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Appendix 1 2 страница

A song” Yesterday”



All my troubles … so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
I'm not … the man I used to....,
There's a shadow hanging … me,
Oh, yesterday came......
Why … had to go
I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something …
Now I long for yesterday.
Love was such an easy …,
Now I need a place to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go....
I don't know she …
I saidsomething …,
Now I … for yesterday.

All my troubles … so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
I'm not … the man I used to....,
There's a shadow hanging … me,
Oh, yesterday came......
Why … had to go
I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something …
Now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy …,
Now I need a place to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go
I don't know she …
I saidsomething …,
Now I … for yesterday.


Short term lesson plan(IV TERM), the ninth grade

”Travel and tourism”. Unit 8 p. p. 92 – 103 (12 hours)


Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism

Lesson plan 79



Teacher’s name:

Class: 9

Number present:

Number absent:

Lesson title

Travel: nouns. Talking about holiday plan.

p. p. 92 - 93

Talking about holiday plan.

p. p. 92 - 93

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

9. C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

9. C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

9. L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

9. L5understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics curricular topics.

9. C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

9. S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of general and curricular topics

9. S4 respond with flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular topics

9. W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a range of general and curricular topics

9. W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

· develop listening skills through working on the song" Our Last Summer". improve speaking skills by working in pairs, groups and whole class;

· express their ideas including emotions and senses;

· identify some specific information from the text and use some target vocabulary using the structure to be going to.

· Most learners will be able to:

· identify most specific information in texts and in the song, research and write short organised text using a range of their own words talking about the dream holiday using the structure to be going to.

Some learners will be able to:

identify most specific information in texts and research and write short organised text using a range of their own words using key phrases, make a short presentation on the topic.

Value links

Love to the place you live, cooperation, respects each other's opinion, functional literacy.

Crosscurricular links

 Social Science, Psychology, Geography, Information Technology.

Previous learning

Talking about Kazakh directors.

Useof ICT

Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information, playing the audio files.

Intercultural awareness

Discuss the holiday dream of people in different countries.

Health and Safety

Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned timings

Planned activities


Beginning of  the lesson   7 min.

The lesson greeting.

Look at the smart board. You can see a picture that reflects the topic we're going to discuss. What do you think will be the theme of our lesson?

Formulating the aim using Bloom taxonomy.

Recall, describe, compare, discuss. The lesson greeting.

Warm up.

To stimulate interest in the topic, watching video with a song

” Our Last summer”.

Refer Ss a video; askthemto tell you what they know about the city in the song and its sights. Why do a lot of people dream of going to this place? Elicit answers and ask Ss to tell you what information they would like to know about the city.

· Play the recording. Ss watch and in 3 groups write as many places of interest as they can.

Ss put the sights in order of great importance?


Slide (useful phrases).




Student Book p. 92 - p. 93

Writing Worksheet

Video about a city




Slide (useful phrases).

http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=KoyNlV...



Main Activities   15 min.     12 min    

Main part

Ex. 1 p. 92 First of all, I want to make sure you don't forget the words connected to our topic " Travel". Let's brainstorm key words and phrases and organize them into the following categories:

Types of holiday Places where people stay on holiday Places people visit on holiday Things people do on holiday Problems people can have on holiday
activity holidays or adventure backpacking beach holidays camping (лагерь) city break (sightseeing, excursion cruise driving tour farmstay health resort hitchhiking package holidays (турпутевка) safari study trip (поездканаобучение) trekking (горы) stay at home hotel youth hostel (молодежнаягостиница) campsite tent bed and breakfast     museums galleries cafe monuments parks castles cathedral   go camping go fishing go for a walk go to a concert go to the cinema travel take photos go out with friends listen to music read a book watch TV relax sunbathe chat/surf on the Internet swim eat out go on picnics buy souvenirs get lost get robbed luggage is lost at the airport problems with accommodation bad weather crowded beaches lose passport queues, crowds miss the flight delays have an accident food poisoning  
Adjectives describing a holiday

Thrilling (захватывающий), tiring, fascinating (восхитительный), exciting (захватывающий), boring, interesting, fun, amazing, awesome (потрясающий), dull, luxurious.

