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Language activity. 1. Answer the questions. 3. Match the parts in the most likely way, and write them as one sentence. Translate them.


1. Answer the questions.

1)Where does the United States lie?

2) How is the United States divided administratively?

3) What does D. C. stand for?

4) What mountains are there in the United States?

5) What are they rich in?

6) What are the most important rivers in the USA?

7) Name the main groups of lakes. What are they famous for?

8) Prove that the climate of the USA varies greatly.

9) Name the US six major economic regions.

2. Make the sentences according to the model

Model: The Mississippi...... (the river – toflow)

The Mississippi is the river which flows to the Gulf of Mexico.

1. Alaska......... (the state – to be situated).

2. The Rio Grande.... (the rive – to form).

3. Mexico...... (the country – to be situated).

4. Chicago..... (the city – to be famous for).

5. Hawaii.... (the state – to be situated).

6. Texas..... (the state – to be rich in).

7. The Great Lakes...... (a group of lakes – to make up).

8. The Pacific region … (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington – to include).

3. Match the parts in the most likely way, and write them as one sentence. Translate them.

1. The legislative branch consists of Congress, a. the executive branch and the country.
2. The President is the head of b. was written in 1787.
3. The United States Constitution c. about corn and showed them where to fish.
4. The US has d. America’s most famous student town.
5. The first British settlers, known as Pilgrims, e. Harvard University, founded in 1636.
6. The Indians taught the Pilgrims f. independence is a basic human right.
7. Just across the Charles River from Boston is Cambridge, g. much of America’s farmland. It is a large, economically important region.
8. Cambridge has the nation’s oldest university, h. had come to America to freely practice their religion.
9. The Declaration of Independence says that j. which has two parts - the house of Representatives and the Senate.
10. The Midwest contains major industrial cities and k. a federalist system.


4. Compare Russia and USA. Fill in the table.

Country Russia USA
Land area    
Geographical position    
Physical characteristics (mountains, lakes, rivers)    
State system    

5. Complete the sentences.

1. The Pacific region … Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. 2. Los Angeles is known all over the world as a city of …. .
3. The Great Lakes region is the industrial … of the United States.  
4. The United States of America lies in the … part of the North American Continent between the two …: the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the ….   5. The United States of America is a … union of 50 states and one independent …. 6. According to the US Constitution powers of the Government are divided into 3 ….
7. In 1776 13 states became … after a long and tough struggle.
8. Theflag of the United States is called " … and Stripes. " 9. The chief drainage system of the United States is the … River System.

6. Read text 2 about New York and do tasks below.


New York, N. Y., is the post office designation of the largest metropolis in the United States. Officially it is the City of New York, and popularly it is called New York City. The City of New York is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River, sometimes called the North River. The five boroughs comprising the city are: Manhattan, on the Manhattan Island between the Hudson and East Rivers; the Bronx, on the southernmost part of the mainland; Queens and Brooklyn, on Long Island, separated from Manhattan by the East River; and Staten Island (Richmond). Henry Hudson founded Manhattan on September 11, 1609. The first houses were built in lower Manhattan in 1613. On May 6, 1626, Peter Minuit, director general of New Netherland, as the Dutch called the colony, paid the Indians 60 guilders for Manhattan, commonly translated as $24, actually $39. When the settlement had around 200 people, it was named New Amsterdam. In 1653 they erected a wall to protect their settlement from which Wall Street takes its name. On September 8, 1664, British troops occupied New Amsterdam without resistance, overthrew the Dutch government, and called the place New York. Seven years later the Dutch recaptured the city and called it New Orange, but in 1674 the city was in the hands of the British again who returned the name New York.

The City of New York has always been in the center of political events. It witnessed the American Revolution; the Declaration of Independence was read to the American troops here on July 9, 1776, in the presence of George Washington. It was here on April 30, 1789, that Washington took the oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall. Thanks to its geographical position and historical past, New York has grown into a big financial, commercial, and industrial center with the heart in the Borough of Manhattan. America's business and culture are in Manhattan. The World Trade Center, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Central Park, Harlem, Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Broadway – all these World famous sights are in Manhattan. What unites them is probably a small street, only a few blocks long, which is the financial center of the whole United States - Wall Street. It provides the nation with centralized credit and banking facilities. It is also one of the biggest money capitals of the world. Economic and financial power of the United States is concentrated in the buildings of Wall Street; in the banks, among them the oldest in the city, the Bank of New York, founded in 1784.


banking facilities   be situated borough   Brooklyn Bronx comprise Declaration of Independence  erect Harlem Manhattan  Metropolis mouth   oath  occupy overthrow (overthrew, overthrown) provide Queens  recapture settlement Staten Island (Richmond) troops  Wall Street     witness  банковские благоприятные условия   располагаться административный район в Нью-Йорке Бруклин Бронкс охватывать Декларация Независимости сооружать, создавать Гарлем Манхэттен крупный город устье клятва, присяга занимать свергать обеспечивать Куинс захватить вновь поселок остров Статен (Ричмонд) войска Уолл-стрит (улица в деловой части Манхэттена, где находятся крупнейшие банки, фондовая биржа и страховые компании, символизирующие американский финансовый капитал) быть свидетелем, видеть



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