Criteria of marks: 25 –35 points - “satisfactory” 36-44 points – “good” 45-50 points –“excellent”
Topical vocabulary:
Text Geodetic, topographic, hydrographic and cadastral surveys are produced by the application of electronics and computer sciences. At the same time, superior optics and more refined instruments, in general, have facilitated the precision of observations and accuracies of the end product.
It is surprising that classical instruments are still found in many fields of surveying. Geodesists have following reasons for that: 1. Classical instruments can be used to perform many new surveying tasks without any difficulties. 2. Good performance at a reasonable price. 3. They are ready for use at any time independent of the battery charge. 4. Even under extreme climatic conditions they function without error. Though different modern techniques are acceptable for measuring angles usually special instrument called theodolite is used in surveying for this purpose. It can assure the accuracy required in the framework needed for precise mapping. The theodolite consists of a telescope pivoted around horizontal and vertical axes so that it can measure both horizontal and vertical angles. These angles are read from circles graduated in degrees and smaller intervals of 10 or 20 minutes. In surveying for engineering projects, more sophisticated instruments are employed to maximize accuracy. For example, distances may be made by EDM (electronic distance measurement) or by tachymetry, a geometric technique in which the vertical distance on a graduated vertical staff, seen between two stadia hairs in the theodolite eyepiece, is a measure of the horizontal distance between the theodolite and the staff – usually 100 times the difference between the two readings. Modern surveying instruments combine a theodolite, EDM equipment, and a computer that records all the observations and calculates the height differences obtained by measuring vertical angles. Heights of surface features above sea level are determined by leveling. The level has been used by the surveyor for centuries. It consists of horizontal telescope fitted with cross hairs, rotating around a vertical axis on a tripod, with a very sensitive spirit level fixed to it; the instrument is adjusted until the bubble is exactly centered. It is used for measuring height differences over long horizontal distances.
Practical work № 4 I. Complete the sentences: 1. … is used for measuring angles. 2. … is pivoted around horizontal and vertical axes. 3. Heights of surface are determined by …. 4. ... … consists of horizontal telescope on a tripod. 5. The instrument is adjusted until the … … is exactly centred.
II. Find English equivalents of the following: 1) топосъёмка; 2) гидрографическая съёмка; 3) кадастровая съёмка; 4) высококлассная оптика; 5) точность наблюдений; 6) разница между двумя показаниями; 7) при экстремальных климатических условиях; 8) гарантировать необходимую точность; 9) измерять горизонтальные и вертикальные углы; 10) разумная цена. III. Answer the questions: 1. What helps to produce surveys? 2. Why is classical theodolite still used? 3. What does a theodolite consist of? 4. What do modern surveying instruments combine? 5. What is tachymetry? 6. What is leveling used for? 7. What does a level consist of?
IV. Translate into English: 1. Съёмка осуществляется с применением электронных приборов и компьютера. 2. Удивительно, что классические инструменты всё ещё применяются для проведения съёмки. 3. Эти инструменты не зависят от зарядки аккумулятора. 4. Для измерения углов обычно используется теодолит.
5. Сложные инструменты используются для достижения максимальной точности 6. Нивелир снабжён чувствительным спиртовым уровнем.
Thank you! Criteria of marks: 14-19 points - “satisfactory” 20-25 points – “good” 26-28 points –“excellent”
Unit 7 WHAT IS A MAP? Topical vocabulary:
Text A map is a graphic representation drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features – usually geographical, geological, or geopolitical – of an area of the Earth or of any other celestial body. Globes are maps represented on the surface of a sphere. The art and science of making maps and charts is called cartography. Major types of maps include topographical maps, showing features of the Earth’s land surface, nautical charts, representing coastal and marine areas; hydrographic charts, which specify ocean depths and the directions and intensities of oceanic currents; and aeronautical charts, which detail surface features and air routes. Maps may be classified according to their scale, content, or derivation. Map scale refers to the size of the representation on the map as compared to the size of the object on the ground, for example, the ratio 1:63,360 means one inch on the map represents 63,360 inches (one mile) on the ground. In general, a large-scale map is one on which one inch represents a mile or less; on a small-scale map the ratio may be 1:1,000,000 (one inch to about 15 miles); and medium scale denotes intermediate range. A map’s content is chosen to suit its primary purpose: aeronautical chart, topographic map, road map, weather map etc. Maps may be derived from other maps, usually of larger scale; they may be assembled from original surveys and aerial photographs. Specialized detail maps may also rely on observations made by surveyors on the ground. Geological maps may incorporate information provided by Earth-observation satellites. Once information is obtained, it must be accurately transferred to paper. An accurate map of an area even a few tens of miles across must take into account the curvature of the Earth’s surface.