Add some words from the tables of Ex. 1. Give definitions to the words. (Do it in pairs). Fill in the table:

Tour Travel

Work in pairs. Interview your partner to get some information about his memorable holiday or a dream holiday. Use the following questions and make notes of his/her answers.

A memorable holiday.

1. Where did you go? How long did you stay there?

2. How did you get there? How long did it take to get there?

3. Describe the accommodation.

4. What were the people like?

5. What historical or interesting places did you visit?

6. What did you do in the morning (afternoon, evening)?

7. Did you have any problems?

8. Would you recommend the place?

A dream holiday.

1. Where would you like to go?

2. Who would your ideal companion be?

3. Where would you like to stay? How long?

4. What historical or interesting places would you like to visit?

5. What would you do there (in the morning, afternoon, evening)?

Do the quiz” My dream holiday”. Ex. 3 p. 92 –p. 93.

The Introduction of: be going to.

 I’m going to visit Egypt this year.

We use be going to when we speak about intentions and plans.

Ex. 6 p. 93. Listening comprehension task.

Ex. 7 -9 p. 93.

Where are you going this summer? Student’s own answers.

Extra activity. Picture description.

To sum up everything we've said about holidays let's do cinquains. Do you remember what is it? It's a kind of poem consisting of 5 lines:

 a general word

2 adjectives on the topic

3 verbs

The main idea of your poem (it must consist of 4 words)

A synonym of the general word.

Holidays Great, funny Swam, sunbathed, went hiking Had a good time



Student Book p. 92






Teacher's Book p. 114

A Table



Writing Worksheet


A Table






Student Book p. 93



C. D. 3. 11



Ending the lesson 6 min.  

Giving the home task.

W. B. p. 62

Our lesson is over. I'd like you to express your attitude to the lesson and give your self-assessment.

Use the following statements to help you evaluate your learning:

The most difficult part of today's lesson was...

With the information that I learnt today, I will be able to...

Today, I was able to make progress because...

After today's lesson, I can now explain...

I was surprised to learn that...

The part of the lesson I found the easiest to understand was...

I am proud of myself today because...

I think it is important to remember what I learnt today because...

I feel that the most important thing I learnt today was...

Differentiation –

how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more

able learners?

Assessment –

how are you planning to check learners’learning?

Critical thinking

Differentiation can be achieved through the selection of activities, identification of learning outcomes for a certain student, provision of individual support to learners, selection of learning materials and resources based on the individual abilities of learners.

Assessment criteria:

Identify the main idea in extended talks with little support.

Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

Demonstrate the ability to participate in a conversation.


A learner:

· selects an appropriate answer.

· completes the task.

· uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

· discusses questions and answers the questions within the group.

· Observation

· Feedback on the work

· Peer-assessment

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas



Listening” Our Last Summer”

I can still recall our last
I still  it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the
Our last summer
Memories that remain

We made our way along the
And we sat down in the grass
By the Eiffel
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret
Those crazy years, that was the time
Of the flower-power
But underneath we had a fear of flying
Of getting old, a fear of slowly
We took the chance
Like we were  our last dance

I can still recall our last
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer
Walking hand in hand

Paris restaurants
Our last summer
Morning croissants
Living for the , worries far away
Our last summer
We would laugh and play

And now you're working in a
The , a
And your name is
How dull it seems
Yet you're the  of my dreams?



I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain

We made our way along the river
And we sat down in the grass
By the Eiffel tower
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret
Oh yes
Those crazy years, that was the time
Of the flower-power
But underneath we had a fear of flying
Of getting old, a fear of slowly dying
We took the chance
Like we were dancing our last dance

I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer
Walking hand in hand

Paris restaurants
Our last summer
Morning croissants
Living for the day, worries far away
Our last summer
We would laugh and play

And now you're working in a bank
The family man, a football fan
And your name is Harry
How dull it seems
Yet you're the hero of my dreams?


