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Appendix 1. Teacher observation checklist. Student's name ________________________________________. Positive Aspects. Negative Aspects

Appendix 1

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects

ü Completed the individual role-card.

ü Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.

ü Asked open-ended questions.

ü Listened while others talked.

ü Encouraged peers to share their ideas.

ü Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.

Negative Aspects

ü Didn't complete the individual role-card.

ü Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.

ü Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Comments ___________________________________________________



Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

 Name: ________________________

Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.

Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.

 I listen attentively to others.

 I express my thinking clearly and concisely.

 I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.

 I show respect for alternative points of view.

 I disagree agreeably.

 I synthesize information from others.

 I analyze ideas of others.

 I remember significant information.

 I identify issues.

 I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.



Short term lesson plan


Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism

Lesson plan 87



Teacher’s name:

Class: 9

Number present:

Number absent:

Lesson title

CLIL. Community service. Volunteer holidays. p. 101

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

9. R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics

9. R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics

9. R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a wide range of written genres, including some which focus on unfamiliar topics

9. C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

9. C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

9. S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

9. C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

9. C6 organise and present information clearly to others

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

· Identify the theme, new grammar material, active vocabulary and use them as the basis for discussion.

· Transfer information from the reading passage about a rule into a graphic organizer.

· Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.

Most learners will be able to:

·Select, compile, and synthesize informationfor an oral presentation.

Some learners will be able to:

· Respond to and discuss the topic using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills and right forms of the Grammar Tenses describing pictures.

Value links

Love to the Motherland, cooperation, respects each other's opinion, functional literacy.

Crosscurricular links

Social Science, Psychology, Geography, Information Technology, History, Biology.

Previous learning

Talking about a city sight and a brochure of visiting the sights.

Useof ICT

Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information, playing the audio files.

Intercultural awareness

Discuss the topic about community service: volunteer holidays.

Health and Safety

Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned timings

Planned activities


Beginning of  the lesson     7 min.

The lesson greeting.


Teacher suggests singing a fun song for the start of the lesson. (" Stevie Wonder I Just Called To Say I Love You" ).

* Learners are informed about the lesson objectives. The teacher asks the students to give the definitions to the words:

Volunteer/ community service/ gap year/ volunteer tourism/ short – term volunteer holidays.


Slide (useful phrases).



Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You... - AZ Lyrics

https: //www. azlyrics. com › S › Stevie Wonder Lyrics

Student Book p. 101.

Writing Worksheet

Slide (useful phrases).


Main Activities   15 min.     12 min    

Main part

Do you go on holidays with your family?

What are advantages and disadvantages of tourism?

advantages of tourism disadvantages of tourism

Write down your ideas. Work in groups of four, please!

The second team will put on a yellow hat. You’ll try to find out only advantages.

-      Visiting different countries and places.

-      Discovering traditions and customs of different countries.

-      Broadening outlook.

-      Getting new experience.

-      Learning about the history and culture.

-      Admiring the beautiful scenery.

-      Improving knowledge of the foreign language.

-      Meeting different people and making friends.

Have you ever thought that some people don’t like to travel? They prefer to stay at home. They say that traveling has many disadvantages.

You are divided into 2 teams. The first team will put on a black hat. It means that you should think of disadvantages.

Ex. 1 p. 101. Look at the photos and speak about the people’s work.


Voluntourism {give associations with this word.

Is it popular nowadays? Does Kazakhstan have this program?

The teacher informs the class that they will be participating in the contest " The best volunteer’s project", a person who will represent a program.

The teacher divides students into groups of 3 and distributes a set of role cards for each student with a description of a particular role.

The teacher asks students to discuss and decide the most desirable role for each member of the group: volunteer, a parent, a critic, journalist, correspondent, and narrator.

Ex. 4 -5 p. 101.

Next, the teacher and students review the criteria for each role.

After reviewing criteria, students are informed that they will be filling out a peer-evaluation.

Then the teacher asks visual and word learners to read the text (auditory learners - listen to the text) (5 min) to practice each of the roles and make notes in their graphic organizers follow the instructions in their role cards (5 min).

The teacher monitors students' progress and offer support where necessary.  

Then students can have a discussion to represent all the roles. (2 min per student).


Task: Lead the discussion. Prepare 5 open-ended and thought-provoking questions about the story that your group might want to discuss. Help others talk about the main idea, help them share their thoughts and feelings.


1. Write 5 open-ended questions.

2. Write your responses to these questions.

3. Keep the discussion going.


1. Write more than 5 questions.


A Table







Student Book p. 101




C. D. 3. 20






Student Book p. 101


  Ending the lesson 6 min.  

Giving the home task.

Volunteer holidays. (Presentation or retelling p. 101).

W. B. p. 68.

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the method: “ Six thinking hats ”:

· Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?

· Red: How do you feel about your work today?

· White: What have you leant today?

· Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?

· Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )

Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?

Slide (Homework)

Slide " Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –

how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more

able learners?

Assessment –

how are you planning to check learners’learning?

Critical thinking

Differentiation can be achieved through the selection of activities, identification of learning outcomes for a certain student, provision of individual support to learners, selection of learning materials and resources based on the individual abilities of learners.

Assessment criteria:

Identify the main idea in extended talks with little support.

Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

Demonstrate the ability to participate in a conversation.


A learner:

· selects an appropriate answer.

· completes the task.

· uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

· discusses questions and answers the questions within the group.

· Observation

· Feedback on the work

· Peer-assessment

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas


I Just Called To Say I Love YouStevie Wonder

No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day

No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

No Libra sun
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is, though old so new
To fill…





Short term lesson plan


Unit of a long term plan Unit 8Travel and tourism Lesson plan 88



Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Lesson title

Summative assessment for the 8th unit



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