I. Study the notes after the text, read and translate the sentences they are used in.
I. Study the notes after the text, read and translate the sentences they are used in. II. Try to explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations: a skyscraper, an administrative city, a subway, coloured people, meat–packing industry, air traffic, film business. III. Answer the following questions: 1. Where is Washington situated? 2. Is Washington an industrial city? 3. What famous places does Pennsylvania Avenue connect? 4. What is the White House famous for? 5. What other famous sights are situated in Washington? 6. What is the population of New York? 7. Why were the skyscrapers built in New York? 8. What is Wall Street famous for? 9. What is Broadway? 10. Where do coloured people live? 11. What sights are the most popular in New York? 12. What industries are developed in Chicago? 13. What city was the first built on the Atlantic coast f the USA. 14. What city is the centre of the US film business?
IV. Imagine you have a chance to go to one of the largest cities in the USA. Choose one of them and explain your choice. Grammar exercises I. Fill in the gaps using modal verbs can, may, must. 1. Nick … make a report about the USA. 2. … we take the map of the USA? 3. They … sing the National Anthem of the United States, 4. Citizens of the country … know its national symbols. 5. The building is on the left-hand side. You … not miss it. 6. Every tourist … visit these places of interest. 7. You … know which city is the centre of the US film business. 8. You … buy everything at the supermarket at Fifth Avenue. 9. People … not make photos at this museum. 10. You … take a bus or subway train to get to Jefferson Memorial.
II. Translate into English. Летом вы можете поехать в Соединенные Штаты Америки. В первую очередь вы должны посетить столицу страны – Вашингтон. Там можно ознакомиться с такими достопримечательностями, как Белый Дом, Капитолий, мемориалы, посвященные разным президентам страны. Затем вы должны поехать в Нью-Йорк. Каждый, кто едет в Америку, должен посетить этот удивительный город. Если вам будет позволено, вы можете пожить в этом городе некоторое время и лучше узнать его.
Text III The national symbols of the USA Read the text and compare national symbols of the USA and Russia. Has Russia the same symbols? The national flag of the United States of America is called the " Stars and Stripes", or the " Star-Spangled Banner". The Congress approved of an entirely American Flag, composed of thirteen white and red stripes, and thirteen stars on a blue field in 1777 (a new star for each state). Today there are 50 stars on the US flag. The last star was added in 1958, when Hawaii became the 50th state of the US.
U. S national emblem was designed in 1782 and approved by the Continental Congress. In 1789 it was adopted by the US Congress, It shows the bald eagle, the national bird. In its talons there are thirteen arrows of war, symbolizing might, and the olive branch of peace with thirteen leaves and thirteen olives. Above the eagle's head there are thirteen stars, one for each of the thirteen original states. The bald eagle was chosen as a national bird in 1782 because it was the only eagle found exclusively in North America. Benjamin Franklin is said to have ridiculed the choice, citing the eagle's habit of stealing other birds' dinner as evidence of " its bad moral character". Instead, he suggested the turkey as the national bird because it was a " true native original". Some twenty years ago the bald eagle was on the list of endangered species and rarely seen in the wild. Thanks to successful protection, the Interior Department is now proposing to duelist the bald eagle. The national motto, " In God We Trust", was adopted in 1956. It appeared on coins during the Civil War, and is based on the phrase " In God is our trust", which is featured in the national anthem. The National Anthem of the United States, The Star Spangled Banner, is based on a poem written by Francis Scott Key. His brother-in-law, Judge J. H. Nicholson, suggested the melody for the poem. The national flower is the rose. I. Read the sentences and say if the statements are right or wrong. 1. The national flag of the United States of America is called the «Stars and Stripes». 2. Today there are 13 stars on the US flag. 3. U. S national emblem was designed in 1789. 4. U. S national emblem shows turkey. 5. Thirteen arrows in the talons of the eagle symbolize might of the country. 6. The national motto " In God We Trust" is featured in the national anthem. 7. The National Anthem of the United States «The Star Spangled Banner» is based on a poem written by George Washington. 8. The national flower is the tulip. Quiz 1. Who discovered America? 2. On what river is the capital of the US situated? 3. What is the name of the official residence of the president of the USA? 4. What things attract tourists to Washington, DC? 5. Who was the first president of the USA? 6. Who is the US President now? 7. What great Americans do you know? 8. What large cities in the USA do you know? 9. Which city is more American: Washington or New York? 10. What are the names of the two islands on which New York is situated? 11. Where is Wall Street? 12. What does the USA consist of? 13. How many states are there in America? 14. Which lakes are called the Great Lakes? 15. What are the levels of government in the USA? 16. What are the hottest places in the US? 17. What other languages besides English are spoken in the United States? 18. What is Independence Day?
19. What is Thanksgiving Day? 20. In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated? 21. When did Christopher Columbus land in America? 22. What is the longest river in the USA? 23. What is the name of the first university in America? 24. What is a popular American food? 25. What is the largest state in the USA? 26. What country was the Statue of Liberty a gift from? 27. What is the highest waterfall? 28. Where is the tallest building in the US situated? 29. What is written on the plate the statue of Liberty has 30. What state is widely known in the US as " Switzerland of America" or " Vacationland"?
Библиографический список
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5. Керножицкая О. А. Английский язык. Задания по грамматике. Временные и неличные формы глагола в схемах, таблицах и упражнениях: Для абитуриентов, слушателей курсов, студентов филологических факультетов. – Киев: Тандем, 1997. -256с.
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7. Языкова Н. В. Самостоятельная работа студентов по курсу методики преподавания иностранных языков: учеб. пособие/Н. В. Языкова; М-во образования Рос. Федерации, Бурят. гос. ун-т, Ин-т пед. образования. - Улан-Удэ: Изд-во Бурят. ун-та, 2003. —174 с.
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