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Проверьте, как вы запомнили выделенные слова.

(1 -10) due to the capacity, a due cycle; the capacity is due to the speed; to furnish the recall; the memory capacity, to signify some overlap between analogue and digital recording

(11 — 20) so far there is no way to realize an ideal reliability, there is a distinction between memories; to store information in any cell

(21 — 30) most memories are location addressable; a word is assigned to a special address; the inherent drawback of serial ac­cess; the output is fed back into the input; to emphasize the total freedom of accessing; a branch of science; to challenge the core memory; to succeed in a faster data access; semiconductor memo­ries are compatible with other electronic devices

(31 — 42) individual circuits may be organized in a rectangular array; simultaneous operations; a wide range of memory options; to use memories in large volume in small and large mainframe computers; to require radically new approaches; to use slow me­chanically accessed memories in conjunction with fast electroni­cally accessed memories; vast amount of information; new tech­nologies are aimed at a more ideal solution


Задания к Основному тексту.


6.8. а) Запишите кратко содержание текста с помощью предикативных групп; б) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих речевых отрезков:

1. обусловлены применением высоких скоростей про­цесса вычислений; 2. программа может быть использована любое количество раз; 3. способность воспроизводить свя­зана со способностью запоминать; 4. требования к быстро­му доступу и емкости непрерывно возрастают; 5. идеаль­ным могло бы быть устройство, в котором хранилось бы огромное количество информации в неизменном виде; 6. что позволяет хранить информацию; 7. у этой памяти есть присущий только ей недостаток; 8. новая технология памя­ти на ЦМД; 9. сигнал управления считыванием и записью определяет, какие из двух операций

в) Составьте план краткого изложения содержания первой части (I) Основного текста.


6.9. Устно переведите вторую часть (П) Основного тек­ста.


6.10. Письменно в виде аннотации изложите по-русски содержание второй части (П) Основного текста.


6.11. Составьте вопросы всех типов по содержанию Ос­новного текста.


Проверьте, сможете ли вы перевести.

6.12. Переведите предложения, учитывая средства и способы оформления инверсии:

1. Not only does the computer make the collection procedure easier but it makes feasible unattended data collection. 2. Should an error occur for any reason during the running of the program, the program terminates by indicating what the error number is and in which line it occurred. 3. Among the parameters studied was the composition of the starting material. 4. Had we to use the same number of vacuum tubes instead of transistors, our modern electronic systems would be wholly impractical.


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Текст 6.4. Прочитайте текст и запишите основную ин­формацию о ЗУ. Выпишите ключевые слова, с помощью которых можно дать краткую характеристику ЗУ различ­ных типов.



Memory is the predominant computer subsystem. The ideal memory is inexpensive, small in size, and large in capacity. It con­sumes little power and operates at the same speed as computer logic. Today, such a memory is a concept rather than a reality. Therefore, to provide optimum storage capability, computer de­signers have partitioned (разделять на секции) storage into many memories serving specialized purposes.

Read-only memories (ROM), write optional memories (WOM), and associative memories can be used extensively in medium and large family members — particularly in establishment of system management. Associative memories can be used for compiling, job assignment, parallel processing, search operations, handling of priorities and interrupts, and recognition of I/O com­mands.

Programmable logic arrays can perform many of the executive processes currently performed by software and can be used to tailor a system to meet particular user needs. These arrays and as­sociative memories can replace operating system programs and be used to establish logical system organization.

Registers and discrete bit storage are used for temporary stor­age of data and instructions, for implementing arithmetic and logic operations, and for memory addressing. These components are referenced frequently and operate at the same speed as computer logic. Registers of fourth generation computers are fabricated on a single monolithic chip.

High-speed scratch-pad and control memories are another stratum of storage hierarchy. These memories are also used for temporary storage of specialized data, including intermediate re­sults of arithmetic operations, instructions, short subroutines which are repeatedly executed, frequently referenced data, and control functions. The speeds of these memories are not as fast as the speed of computer logic but are usually an order of magnitude faster than the speed of main memory. Capacities range up to 10s bits. Batch-fabricated, bipolar transistor arrays will predominate this area in the near future.


Текст 6.5. Переведите текст письменно со словарем. Время перевода – 12 минут.


Magnetic Bubbles

The physical feasibility of magnetic bubbles has been proved. Bubbles can be created and destroyed, moved reversibly in two dimensions, magnetized for presence or absence of charge, and mutually repulsed to perform logic.

Micro-sized bubbles can be supported in magnetic rare earth garnets grown epitaxially on nonmagnetic matching substrates. Since the number of similar process strips is much fewer than for silicon, the cost per area should be lower. Shift registers 1000 bits long, at densities of 1.6M bits/in2, should be routine. Mask size, not defect density, is the present size limitation.

Electron beam processing should benefit bubble technology: smaller bubbles for higher packing densities and lower costs should result.



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