Miss Phillips began to massage her feet. She rubbed gently, to rest and not to
Miss Phillips began to massage her feet. She rubbed gently, to rest and not to tire her. " When you came in just now, like a whirlwind, " she said, " I thought you looked twenty years younger. Your eyes were shining something wonderful. " " Oh, keep that for Mr. Gosselyn, Miss Phillips. " And then as an afterthought, " I feel like a two-year-old. " And it was the same at the theatre later on. Archie Dexter, who was her leading man, came into her dressing-room to speak about something. She had
just finished making-up. He was startled.
" Hulloa, Julia (эй, Джулия), what's the matter with you tonight (что это с тобой такое сегодня /вечером/)? Gosh, you look swell (черт возьми, ты шикарно выглядишь; gosh — выражает удивление, радость, досаду и т. п. ). Why (ба), you don't look a day more than twenty-five (да ты выглядишь на двадцать-пять: «ты не выглядишь и на день старше двадцати пяти»). " " With a son of sixteen (/имея/ сына шестнадцати лет) it's no good pretending (бесполезно притворяться) I'm so terribly young any more (что я так уж чертовски молода /все еще/). I'm forty and I don't care who knows it (мне сорок, и мне наплевать, кто знает об этом). " " What have you done to your eyes (что ты сделала со своими глазами)? I've never seen them shine like that before (я никогда не видел, чтобы они сверкали так раньше). "
matter ['mxtq] young [jAN]
" Hulloa, Julia, what's the matter with you tonight? Gosh, you look swell. Why you don't look a day more than twenty-five. " " With a son of sixteen it's no good pretending I'm so terribly young any more. I'm forty and I don't care who knows it. " " What have you done to your eyes? I've never seen them shine like that before. "
She felt in tremendous form (она чувствовала, что была в потрясающей форме). They had been playing the play (они играли спектакль), it was called The Powder Puff (он назывался «Пуховка»; powder — порошок, пудра, порох), for a good many weeks (уже достаточно долго: «много недель»), but tonight Julia played it (но в этот вечер Джулия играла так) as though it were the first time (как будто
на премьере: «это был первый раз»). Her performance was brilliant (ее
исполнение было выдающимся: «ослепляющим»). She got laughs (она вызывала /у публики/ смех) that she had never got before (как никогда /не вызывала/ раньше). She always had magnetism (она всегда обладала обаянием), but on this occasion (но в этом случае) it seemed to flow over the house (оно, казалось, растекалось по театру) in a great radiance (во всем великолепии). Michael happened to be watching the last two acts (оказалось, что Майкл наблюдал за двумя последними действиями) from the corner of a box (из угла ложи; box — коробка, ящик, сундук; театр. ложа) and at the end he came into her dressing-room (и по окончании зашел к ней в грим-уборную). " D'you know the prompter says (ты знаешь, суфлер сказал) we played nine minutes longer tonight (что сегодня мы играли на девять минут дольше), they laughed so much (они так много смеялись). " " Seven curtain calls (семь вызовов на поклон /аплодисментами/; curtain — занавеска, штора, театр. — занавес). I thought the public were going on all night (я думала, что публика будет продолжать так всю ночь). "
tremendous [trI'mendqs] magnetism ['mxgnItIz(q)m] radiance ['reIdIqns]
She felt in tremendous form. They had been playing the play, it was called The Powder Puff, for a good many weeks, but tonight Julia played it as though it were the first time. Her performance was brilliant. She got laughs that she had never got before. She always had magnetism, but on this occasion it seemed to flow over the house in a great radiance. Michael happened to be watching the last two acts from the corner of a box and at the end he came into her dressing-room. " D'you know the prompter says we played nine minutes longer tonight, they laughed so much. " " Seven curtain calls. I thought the public were going on all night. "
" Well, you've only got to blame yourself, darling (ну, тебе нужно винить только
себя, дорогая). There's no one in the world (больше нет никого в мире) who could have given the performance (кто мог бы дать такое же представление) you gave tonight (/какое/ ты дала сегодня вечером). " " To tell you the truth (сказать по правде) I was enjoying myself (я /и сама/
получала удовольствие). Christ, I'm hungry (Боже, /как/ я голодна). What have we got for supper (что у нас на ужин)? " " Tripe and onions (рубец с луком). " " Oh, how divine (о, как божественно)! " She flung her arms round his neck (она обняла его за шею: «раскинула свои руки вокруг его шеи»; to fling — бросать, метать) and kissed him (и поцеловала его). " I adore tripe and onions (я обожаю рубец с луком). Oh, Michael, Michael, if you love me (о, Майкл, Майкл, если ты любишь меня), if you've got any spark of tenderness (если у тебя есть хоть искра нежности) in that hard heart of yours (в твоем жестоком сердце), let me have a bottle of beer (позволь мне выпить бутылочку пива). " " Julia. " " Just this once (только сегодня). It's not often (не очень часто) I ask you to do anything for me (я прошу тебя сделать что-нибудь для меня). " " Oh well (ну хорошо), after the performance you gave tonight (после такого представления, которое ты дала сегодня) I suppose I can't say no (/я/ полагаю, что не могу сказать нет), but by God (но, ей-богу), I'll see (я прослежу за тем) that Miss Phillips pitches into you tomorrow (чтобы мисс Филлипс задала тебе хорошенько завтра; to pitch into smb. — разг. набрасываться, нападать на кого-либо). "
hungry ['hANgrI] divine [dI'vaIn] tenderness ['tendqnIs]
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