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2) How are Margie’s and Tommie’s homework and tests checked?

2) How are Margie’s and Tommie’s homework and tests checked?

A) Parents have to give report to the mechanical teacher.

B) They don’t have to do homework and tests.

C) Tests and homework have to be inserted into the computer.

D) They meet their mechanical teacher in a school building once a week.

3) How does the mechanical teacher “read” Margie’s and Tommie’s written tests?

A) Margie and Tommie read out their answers into a microphone which is connected to their mechanical teacher.

B) They use a special sort of handwriting which can be processed and analysed by their mechanical teacher.

C) They send their homework to their mechanical teacher via e-mail.

D) Margie and Tommie don’t have to do written tests at all.

4) The strange thing about books for Tommy and Margie is that the words don’t

stand still.

A) Correct     

B) Wrong

5) Which is Margie’s first subject at school that day?

A) English

B) Geography

C) Maths

D) Physics

7) Which arguments does Margie present against a human teacher?

A) She doesn’t want a strange person to visit her at home every day.

B) Most human teachers are badly dressed.

C) A human teacher is smarter than a mechanical teacher.

D) A human teacher isn’t able to teach every student according to his or her personal abilities.

6. Compare schools you know and schooling in the text.

7. Would you rather have a mechanical teacher or regular teachers?


Short term lesson plan


Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5Lesson plan 51




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Lesson title

Language Focus.

Past Simple or Past Continuous p. 59

Learning objectives(s)

9. C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

9. C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

9. S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about an increased range of general and curricular topics

9. S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general and curricular topics

9. UE5 use a wide variety of question types on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics

9. W8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

· Identify the theme, active words and use them as the basis for discussion.

· Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Past Simple or Past Continuous, making stories using this grammar tenses. Transfer information from the given information into a graphic organizer.

Most learners will be able to:

·Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation

· Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about people's favourite books.

Some learners will be able to:

· Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.

·Make a topic about past events and memories.

Level of thinking

Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's taxonomy).

Assessment criteria

· Read the given text of description and identify the general information.

· Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas accurately.

· Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.

Target language

Used to, to happen, to set a scene, to be in the focus of attention.

Values links

Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Respect and Love to people and school,

Cross-curricular link

 Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Art, History.

Previous learning

Vocabulary relating to people's past events and memories


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Start   3 min Main part 15 min  

Class organisation

To present a mind - map

· Ask Ss to complete a mind - map and choose a genre of a book they are into.

Read the examples in the table aloud and then elicit the answers to complete their own diagram.

Lead-in (W, I)

To practise active vocabulary

· Explain the task Study Strategy and read the example aloud.

· Ss complete the task.

· Check Ss’ answers.


To practise vocabulary through personalisation and pair group.

The story of I. Asimov “The Fun They Had”.

· Teacher organises group work on topic from the site www. buzzle. com. ( G) Learners are divided into small groups of 3-4; and are given the instructions: surf the internet to find information about the writer of this story. (If the Internet connection is not available, teacher can use information from Appendix 1). They should prepare mini-research poster.

· (G) Learners work in the following directions and arrange information:

Group 1: I. Asimov

Group 2: A real book

Group 3: An old school. What did the children use to do?

Group 4: A school of future(a mechanical teacher)

· (G) Learners distribute the roles in the group

Student 1 – timekeeper

Student 2 – researcher

Student 3 – teacher

Student 4 – painter

Using a mind – map, each group prepares a summary of the text.

Speak about a future school and our school.


While speaking about past events, we can use: Past simple or Past Continuous.

  Past S. Past Cont.
Words indicators    


Ex. 1 – 2 p. 59 (Pair Work).

In the text, find the examples of two grammar tenses.

Ex. 3 p. 59 should be done individually as a competition task. The winner gets a title – The Best in Grammar.

Task. Activate. Ex. 4 p. 59 (Don’t forget to use Past simple and Past Continuous).

  Slide (useful phrases)   Pictures PPT     Writing Worksheet   3.   Writing Worksheet A mind – map Venn Diagram A Table Student’s Book p. 59 Answers are in Teacher’s Book.
End 3 min.    

Home task:

W. B. p. 39

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the method: “ Six thinking hats ”:

· Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?

· Red: How do you feel about your work today?

· White: What have you leant today?

· Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?

· Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...

· Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?

  Slide (Homework) Slide " Six thinking hats"  

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Differentiation can be achieved through content (Based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences different tasks are used with the same text).

By support:

Less able learners will be supported through step-be-step instructions, glossaries, thinking time.  

By task:

For more able learners additional leveled tasks are offered.  


Assessment criteria:

· Read the given passage and identify the general information.

· Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas accurately.

· Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.


A learner

· reads the text for global understanding;

· selects meaningful information, constructs the answer;

· presents information in the group discussion.

· evaluates the peers’ answers.


Teacher's observation using observation checklist (Appendix 2 - reference to the resource " Literature Circle Role Sheets" by Christine Boardman Moen. p. 28) and monitoring.



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