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3. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

3. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

1. " New Year's Eve is always on December 31st, " she said.

2. " The children are riding their bikes, " Jennifer said to me.

3. " The Earth revolves around the Sun, " the teacher said to the students.

4. " Jack and Karen have bought a house in the countryside, " Nick said to us.

5. " Burglars broke into the museum last night, " the news reporter said.

6. " Dad was mowing the lawn while I was cleaning the car, " Ryan said.

7. " We will have a housewarming party next week, " said Mike and Helen.

8. " Julia and Jose might move to Australia next year, " Rody said to us.


4. Make a new sentence with the same meaning using the reporting verb in brackets.

1. “Don’t forget to buy milk! ” said Antonio to Lucia. (remind)

2. “You shouldn’t go into the water” said the coast guard. (advise against)

3. “I’ll go to France on holiday” said John. (decide)

4. “I think you should go to the dentist” Julie said to Tom. (advise)

5. “Watch out for the weak bridge” he said. (warn)

6. “You should apply for the job” said Jack to Stella. (encourage)

7. “Okay, Keiko can go to the party” said Keiko’s mum. (agree)

8. “The class will start later on Tuesdays” said the teacher to us. (explain)

9. “It’s a great idea to go to the beach” said Maria. (recommend)

10. “Don’t cross the road there” she said to the children. (warn)



In Reported questions we use affirmative word order and the question mark is

omitted. To report a wh-question, we use ask followed by the question word (who,

what, etc. ). When there is no question word in direct questions, if or whether is used in Reported questions.

He asked, " What time is it? " He asked me, " Do you know her? " ® He asked what time it was. He asked me if / whether I knew her.


5. Turn the following into reported questions.

1. " What are you doing? " she asked her son.

2. " Do you like my new clothes? " she asked her friend.

3. " Where are my keys? " he asked his wife.

4. " Who is your favourite singer? " Mike asked me.

5. " Where were you? " Barbara asked him.

6. " Can you pick me up after school? " she asked her mother.

7. " Have you seen Kim? " David asked Sarah.

8. " When will you return? " Tom asked her.


6. Change this direct speech into reported speech.

1. “He works in a bank” - She said …

2. “We went out last night” - She told me …

3. “I’m coming! ” - She said …

4. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived” - She told me …

5. “ I’d never been there before” - She said …

6. “I didn’t go to the party” – He said …

7. “Lucy’ll come later”- She said …

8. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast” - She told me …

9. “I can help you tomorrow” - She said..

10. “You should go to bed early” - She told me … 


7. There was a shop robbery. Report the police officer's questions to the shop owner.

1. What's your name?

2. Did you see the robbers?

3. What were they wearing?

4. How do you think they got in?

5. What did they take?

6. Has this ever happened before?



To report commands, requests, suggestions, etc. we use a reporting verb (order, ask, tell, beg, etc. ) followed by to infinitive or not to infinitive. The verb suggest is followed by the -ing form. He said, " Shall we go by bus? " ® He suggested going by bus. He said to me, " Don't touch it! " ® He told me not to touch it. She said to him, " Please, please don't hurt me. ®She begged him not to hurt her. He said to me, " Get out of the house! " ® He ordered me to get out of the house. He said to me, " Do me a favour, please. " ® She asked me to do her a favour.


8. Use the verbs in the list in the past simple to make reported sentences.

tell suggest beg order ask

1. " Close the door, please, " Ann said to Jack.

2. " Get out of the car! " he said to them.

3. " Let's go shopping, " she said to me.

4. " Please, please don't go, " he said to Mary.

5. " Don't touch anything, " she said to him.

6. “Wait for me for a minute, please, ” he said to me.

7. “Make me a coffee, now! ” the boss said to her.

8. “Please, let me stay, ” he said to them.


9. Report what a mother told her eldest daughter who stay with her twin brothers to do.

1. Don’t open the door to anyone!

2. Phone me if there is any emergency.

3. Don’t let the tweens eat sweets.

4. Send the boys to bed at 9 o’clock.

5. Give the twins a bath before they go to bed!

6. Don't allow the dog into the twins' bedroom!

7. Close all the windows!

8. Put the toys away on the shelf.


10. Choose a reporting verb and turn the following into reported speech.

advised asked suggested ordered explained promised offered refused

1. " I think you should exercise more, " the doctor said to me.

2. " I will not answer your questions, " the actor said to him.

3. " I really will phone this evening, " he said.

4. " Let's go to the cinema, " he said to her.

5. " Could you do something for me? " he said to her.

6. " Go to your room immediately and do your homework, " she said to her son.

7. " You will be paid twice a month, " her boss said.

8. " Would you like me to drive you into town? " she said to me.


11. Match the sentences in column 1-8 to the correct reporting verb in column a-h. Then rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. " No, I won't do it, " she said. 2. " Let's go for a walk, " he said. 3. " Please, please don't hurt me! " she said to the robber. 4. " Don't go near the campfire because it's dangerous, " she said to Ben. 5. " I'll buy you a bicycle for your birthday, " his father said. 6. " Please, please don't leave me, " he said to Ann. 7. " Don't be late tomorrow, there will be no excuse! " his boss said to him. 8. “Say here for a while, please, ” he said to me.   a warn b beg c refuse d promise e suggest f ask g beg h order  



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