Short term lesson plan


Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism

Lesson plan 80



Teacher’s name:

Class: 9

Number present:

Number absent:

Lesson title

Holiday advice

Talking about travelling. p. 94

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

9. C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

9. C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

9. L5 recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics

9. S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of general and curricular topics

9. S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of general and curricular topics

9. R8 use a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital reference resources to

9. W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

· *develop speaking skills through communication about holiday advice; a modern city

· * improve reading skills through recognising typical features at word;

· * write instructions during holidays, use right grammar tenses.

· Most learners will be able to:

· * Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage for an oral presentation.

Some learners will be able to:

*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.

· *Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any mistakes;

*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.

· *Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.

Value links

Loves to the place they live, Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.

Crosscurricular links

 Social Science, Psychology, Geography, Information Technology, History.

Previous learning

Talking about a dream holiday.

Useof ICT

Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information, playing the audio files.

Intercultural awareness

Discuss what not to do on holiday.

Health and Safety

Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned timings

Planned activities


Beginning of  the lesson   7 min.

The lesson greeting.

Look at the board. I'd like to start our lesson with proverb " I get more tired by travelling than anything". What do you think these words mean? What did the author want to say by it?

What do you think will be the theme of our lesson?

Formulating the aim using Bloom taxonomy. Identify, recommend. Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to predict the topic of the lesson.



Warm up. Free talk about visiting the cities.


Slide (useful phrases).




Student Book p. 94







Slide (useful phrases).


Main Activities   15 min.     12 min    

Main part

What do you usually take with you when you go on holiday? In pairs, write a list of things to take and be ready to explain why? Look at the title and headings in the text. What advice or tips would you give people? Ex. 1 – 2.



Read the words with the class which are usually confused. In a weaker class, give brief definitions with the examples; in a stronger group ask to write sentences with the words. Have a good trip! Air travel is less dangerous. My voyage on that ship was wonderful! Give synonyms to these words. Ex. 3 – 4 p. 94.

Creative ex. 5. Speak about tips for travelling.

We hope this list of our best travel tips will inspire and help you to travel and travel more often!

o 1. Make Travel a Priority

o 2. Spend More Time in Fewer Places

o 3. Don’t Expect Things to Be Like They Are at Home

o 4. Travel Does Not Have to Stop Once You Have Kids

§ Top Tips for Traveling with kids:

o 5. Plan it Together

o 6. Talk to the Locals

o 7. Learn the Basics of the Local Language

o 8. Travel In Your Own Backyard

o 9. Do the FREE Stuff

o 10. Stay in Apartments or Airbnb (and share the costs)

o 11. Fly Where the Deals Are

o 12. Blow Your Budget

o 13. Be Flexible

o 14. Don’t Travel Without Travel Insurance

o 15. Working Holidays Are a Great Way to Experience the World

o 16. Pack Smart

o 17. Have More Than One Way To Access Your Money

o 18. Use Credit Card Reward Points

o 19. Get Up Early

o 20. Put Down Your Phone and Camera


Student Book p. 94

Writing Worksheet

CD. 3. 12.






CD. 2. 36.





Teacher's Book p. 116.


A Table



Student Book p. 94





Teacher's Book p. 116.



  Ending the lesson 6 min.  

Giving the home task. Ex. 5p. 94 (w), My trip (composition)

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the method: “ Six thinking hats ”:

· Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?

· Red: How do you feel about your work today?

· White: What have you leant today?

· Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?

· Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )

Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?

Slide (Homework)

Slide " Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –

how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more

able learners?

Assessment –

how are you planning to check learners’learning?

Critical thinking

Differentiation can be achieved through the selection of activities, identification of learning outcomes for a certain student, provision of individual support to learners, selection of learning materials and resources based on the individual abilities of learners.

Assessment criteria:

25. Identify the main idea in extended talks with little support.

26. Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

27. Demonstrate the ability to participate in a conversation.


A learner:

· selects an appropriate answer.

· completes the task.

· uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

· discusses questions and answers the questions within the group.

· Observation

· Feedback on the work

· Peer-assessment

Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas



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