Practical work № 5 I. Find English equivalents of the following: 1) графическое изображение; 2) плоская поверхность; 3) крупномасштабная карта; 4) мелкомасштабная карта; 5) точное изображение; 6) переносить на бумагу; 7) искусство создания карт; 8) по сравнению с …; 9) главная цель; 10) кривизна земной поверхности. II. Fill in the gaps: 1. … is the art of making maps. 2. If 1 inch on the map represents a mile or less, it is a … map. 3. An accurate map must take into account the … of the Earth. 4. Maps represented on the surface of a sphere are called …. 5. … maps show features of the Earth’s surface. III. Answer the questions: 1. What is a map? 2. What is a globe? 3. What are the major types of maps? 4. How are maps classed according to their scale? 5. What does the map’s content imply? 6. What are the sources of measurements for maps? IV. Translate into English: 1. Карта – это графическое изображение на плоской поверхности, произведенное в масштабе. 2. Карты можно классифицировать по масштабу, содержанию и источнику их составления. 3. Содержание карты соответствует её основному назначению. 4. Специальные подробные карты составляются на основании измерений, произведенных геодезистами. 5. Полученную информацию необходимо перенести на бумагу.
Thank you! Criteria of marks: 13-17 points – “satisfactory” 18-23 points – “good” 24-26 points – “excellent” Unit 8 LAND USE Topical vocabulary:
Text People use land for different purposes. The science of land use studies how the land is managed, how the natural world is used for human needs. There are many types of land use. They include recreational, transport, agricultural, residential, forestry, park, industrial, institutional, commercial and other land uses. Agricultural land is used for growing crops and rearing animals. It is the oldest human use of land. All people need food, so it is vital. With increased efficiency, less land and fewer people are needed to produce food. The very first people who gave up hunter-gatherer lifestyles and started farming represent the first case of using land for this purpose. The nature of agricultural land depends on the types of crops and agronomic systems.
Residential land is used for construction of residential houses. It is also one of the oldest uses of land. Single-family houses on large or small parcels and blocks of flats built on land can illustrate this land use. The largest residential land uses are associated with cities with large density of human population. Institutional land uses are mostly associated with land that is occupied by public buildings such as schools, universities, government office buildings, etc. These facilities are mostly located in urban areas. Industrial land uses are various; they depend on the nature of the industry. There are lands where petroleum refineries and the electricity generating stations, etc. are located. These are the examples of urban-industrial land uses. Industrial land use in rural areas can include mines, mills for production of ores and metals, fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Large water reservoirs for production of hydroelectricity are also included in this type of land use. Transport land is used for roads, railways, subways, or airports. Means of transport are necessary for all other land uses to operate effectively.
Practical work № 6 I. Translate into Russian: 1) the largest residential land; 2) construction of residential houses; 3) it is vital; 4) the nature of agricultural land; 5) for different purposes; 6) houses on large or small parcels; 7) mills for production of ores and metals; 8) hunter-gatherer lifestyles; 9) examples of urban-industrial land uses; 10) government office buildings.
II. Find English equivalents in the text, corresponding to the Russian words and word-combinations: 1) для нужд человека; 2) первый способ использования земли; 3) с высокой плотностью населения; 4) использование земли для строительства учреждений; 5) такие учреждения, как правило, расположены в городах; 6) зоны, где расположены заводы по переработке нефти; 7) это зависит от вида промышленности; 8) ископаемое топливо, как, например, уголь или природный газ; 9) для производства гидроэлектроэнергии; 10) для эффективного взаимодействия.
III. Answer the questions: 1) What does the science of land use study? 2) What are the main types of land use? 3) What are the examples of residential land use? 4) What examples can illustrate industrial land use? 5) What was the first case of using land? 6) What land are institutional land uses associated with? 7) Where are public buildings mostly located? 8) Where is transport land used? 9) Where is agricultural land used? 10) Was the text useful for you?
Thank you! Criteria of marks: 15-20 points – “satisfactory” 21-27 point s – “good” 28-30 points – “excellent” Unit 9 TYPES OF NETWORKS Topical vocabulary:
Text Fundamentals of LANs Most every enterprise computer network can be separated into two general types of technology: local-area networks (LAN) and wide-area networks (WAN). LANs typically connect nearby devices: devices in the same room, in the same building, or in a campus of buildings. In contrast, WANs connect devices that are typically relatively far apart. Together, LANs and WANs create a complete enterprise computer network, working together to do the job of a computer network: delivering data from one device to another. While many types of LANs have existed over the years, today’s networks use two general types of LANs: Ethernet LANs and wireless LANs. Ethernet LANs use cables for the links between nodes, and because many types of cables use copper wires, Ethernet LANs are often called wired LANs. In comparison, wireless LANs do not use wires or cables, instead using radio waves for the links between nodes.
An Overview of LANs The term Ethernet refers to a family of LAN standards that together define the physical and data link layers of the world’s most popular wired LAN technology. The standards, defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), define the cabling, the connectors on the ends of the cables, the protocol rules, and everything else required to create an Ethernet LAN.
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