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Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

 Name: ________________________

Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.

Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.

 I listen attentively to others.

 I express my thinking clearly and concisely.

 I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.

 I show respect for alternative points of view.

 I disagree agreeably.

 I synthesize information from others.

 I analyze ideas of others.

 I remember significant information.

 I identify issues.

I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.





Short term lesson plan


Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5 Lesson plan 57



Teacher's name:



Number present: absent:
Lesson title

Review of Unit 5

Learning objectives(s)

9. L2  understand most specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

9. S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

9. S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics

9. W2  write independently about factual and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

9. UE8 use a variety of future active and passive and future continuous forms on a wide range

of familiar general and curricular topics

9. UE9 use appropriately a wide variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

· Use some target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks and show some basic organisational coherence and cohesion in writing task

· Demonstrate basic knowledge for usage of the Past Simple and Past Continuous and active vocabulary.

· Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.

Most learners will be able to:

·Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation

· Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;

· Use most target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks and show clear organisational coherence and cohesion in writing task

Some learners will be able to:

· Apply the correct form of the Past Simple and Past Continuous in the context;

·use most target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks and show good organisational coherence and cohesion and some elements of appropriate style in writing task

Level of thinking

Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's taxonomy).

Assessment criteria

· Read the given text and identify the general information.

· Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas accurately.

· Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.

Target language

Active vocabulary of lessons 49 – 58.

Values links

Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.

Cross-curricular links

Social Science, Psychology, History, P. E., Information Technology, Medicine.

Previous learning

Vocabulary relating to pleasure of reading.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Start 2 min

Organisation moments (WC):

Teacher informs learners that the aims of this lesson are to revise the material that was taught in this unit.


  Slide (objectives) Slide (useful phrases) PPT
Middle 5 min     28 min  

Revision. Consolidation. (GW)

Rules for Jeopardy game

There are 2 kinds of games. Teacher can feel free to choose any or play during the whole lesson.

1. Students play jeopardy in groups.

2. They have to choose a category and a point value.

3. Teacher clicks on the chosen box for the question.

(The teacher may want to set a time limit for answering the question)

4. To see if a student or group is correct, click again for the answer.

5. Click the Back to Board button on the slide to return to the main board.

5. If the student or team is correct, they are awarded the point value of the question

6. Continue until all questions have been answered. The team with the most points wins.

Ex. 1 - 3 p. 66(Revision of vocabulary)

Revision of Grammar. Past Simple" and

«Past ContinuousTenses (-? forms)

Ex. 4 - 5 p. 66

Listening Task

You will listen to a text about the writer talking about her new book, try to understand it and make a graph organizer in any form you like: a table, cluster, diagram, etc.


1. developing a plot

4. getting feedback

7. looking for inspiration

8. creating interesting characters

9. drawing on her own experiences

b. school

c. languages at school

d. free time activities

Reading Task:

Read the text and be able to do a short test.

  Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. The author of all the Sherlock Holmes stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Once Sir Arthur was in Paris. He was going from the railroad station to the hotel where he decided to spend the night. He arrived at the hotel, got out of the taxi and paid the taxi-driver.

  'Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, ' said the taxi-driver smiling.

  'Oh, do you know who I am? ' said Sir Arthur. He was very surprised.

  'Well, sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the south of France. The train on which you arrived came from the south of France. I also noticed that you hair was last cut by a barber in the south of France.

  'Your clothes, and especially your hat, told me that you were English. I put all this together and realized at once that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. '

  'That is wonderful, ' said Sir Arthur. 'With so few facts you were really about to know me? '

  'Of course, ' said the taxi-driver, 'your name is on both your travelling bags. That also helped'.

1. Finish the sentences:

The text is about

A Sherlock Holmes in Paris.

В the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.

С the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories.

D the railroad station hotel.

2. Choose the true sentence.

A Sherlock Holmes spent the night at the hotel.

В Conan Doyle decided to spend the night in Paris.

С The taxi-driver did not recognize Conan Doyle.

D Conan Doyle came to Paris from the north of France.

3. Choose the false sentence.

A Conan Doyle was angry with the taxi-driver.

В Conan Doyle came to the hotel in a taxi.

С The taxi-driver thanked Conan Doyle smiling.

D The newspapers wrote about Conan Doyle's visit to Paris.

4. Choose the right answer: Why was Conan Doyle surprised?

A taxi-driver was rude to him.

В The taxi-driver did not like his clothes.

С The taxi-driver could not speak English.

D The taxi-driver knew his name.

5. Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentence: The taxi-driver was a ______ person.

A lazy 


С strange

D stupid

    Student's book p. 66     PPT Jeopardy   Student's book p. 66      Mind - maps " Past Simple" and " Past Continuous"   a graph organizer CD 2. 20     Student's book Ex. 6 p. 66     Writing Worksheet  
End 5 min    

Home task.

W. B. p. 44, a sonnet of W. Shakespeare

FEEDBACK: Your impression!

Sts write their impression of the whole unit and share ideas with their classmates.

3 – new words you have taught at the lesson;

2 – adjectives to describe the lesson

1 – one activity you like


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Task format: Learners can contribute at their own language level for this activity, as it is relatively open-ended. This gives each learner a chance to be successful.

Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher summary provides support for progress and achievement, and challenge to thinking and setting future objectives.

Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning? · Self-assessment worksheet · Observe learners when participating in discussion. Did each learner contribute to the discussion? If not, why not? Learners managed to understand the rules and do the tasks.

Health and safety check

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking on this lesson lies in understanding grammar point of these rules in English language and it is based on clarity, accuracy, precision, depth, breadth, and fairness.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.




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